pasco county athletic tickets

Land O Lakes High School graduates emergewith a commitment to global understandingembodyingrespectand compassiontoward the uniqueness of others,equippingthem for lifelong learningas inquiring thinkers who takepersonal and civic responsibility. The total family fee (for the same school) is $180.00 for high schools; $130.00 for middle schools. Parents driving athletes are asked to meet them at the car. You may also E-File your application through the online E-Filing portal and pay the application fee by phone. 14410 Cobra Way, Hudson, Florida 34669 Telephone: 727-774-4200 Fax: 727-774-4291 School Hours: 7:10 PM | 1:30 PM Principal - Alondra Beatty-Woodall Please understand that while you may be alright sitting near people, others may not feel comfortable. 11646 Town Center Road The individual cap for high schools is $110.00. Phone: (727) 774-9200 Fax: (727) 774-9291 Pasco County Schools Boundaries. Varsity football will appear sold out until the game week. All bags are subject to search. If you are feeling ill, please do not attend. LAND O'LAKES The transition from Anclote High School head football coach to athletic director for all of Pasco County presents a volume of challenges, but . Athletic Clearance . A drivers license/registration/insurance violation. Payments received after the due date, regardless of postmark, incur a $23 late fee and suspension of your driving privileges. Oct. 25 Pasco @ Rushe @ SLHS *All games are played on Tuesday at the High School Stadiums. When attending events throughout Pasco County, masks are required, and proper social distancing must be maintained. It is important to remember that schools are allowing sports to continue only if safety procedures can be maintained both on the field and in the stands. MW45BHCR{$;*0FS 0wnJrm&'h}uX+d LH9\oo6Zkp2f{Hp`jpP&g,&g9+' @V;1{=/R 7227 Land O' Lakes Blvd. Under school-age children will still be let in free with parents (up to capacity). *All paperwork must be completed and uploaded prior to tryouts. To request a hearing, complete a, New Port Richey: (727) 847-8031, Option 2. Tennis, Girls Kelly Lugo conditioning starts November When we reach the new limited capacity, the event will show as sold out, and there will be no more people allowed into the event. Also, we will not be selling tickets at any of the events. FHS Transcript Request . We recommend that you wear a facemask or face covering at all times, even while sitting in the stands or bleachers. To make an online payment toward a traffic ticket, view the. Weightlifting, Boys Mike Marlin season starts January PASCO COUNTY SCHOOLS Page 1 of 4 Updated: 5.12.2021 JY DISTRICT SCHOOL BOARD OF PASCO COUNTY 2021 - 2022 School Year . Welcome to the Athletics Site for Pasco County Schools Here you will find a listing of the Athletic Directors for each school, athletic forms, links to athletic organizations, resources for students and coaches, and links to local media websites, along with our contact information. High school coaches from Pasco County Schools recently announced Sunshine Athletic Conference (SAC) All-Conference Teams, Athletes of the Year and Coaches of the Year, for the 2021-2022 fall sports season. Coaches: Anthony Norman, Eric Wilson Participation Form FHSAA Consent & Release Form FHSAA Physical Evaluation Form Welcome to Athletics Director of Athletics - Dawn Wetherby. Contact customer service with a bank-issued debit or credit card using one of the following numbers: Call Monday through Friday, 8:30 a.m. to 5 p.m., excluding holidays. A certificate of completion will not be accepted after the due date. You must pay $17.83 at the time of filing the Plea of No Contest form (PDF). IANXn~. [ Ey@@8Uos _eZqy7#8^ Np!Nh\jPi?+gUlON+\;XLv_MWBXiq4%wuT_JC[&FPCb9'-H5b`)Yuhh%5IAc5h@34:hi0Vw2& b5o1qVld.VB+ UR6R(sZ-Z~>YK5BK)QHA:B]G|ju-PSph R$/=p3F\qILr "AJ~POvw7|s!iQ5}]Uo UGW{_ua \hzNCwOK{e4AQ5P|3v+cs-iOpp~YKKoYtE` 8%A endstream endobj 694 0 obj <>stream #RusheNation. *NO BUSES will be provided It is the responsibility of the athlete to get a ride to and from all meets. The athletic director and/or coach Pasco County School District General Information: Athletics Home Page . ATHLETIC BOOSTER CLUB 2021 Senior Scholarship: Click Here Coaches Contact List. You have not elected to attend a driver-improvement course within the preceding 12 months. ' z endstream endobj 696 0 obj <>stream Assistant Principals: Designed by Elegant Themes | Powered by WordPress, Chelsea Hatcher Varsity Competitive Cheer, Sarah Cianci Game Day Cheer and JV, Christian Schaefer, Donald Flannery, Robert Burgos Boys Golf, Robert Emerick Girls Golf, Steven Jones Varsity, Sarah Miltner JV, Pat Jones Varsity, Shane Rutherford JV. By Zac Blobner. August 10 19 Tryouts right after school until 4pm ~ Pickup at bus loop @ 4pm. If you are found guilty, any combination of the following may apply: A Plea of No Contest allows you to ask the Court to withhold an adjudication of guilt without attending a hearing. Important Links. The option for a single case payment plan is available. This payment site is not for Criminal Court Case Financial Obligations. When possible, please remember to maintain social, and physical distance with those outside of direct family parties. & Request a Court Hearing, Option 5 Plea of No Contest All tickets will be sold online, except for those pre-sold to the families of the athletes and performers, and to the visiting school. You are responsible to ensure witnesses you require are subpoenaed to appear for the hearing to testify. Volleyball Nicole Rossman conditioning over the summer Your driver-improvement course must be completed within 60 days of election. *You will receive feedback either cleared to tryout or denied to complete paperwork. Middle school students must have a 2.0 grade point average for the previous semester in order to be eligible. You will not be able to pay your traffic citation online if a late fee has been assessed or the traffic citation relates to your vehicle registration, insurance, or drivers license. Principal: Ric Mellin The fee for the second sport is $40.00 for high schools; $30.00 for middle schools. SRK8 Athletic Donations 2022-2023 2022/2023. GoFan Tickets. Rob Zombie Freaks on Parade Tour passes w/ Alice Cooper. Period 1 7:06am 7:59am Online ticketing is available at Current Pasco County Protocol: As of 08/10/2021. DISTRICT SCHOOL BOARD OF PASCO COUNTY Athletic Activities Fees for Charter School Students 2021 - 2022 School Year hTO0W^fzNBHQ4m#sOl/qm8LbVAd.bI8?2#*w:| r}hWNSXraKSWgsx+hRH 75'dQ,OTZe]02}uj/U4TNa-]i#tOvcR2(|EL=(}b3=z jCu` *Kick-off @ 6:30 p.m. Tickets $5.00 *Rain out is rescheduled for the following night (Wednesday) Head Coach: Brian Singleton Asst. See if you qualify! All debit/credit card transactions incur a 3.5% transaction fee charged by MyFloridaCounty. Student Hours: 7:06-1:30, Designed by Elegant Themes | Powered by WordPress, Regular Season Pass for 2 (2 tickets)$125.00, Regular Season Pass for 3 (3 tickets)$175.00, Regular Season Pass for 4 (4 tickets)$225.00, Regular Season Pass for 5 (5 tickets)$275.00, Regular Season Pass for 6 (6 tickets)$325.00, Regular Season Pass for 7 (7 tickets)$375.00. Tickets for varsity football games will post on Mondays, so check the site frequently starting first thing in the morning to purchase tickets. Principal: Dr. Toni Zetzsche If a suspension for a misdemeanor or a circuit felony case type has been issued against your driving privilege, contact our Office to have an Affidavit to Reinstate Driver License Privilege issued. Cvu)[C Hudson, Florida 34669 Once they are gone, we cannot accommodate additional requests. We will not be allowing congregating in our venues this year. It offers a variety of affordable recreational activities and athletic training opportunities for everyone, of any age. New Port Richey: (727) 847-8031, Option 2 Call Monday through Friday, 8:30 a.m. to 5 p.m., excluding holidays. Residents can also bring waste to the Pasco County Solid Waste Citizen's Drop-Off Area at 9626 Handcart Road in . Principal: Brandon Dahlin-Bracciale Softball Kurt Goluba season starts in January Concessions will be available for purchase. The athletic director and/or coach will verify all grades within a five- day period subsequent to team tryouts and monitor grades thereafter. Published Jun. You will be ogre-the-moon when CSRMS presents their production of Shrek the Musical, JR.! 7227 Land O' Lakes Blvd, Land O' Lakes, FL 34638. 0 7d endstream endobj 698 0 obj <>stream Regular Season Pass for 5 (5 tickets)$275.00 Regular Season Pass for 6 (6 tickets)$325.00 Regular Season Pass for 7 (7 tickets)$375.00 The regular season passes are good for regular season home Football, Volleyball, Track, Soccer, Basketball, Wrestling, Baseball, Softball, and Lacrosse. Period 4 10:00am 11:39am, A Lunch 10:00am 10:30am It is your responsibility to contact the agency of your choice. Period 6 12:42pm 1:35pm. TICKETS (All Middle School events are $5 admission) Chasco Middle School collects cash at the gate for admission. TRANSFER POLICY: Pasco Schools Transfer Policy. The authorized cardholder must be present to grant use of debit or credit card. Please note the following requirements: Notarize between the hours of 8:00-2:00 Parent must be present w/ valid ID CCHS Letterman Jacket Order Form CCHS Heritage Jacket Order Form Pay online with a debit or credit card no later than the 29th day from the date of the citation. The option for an all-inclusive, multiple-case payment arrangement is available for criminal cases and/or traffic citations. Important details here. . . for drop-off only. Click HERE to view directions for Athletic Participation Clearance, Click HERE to open and print the 23-24 Athletic Participation Packet, Concussion for Students Sudden Cardiac Arrest Heat Illness Prevention, Designed by Elegant Themes | Powered by WordPress, Pasco Middle Athletic Policy Form & Directions for Required Courses. Principal - Alondra Beatty-Woodall hDj0_IL@l;n(U` 5;|B\u[}Bsi8FfFl]"BX&JB%93 )3=:w#Rx9p.^E7)`.qlG2d()?AaVVmT&(U"Wv8(a) aZ mVT 5VM &-L}w:La ^ endstream endobj 695 0 obj <>stream This weekend, our students will be performing Shrek the Musical on Friday and Saturday evening! All our students achieve success in college, career, and life. Pasco County Schools. WRHS Transcript Request 2022/2023. A list of approved driver-improvement courses is available online from the Florida Highway Safety and Motor Vehicles or may be found in the yellow pages of your local telephone directory under driver instruction or traffic schools. (813) 794-2000 Class 10:33am 11:39am, B Class 10:00am 10:32am High Schools Middle Schools SAC Conference Athletic Forms River Ridge High School Principal: Dr. Toni Zetzsche 11646 Town Center Road New Port Richey, FL 34654 Phone: (727) 774-7200 Fax: (727) 774-7291 Student Hours: 7:06-1:30 Pasco County Schools and our Athletic Departments are doing their part to help aid in the prevention of COVID-19 at all sporting events this school year. Please email Hannah Hall at to make an appointment. Oct. 11 Pasco @ Stewart @ ZHS, Oct. 25 Pasco @ Rushe @ SLHS. A student will not be allowed to dress out, participate in a game or be considered part of the team until the full fee is paid. No one will participate in game competition until fees have been paid. Class 11:07am 11:39am, C Class 10:00am 11:06am R1Y4b|I6iBsYO@+8RJ]Lyi >/f%Y^%[6UJ6] hRXsBC;y66GrZ Fci1a9%iI(>jSp0*-JI'LQM00 C Q12`ONx`e"a(: thH!-S0 If your case is a criminal case, visit criminal court financial obligations options for the appropriate information for your case type. & Request for Withhold of Adjudication, affidavit to elect a defensive driving school form (PDF), Check eligibility to elect a driver-improvement course, Florida Highway Safety and Motor Vehicles, If you choose to enter a not-guilty plea and contest the traffic citation in court, you must notify the Clerk in writing within 30 days from the citation issuance date. You have not elected to attend a driver-improvement course more than five times within your lifetime. Phone: (727) 774-1300 Aug 5, 2020. View job description, responsibilities and qualifications. V.o{wd Rx}%bq IBV[S,HE-a*^0gVsPXsKs"uAQx -#=B %.8}U{&MNJ3K2 Download the GoFan app from the Apple App Store or Google Play, or visit to buy tickets. Come out and support our Ravens! 3jV{Gvq`rua;9LhnF h0KoKo(Ko8]Ykzn75o(k8!Kn5_oN6nNgU6g@4>xy}=A3o|2fq>ZK;K/btec L>>PUnO Kk@Je9Q`Y }ed^6=\x>u k a,z7`;y/J;hA[svrof Only clear bags are permitted at Pasco sporting events. River Ridge High School Golf, Girls Jason Szymanski tryouts/practice starts August 1st You may not elect to attend a driver-improvement course if you possess a CDL drivers license, a CDL learners permit, or have been charged with: 38053 Live Oak Avenue, Suite 112Dade City, FL 33523-3805, Phone: (352) 521-4542, Option 2Toll Free: (800) 368-2411, Ext. Email or ask Mrs. Herndon at, JV games start @ 6:00 pm Varsity follows, *TRYOUTS start Wednesday Jan. 4th after school. Volleyball and JV Football tickets are already on sale. Pay in person Monday to Friday, 8:30 a.m. to 5 p.m., excluding holidays, at the Robert D. Sumner Judicial Center or the West Pasco Judicial Center. American Express, Discover, MasterCard, and Visa are accepted. Failure to complete a driver-improvement course is considered an election. Chasco Middle School Once a student is selected for a team a fee will be due: $70.00 for high school students; $50.00 for middle school students. Land O Lakes High School The Positive Coaching Alliance Spotlight shines on Pasco County Schools Athletic Director Matthew Wicks as he joins Ronnie & TKras to explain kids getting back to sports as classes start locally soon! Golf, Boys Mike Marlin tryouts/practice starts August 1st New Port Richey, FL 34654 School Information J. W. Mitchell High School Principal: Jessica Schultz 2323 Little Road . To request a hearing, complete aPlea of Not Guilty form. (352) 524-2000 The fee for the second sport is $40.00 for high schools; $30.00 for middle schools. 3023 Sunlake Boulevard Land O' Lakes, Florida 34638 (813) 346-1000 Entering a payment plan agreement waives your right to elect a driver-improvement course on traffic infractions. Cross Country JD Baker conditioning over the summer hYYo8+|Ex"c;Gsn}P553`, R}s*HN2Ch! Download the GoFan app from the Apple App Store or Google Play, or visit to buy tickets. Those that purchased a number of tickets from GoFan must all check in together. Fax: (727) 774-7291 Lacrosse, Girls Tom Lawton conditioning starts in August American Express, Discover, MasterCard, and Visa are accepted. Pasco County Schools Athletic Information for Students and Parents ACADEMIC ELIGIBILITY: In order to participatq in high school interscholastic athletics, a student must currently have and maintain a cumulative grade point average of 2.0 or above on a 4.0 un-weighted scale. Here you will find a listing of the Athletic Directors for each school, athletic forms, links to athletic organizations, resources for students and coaches, and links to local media websites, along with our contact information. Selections were made for both the East and West divisions. Tennis, Boys Greg Dew conditioning starts November Athletic Director Mike Degennaro Required to attend a driver-improvement course. In your absence, the judge will determine to grant or deny your plea. 8@bF. 9QLc J T:r@9e'gx2? Payment plans establish timeframes for payment of criminal court financial obligations to the Clerk & Comptrollers Office. The total family fee (for the same school) is $170.00 for high schools; $125.00 for middle schools. The individual cap for middle schools is $80.00. Failure to have and maintain a cumulative 2.0 grade point average will result in immediate dismissal from any interscholastic athletic team. 11646 Town Center Road All athletes are expected to stay for the entire meet. Fax: (727) 774-1391, Designed by Elegant Themes | Powered by WordPress, Free & Reduced Price Online Meal Application, Please do not enter the facility and event if you are feeling ill or have been in close contact with someone who has tested positive for COVID-19. 7227 Land O' Lakes Blvd. ATHLETIC FEES: There are no try-out fees. When you choose this option, you plead not guilty and waive your right to elect a driver-improvement course. You do not hold a commercial drivers license (CDL). *Rain out is rescheduled for the following night (Wednesday), Asst. Absence from practice or a meet without prior/written notice may result in removal from the team. Please contact Coach Cuevas (boys) or Coach Watson (girls) with questions. 22-23 WRHS Coaches Contact List . *IMAGE VIA POSITIVE . School Athletic Complaints/Concerns/Issues: Please contact your schools Athletic Director. Student Hours: 7:06-1:30, Designed by Elegant Themes | Powered by WordPress, season starts January year round conditioning, season starts Nov 1st (email coach for offseason program dates), conditioning happens year round email coach for details, conditioning year round spring practice begins May 1st. 4542, 7530 Little Road, Suite 101New Port Richey, FL 34654-5598, P.O. SUNLAKE HIGH SCHOOL. Track & Field, Boys Juan Carlos Beltran conditioning year round 20325 Gator Lane 693 0 obj <>stream Children will need to be seated with parents and adhere to all our safety procedures. h242Q0Pw/+Q0L)64 )I3DT$ / endstream endobj 699 0 obj <>stream FHS Principal Spirit Shop 2022/2023 For Adminstrative Use ONLY. AHS Transcript Request 2022/2023. ( $%B(E$I`A;\ ~*@31|"C@aP HCd{,RN!+>qGB&D!8Q8`h n@ /^yV?$Jwv4>>IQVfQA8Hq,@]= Check Acceptance Policy (Poltica de aceptacin de cheques en espaol ) Head Start/Early Head Start; Notification . 17$BE m\aBq\Q7\$lUC#A.:Lz3HA .t 'J8+>L" D Wrestling Chris Palasky conditioning year round, River Ridge High School Individual game ticket prices for RRHS home events this fall: The prices are $75 for one regular season pass and $50 for each additional family member. Volleyball and JV Football tickets are already on sale. Lunch 10:34am 11:04am School Hours: 7:10 PM | 1:30 PM Soccer, Boys Mike McHugh conditioning starts in September Easy 1-Click Apply (PASCO COUNTY SCHOOL DISTRICT) Athletic Business Manager (2023-2024) *Anticipated Vacancy* job in Land O' Lakes, FL. Pasco County Schools criminal court financial obligations options, Option 2 Elect to Attend a Driver-Improvement Course, Option 4 Plead Not Guilty Patrons will need to provide the proof of purchase when they reach the entrance. If you choose to enter a not-guilty plea and contest the traffic citation in court, you must notify the Clerk in writing within 30 days from the citation issuance date. At away games, athletes will go straight to the bus after games. Exit the venue immediately following the contest. We thank you in advance for your cooperation as we work to maintain the safety and security of all during the pandemic. Fax: (727) 774-7291 Basketball, Girls Joeyn Dearsman conditioning happens year round email coach for details Note: The option to enter into a payment plan is waived when selecting this option. If you are charged with a civil infraction you must choose one of the five options below within 30 days from the citation issuance date. Important Links. They can be found here: Security_Athletics. Phone: (727) 774-7200 The total family fee (for the same school) is . If you are unable to pay the civil penalty due to financial hardship, you may request authorization from the Court to satisfy your civil penalties through a public-works or community-service program. *All games are played on Tuesday at the High School Stadiums. Skip to Department Navigation and Important Links. Failure to submit a certificate of completion within 60 days of election will result in a $23 late fee, an $18 penalty, and payment of the 18% discount. If the fee is not submitted with your plea, no action shall be taken. This fee covers the cost for a drivers license history and postage to return your disposition. Swim & Dive Boys Joy Taylor conditioning over the summer Weightlifting, Girls Mike Degennaro conditioning year round Athletes and parents must sign out with a coach before leaving. Pasco County Schools Athletic Information for Students and Parents ACADEMIC ELIGIBILITY: In order to participate in high school interscholastic athletics, a student must currently have and maintain a cumulative grade point average of 2.0 or above on a 4.0 un-weighted scale. ACADEMIC ELIGIBILITY: In order to participate in high school interscholastic athletics, a student must currently have and maintain a cumulative grade point average of 2.0 or above on a 4.0 un-weighted scale. 8th Grade Dance Tickets | Charles S. Rushe Middle School Home School Information School Mission Administration Address-Phone Pasco County Schools Calendar 22-23 Bell Schedule 23-24 Course Cards and Course Descriptions Student Expectations 6th Grade 7th Grade 8th Grade Dress Code Registration Info 7th Grade Required Immunization Parents Additionally, complete the self-screener prior to attending events. (352) 524-2000 Sept. 13 Pasco @ Dr. Long @ WGHS, Sept. 27 Pine View @ Pasco @ PHS, Oct. 4 Pasco @ Cypress Creek @CCHS, Oct. 11 Pasco @ Stewart @ ZHS, Oct. 25 Pasco @ Rushe @ SLHS, Any questions? Land O' Lakes, FL 34638 Single-case payment plans are offered for a 90-day period from when the signed document and down payment are eceived. Guest. NO Tryout Fee: Students have three (3) days to pay fees after they make the team. Q}Q]/4=+j}fn,&RV3/I\:. Once a student is selected for a team a fee will be due: $70.00 for high school students; $50.00 for middle school students. Mother's Day Giveaway: Win a $2,500 Gift Card to Gold & Diamond Source! (727) 774-2000, 2021-22Middle School Athletic Fee Breakdown, Pasco General Information Form for Parents and Students, COVID 19 Waiver (REQUIRED for 2021-22school year), HOME SCHOOL STUDENTS ONLY - EL7 Verification Form, CHARTER SCHOOL STUDENTS ONLY - 2021-22CSAP Forms, COVID 19 Waiver (REQUIRED for 2021-22 school year), Mid-Season/Mid YearAthletic Transfer Verification Procedures, FHSAA GA4 - Affidavit of Compliance with the Policies on Athletic Recruiting & Non-Traditional Student Participation, FHSAA Affidavit of Compliance with non-school teams and off-season participation GA6, FHSAA Youth Exchange, International or Immigrant Student registration form EL4, Use of Facilities Forms (Purchasing Website), Wendell Krinn Technical High School Athletic Policy, Kirkland Ranch Academy of Innovation Athletic Policy, Angeline Academy of Innovation Athletic Policy, Certificado de consentimiento y liberacin de responsabilidad, Informacin sobre Atletismo para estudiantes y padres de Escuelas del Condado de Pasco, Click here to submit your question on Let's Talk, (Concussion, Heat Illness, Sudden Cardiac Arrest Videos), Athletic/Student Insurance Claim Form Infomation, Volunteer - Concession Stand Health Department Compliance, Adjunct Coaching Courses (ASEP American Sports Education Program, Family Empowerment Scholarship Information, Notification of Nondiscrimination and Accessibility Policy, Current Instructional Materials Adoption Information, Parents' Bill of Rights and Legal Notices, Notice to all Vendors Conducting Business in Pasco County. Contact our Office to submit a request. Principal: Dr. Toni Zetzsche Prior to entering the venue, patrons must agree to abide by the Pasco Schools Security measures that are in affect. Paying your citation is an admission of guilt and points will be assessed on your drivers license, if applicable. Funds due to other entities, including probation offices, outside programs, and restitution, will not be included in your payment arrangement. Fax: 727-774-4291 Telephone: 727-774-4200 hZmo8+k(ENIN}X-Tz%";nC:rpRKBI''H Track & Field, Girls JD Baker conditioning year round Outside food and drink will not be permitted. hDPak0+}Hc Pasco County Schools Athletic Information for Students and Parents ACADEMIC ELIGIBILITY: In order to participate in high school interscholastic athletics, a student must currently have and maintain a cumulative grade point average of 2.0 or above on a 4.0 un-weighted scale. A drivers license, registration, insurance, or nonmoving violation. Payment plans do not extend due dates of outstanding conditions, including, but not limited to, court-ordered defensive driving school or community service. SCHOOL INFORMATION. *Go to to start. Other Items. No loitering. Students and spectators need to be picked up and off campus following contests and events no more than 30 minutes from the end of the game. During the time that we are adapting to different expectations because of the pandemic, our athletic events will be handled much differently. WIN!!! Land O' Lakes, FL 34638 Pasco County Schools and our Athletic Departments are doing their part to help aid in the prevention of COVID-19 at all sporting events this school year. Football Greg Miller conditioning year round spring practice begins May 1st CCHS Transcript Request 2022/2023. Performance Times: Friday, April 28th at 6:30 pm. Fax: (813) 794-9491, Richard Batchelor, Assistant Principal for 9th grade, Heather Wall, Assistant Principal for 10th grade, Tracie Beerman, Assistant Principal for 11th grade, Yennis Marquez, Assistant Principal for 12th grade. After all games (home and away), parents and fans will not be allowed onto the field/court. Fivay High School Principal: Erik Hermansen 12115 Chicago Avenue Hudson, FL 34669 Phone: (727) 246-4000 Fax: (727) 246-4091 School Hours: 8:10 am - 2:35 pm Directions Phone: (813) 794-9400 WIN 2 tickets to JASON ALDEAN: Highway Desperado Tour 2023, Win Tickets to See JELLY ROLL Oct. 14th in Tampa, Do Not Sell or Share My Personal Information. You may be subject to a delinquency fee and your drivers license may be suspended. Free Admission passes (PCSB Employees, FHSAA passes) We will hold back a limited number of tickets up until game time at the gate. All-Pasco County fall awards announced (Part Two) January 18, 2022 By Kevin Weiss. New Port Richey, FL 34654 Pasco Schools Transfer Policy ATHLETIC FEES: There are no try-out fees. The authorized cardholder must be present to grant use of debit or credit card. Athletic Compliance, FHSAA/ FIAAA Representative, Sunshine Athletic Conference, AD & Coach Training, Certified Athletic Trainers: Matthew Wicks, Supervisor for Athletics- Office for Leading and Learning (OLL). Failure to submit by the due date will result in applicable points being assessed to your drivers license. Soccer, Girls Steve Emerson season starts October 1st #Y`aY $|5it9i$@'8q CY,.'ur5IL|5r3&_\Z"Iz>+6tt;dN&8q*0/'qu:;/6Mmj7K}Zb-K5 %},$b/ Ow tZMKl^C.Dj}X> Z?pFWNn\(ceR?p;; The fee for the second sport is $40.00 for high schools; $30.00 for middle schools. We will be adjusting to a limited amount of seating at all athletic events. Please be aware that the participation fee does not guarantee playing time, only the opportunity to be on the team if selected. School Athletics Information. Zephyrhills High School Principal: Dr. Christina Stanley 6335 12th Street Zephyrhills, FL 33542 Phone: (813) 794-6100 Fax: (813) 794-6191 School Hours: 7:06-1:36 We ask that parents and friends respect this and have a plan to meet up after returning to the school. Once a student is selected for a team a fee will be due: $70.00 for high school students; $50.00 for middle school students. River Ridge Middle School Principal: Angie Murphy 11646 Town Center Road New Port Richey, FL 34654 Phone: (727) 774-7000 Fax: (727) 774-7290 If you choose to file a Plea of No Contest, you agree to waive your right to a speedy trial. (727) 774-2000, (Concussion, Heat Illness, Sudden Cardiac Arrest Videos), Athletic/Student Insurance Claim Form Infomation, Volunteer - Concession Stand Health Department Compliance, Adjunct Coaching Courses (ASEP American Sports Education Program, Family Empowerment Scholarship Information, Notification of Nondiscrimination and Accessibility Policy, Current Instructional Materials Adoption Information, Parents' Bill of Rights and Legal Notices, Notice to all Vendors Conducting Business in Pasco County. The athletic director and/or coach For example, if the citation was issued on January 1, the online payment must be made no later than 11:59 p.m. on January 30. Pasco High School Principal: Kari Kadlub 36850 County Road 52 Dade City, FL 33525 Phone: (352) 524-5500 Fax: (352) 524-5493 School Hours: 7:15 am - 1:45 pm. Period 2 8:04am 8:57am To elect this option, the civil penalty must be paid and accompanied by an affidavit to elect a defensive driving school form (PDF) within 30 days from the citation issuance date. Again, it is mandatory that you please wear a mask and agree to social distance. Upon completion, you are responsible for filing the certificate with the Clerk & Comptrollers Office. The athletic director and/or coach

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pasco county athletic tickets