physical education report card comments primary

Examine dental health practices and services; Describe the influences on and effects of medicinal and non-medicinal substances; Describe the structure and function of the reproductive and endocrine systems; Identify pubescent changes (physical, social-emotional) and hygiene practices; Identify influences on sexuality and gender roles; Identify characteristics and effects of HIV and AIDS. The learner needs frequent reminders to stay focused throughout the day. 0000009334 00000 n The learner uses various strategies to solve one- and two-step word problems. Get inspired by the, that are PERFECTLY aligned to Albertas Programs of Study? May 13th, 2018 - The Office of Superintendent of Public Instruction OSPI is the primary agency charged with overseeing K 12 education in Washington state Led by State School 40 31 Needs to actively participate in classroom discussions. {Name} has a limited understanding of rules and terminology used in sport related games and activities. Working with a partner will help him/her with this. Learner, when motivated, does well on class assignments. THl \L#E5~bQY"hg&YjlS1} `qGrq 0A6v0i`6[D7 A%Z 30\eXO1Cd\O>}`Z_& u{&`K1v;nv@fYoo#Wf:4#0 .y# control, shows a good awareness of other members _______ continues to make progress this year concerning their attitude in the classroom and on the playground. Kindergarten Report Card Comments for Health and Physical Education - Ontario Be finished your Health and Physical Education comments for your kindergarten classes in minutes!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Health - Personal Safety and Injury Prevention Scenarios (Ontario), This is a great summative assignment for grades 2 & 3 for the Health Unit Personal Safety and Injury Prevention. {Name} is encouraged to choose activities that {he/she} enjoys participating in. Insert links to other pages or uploaded files. {He/She} explores basic movement skills (e.g., kicking, throwing, catching, running) in a variety of simple movement experiences. The learner is listening to directions more carefully. The learner understands and applies the correct use of punctuation within the writing. {Name} is encouraged to choose activities that {he/she} enjoys participating in, exercises and physical activities designed to improve and maintain personal fitness. 0000003929 00000 n Use the performance indicators to change the comment based on the grade of the student. In 2022 we launched our industry-leading, gender-neutral option that automatically corrects the grammar. 0000015040 00000 n He is a joy to have in class and is always willing to help out other students. This resource includes detailed, differentiated comments related to Health and Physical Education, as well as more general comments to . _____ shows respect towards peers when playing games. Every teacher will agree that writing unique report card comments is important as it helps the parents to understand their child's progress, they can take necessary action by understanding the report card comments. The 2018 19 Budget Higher Education Analysis. Identify challenges 5. The 107 report card comments in this list will help you: Instill a growth mindset in students. Please use our contact form if you have any useful statements we can add to our list. This list of 32 ready-to-use comments covers academics, personality and attitude, work habits, and social skills for kindergarten report cards. The learner is not working to their full potential. Unit of inquiry 6. Needs to actively participate in classroom discussion. co-ordination. stm_aix("p0i5","p0i1",[]); Physical Education Report Card Comments Utilize the following physical education report card comments to describe students' behavior, participation, and skill-set in P.E class. understands how proper stretching can help reduce injuries. rules, signals, routines, techniques) when participating in games/activities, Recognize activities and exercises that contribute to health-related fitness, Recognize the need for vigorous activity to strengthen the body, Understand basic heart physiology and the effects of short-term exercise on the body, Maintain participation in activities at a level that contributes to personal fitness and enjoyment, Record participation in daily activities to determine physical activity level, Understand the main features of mature basic movement skills, Understand that the development of movement skills in all aspects is uniquely individual, Understand movement and biomechanical concepts related to a variety of activities, Demonstrate and apply basic movement skills proficiently when participating in games/activities, Recognize the health-related fitness components, Understand the role of aerobic and stretching exercises in cooling down after vigorous exercise, Discuss how setting goals and developing strategies are important to fitness development, Determine and record fitness results to monitor progress towards fitness goals, Detect, analyze and correct errors in basic movement skills, Perform basic and combined movement skills, and apply biomechanical principles to control movement in various environments, Demonstrate and apply knowledge of terminology, rules, and effective strategies when participating or officiating games/activities, Understand the role of teamwork and fair play in physical activities, Understand risks and act safely when participating in activities using equipment and in different environments, Identify health-related fitness components and exercise/activity examples, Identify long-term benefits of moderate to vigorous activities, Recognize heart-related terminology in an exercise/activity context and describe long and short term effects, Understand the factors affecting fitness development, Identify and demonstrate proper exercise techniques, Use various heart rate monitoring methods before after and during continuous activities to determine heart-rate zones, Determine and record fitness results to monitor progress and revise fitness goals, Recognize the use of similar movement skill patterns in different physical activities, Adapt game rules, use terminology, identify strategies of games/activities, Identify examples of teamwork and fair play in games, Perform variations and purposeful use of movement skills, and apply biomechanical principles to control movement when using equipment and in various environments. The Progress Report Card comments included in this bank are a compilation of comments written and used by teacher members. Covering Foundation, Year 1, Year 2, Year 3, Year 4, Year 5 and Year 6, the resource focuses on three levels of achievement and is linked to the Australian Curriculum. Next step13. Comment examples are provided for English Language Arts, Math, Science, Social Studies and Health that include 3 parts: the outcomes, specific indicator statements of what a student can and is not yet able to do, as well as next steps. HEALTH & PHYS-ED REPORT CARD COMMENTS FOR GRADES 1-3 Terms 1 and 2 General and Specific Comments to suit your reporting style Includes UPDATED PRONOUNS {He/She/They, Themselves, Their, Them} All strands included - social-emotional, active living, movement competence, healthy living (with specific comments for each sub-strand - healthy *Simply CLICK, COPY & PASTE directly onto your student's, cards*APPLICABLE FOR ONTARIO CURRICULUM *Includes NEXT STEP. **NOTE: Only English Language Arts, Math, and, & Wellness are updated to the new 2022 curriculum.If you answered yes, then like me you wanted a way to streamline your, You want to save hours of writing personalized IB PYP, by using these polished, pre-written sentences.These are editable. Math, Identify and demonstrate basic movement skills in activities and recognize the need for practice and patience, Recognize terms and use basic biomechanical and movement concepts and a variety of activities, Follows the basic rules and strategies when participating in games/activities, Understand the meaning of sharing, respect, honesty, and other positive behaviours in games, Apply basic movement skills when participating in games/activities, Recognize importance of safety concerns and behaviours (e.g. Learner struggles with reading comprehension. 0000001443 00000 n Identify importance of practicing daily health habits; Identify ways to manage environmental conditions affecting health; Identify the structure and function of teeth; Describe feelings associated with physical activity participation; Determine the impact of technology on physical activity; Demonstrate and understanding factors affecting healthy eating. For those schools who are International Baccalaureate (IB), schools, the last page includes a section for the six transdisciplinary themes and central ide, A simple way to track what you have completed while writing your, cards. While, for Elementary and Middle School Students, tailored to all students in Elementary and Middle School. Sample Physical Education Report Card Comments Accountability for Women s and Children s Health results. Files uploaded as PDF's and I am hoping you can simply copy and paste what you need. we usually reply the same day, often within an hour. {Name} periodically engages in physical activities that contribute to {his/her} fitness development. Report card comments allow teachers to communicate to parents about their childs achievement and learning behaviours. rules, signals, routines) when participating in games/activities, Recognize that vigorous activity is important for health and fitness development, Understand the location of main internal body parts and recognize the physical changes in the body during physical activity, Participate in games/activities at a level that contributes to personal fitness and enjoyment, Observe, name, demonstrate, and develop basic movement skills (i.e. If you wish to contact us regarding permission to add this address to your contacts, check your spam folder. Be finished your Health and Physical Education comments for your kindergarten classes in minutes!!!!!!!!!!!!!! {Name} is inconsistent with (his/her) engagement in physical activities that contribute to {his/her} fitness development. Examine effects of stereotyping and ways to promote acceptance; Develop self-monitoring strategies and analyze influences on goal setting; Describe social factors affecting decision-making and the taking of personal responsibility; Identify roles and responsibilities for developing positive relationships; Examine the effect of coping and relaxation strategies on the body. These comments assess a student's progress and encourage future academic success. stm_aix("p0i10","p0i0",[0," About Us ","","",-1,-1,0,""]); Fine arts12. **They pronouns will need a few sentences adjusted to account for past tense**. Download a copy of our report card comments that you can print and use as a guide for completing your report card comments, Help make our website better so we can offer you more content and features. The learner needs to learn essential sight words to improve decoding skills. Learner enjoys writing stories and can construct unique and exciting sentences.