P.O. Phone: 201-816-4084, Ian H. Graham Insurance, Inc __________________________________________, Clinical Trials Recip Ins Co, A RRG Cincinnatti, OH45250 ______________________________________________, Dorinco Reinsurance Company 2238 Phone: 860-277-0111 560 Davis Street Phone: 904-992-4492 Four Bouton Street Box 2450 Decatur, AL35603 Las Vegas, NV89146 Attention: Loss Runs Department, Fairfield Insurance Company Phone: 214-528-2020, Orange County Medical Reciprocal Ins RRG __________________________________, 17 State Street, 36th FloorNew York, NY10004 Attention: Loss Runs Department, Farmers Casualty Insurance Co THANK YOU CASSIE UPDATED 09/10/2020, Everest National Insurance Co Phone: 800-277-1620, Frankenmuth Mutual Ins Co 300 First Stamford Place 310 F.M. Phone: 641-464-2666, 700 N. Pearl Suite N1800 towerlossruns@amtrustgroup dotcom Burlington, VT05402-0530 Box 507 Phone: 417-588-1857, Lafayette Insurance Company East Lansing, MI48826-4067 P.O. Phone: 309-346-1161. information updated by member #147841 on 09/13/2019 thank you !! 7301 Rivers Avenue, Suite 230 State Farm email address for loss runs is gwes.clms-fcustemail.190o20@ statefarm.com, Penn-America Group: fax: 610.668.3774 & lossrun@ unitednat . _______________________________________________________, Gateway Insurance Company Des Moines, IA50306-1336 307 Ruthar Drive P.O. LA TX CA, loss run request for Michigan Fax 800-531-4865 Email clprocessmi@hanover.com, update by anonymous user from Brooklyn on 10/02/2020, I just called hanover and they provided a slight change in the email address that is on your website its: clprocessny@hanover.com, hanoverprogramgsclaims@hanoverprograms.com, Hanover Fire & Casualty Ins Co Kansas City, MO64131 Phone: 701-223-8986 Box 590009 Box 400 Phone: 310-444-9333 Underwriting Assistant, Direct Fax:415-954-1187 Updated 07/27/2017, updated on 04/20/20 by anonymous: lossrunrequests@ri-net.com, RF Mattei and Associates 8401 N. Central Expwy Schaumburg, IL60196-1056 The best approach for this is to email or call them. Phone: 248-538-4530 Washington, DC20006 Our online customer service site allows you to: Pay your bills Report a claim and check the status Order copies of your insurance papers and ID cards See how Progressive Commercial can help support your business Get a quote Or, call 1-888-806-9598 UPDATED BY ROB BRENNEN ON 07/05/2018 (THANK YOU ROB FOR THE INPUT AND THE HEADS UP ON THE CONTACT LIST NOT SHOWING UP! Atlanta, GA30318-4220 Phone: 507-534-2508, Plans Liability Ins Co Box 2807 Enumclaw, WA98022 300 Panetta Avenue P.O. Phone: 214-618-6900, Imperial Fire & Cas Ins Co Frankfort, KY40601-1808 Phone: 202-626-3110, updated on 01/25/21 fax number for loss runs: 860-887-2898, As of 01/25/21, NLC Mutual Insurance Company fax number for loss runs: 860-887-2898, Nodak Mutual Insurance Co Box 5081 Fax (610) 688-4391 Box A-H Miami, FL33126-1228 New York, NY10006 Tenth Avenue, Suite 200 Fax: 603-656-7541 ______________________________________________, Delos Insurance Company Phone: 800-239-1347 Salt Lake City, UT84107 New York, NY10038-3526 Phone: 641-488-2222, Iron Horse Insurance Company Phone: 812-367-1413, FFG Insurance Company Princeton, NJ08540 _________________________________________________, Frandisco P & C Ins Co Phone: 800-925-7581 Phone: 314-656-2702, Essex Insurance Company Phone: 4078316599, __________________________________________________, Global Intl Insurance Co Inc 400 Kelby Street, 14th Floor Concord, NH03301 120 Broadway, 31st Floor Phone: 713-690-0500 Phone: 218-879-3321, Rampart Insurance Company Phone: 615-242-1961 P.O. 222 South Ninth Street, Suite 1300 Phone: 800-243-7542 Phone: 860-674-2660 imsubmissions@sompo-intl.com 1400 American Lane Concord, NH03301 Louisville, KY40223-2221 502 Washington Ave, Suite 650 Las Vegas, NV89145 _______________________________________________________________, Florida Lawyers Mutual Ins Co Phone: 843-577-1030 FAX: 801-566-7274 Phone: 802-864-6269 Phone: 214-333-4002, Zale Indemnity Company Swedesburg, IA52652 Phone: 254-776-4521 State Farm Fax number is incorrect. ______________________________________________________, Environmental Insurance Services Burlington, VT05402-0730 P.O. 626-229-5200, United National Group Phone: 800-456-4629 FAX: 800-532-3522 Phone: 206-628-4290 Westminster, CO80031-2503 ___________________________________________________, Ever-Greene Mutual Ins Co 580 Walnut Street Phone: 800-892-5938 Stamford, CT06904 P.O. Phone: 913-339-5000, Erie & Niagara Insurance Assn Attention: Loss Runs Department, EZ Auto Insurance Company Philadelphia, PA19103 Jacksonville, FL32256-0957 Phone: 605-348-1000 Phone: 847-320-2000, Email: lossruns@kemperinsurance.com (Loss Run Email), update by Sean Brennan on 05/19/19 ( thank you), Kemper Independence Ins Co Box 117 lossruns1@fcci-group.com P.O. Phone: 301-961-9800, updated on 10/02/2020 Thank you Courtlynn, Victor O. Schinnerer & Company, Inc. is now info.us@victorinsurance.com, VICTORE INSURANCE COMPANY Holyoke Square Phone: 800-334-5579, Target Managers Insurance 650 Davis Street 200 Colonial Center Parkway, Suite 100 Neenah, WI54957-0468 4800 Old Kingston Pike, Suite 220 FAX: 717-399-3781 (Loss Runs) Phone: 801-262-1220, Liberty Insurance Underwriters Inc. Atlanta, GA30350-3314 177 Broad Street, Ninth Floor __________________________________, 1770 Micanopy Avenue Once you have made contact, you need to give your insurance provider three important pieces of information: Seaview House, 70 Seaview Avenue P.O. Plano, TX75024 Honolulu, HI96813 ____________________________________________, CMI Lloyds Phone: 713-954-8100, Fairway Physician Insurance Co RRG P.O. Gainesville, FL32614-7030 790 Pasquinelli Drive Phone: 440-461-5000 Phone: 208-345-6658 P.O. Email: lossrun@unitednat.com, United Specialty Insurance Companys Loss Information, ColumbiaLoss.Runs@enstargroup.com UPDATED 11/09/17 By Whitney (contributor), United Specialty Insurance Companys Loss Information UPDATE as of 2/5/19, LOSS RUNS FOR UNITED SPECIALTY INSURANCE COMPANY (UPDATED ON 04/08/19), Arman Sangha on 05/15/19 gave us this info , united specialty policy number starting from GWP, call this number 925-292-8900, UNITED SPECIALTY INSURANCE COMPANY loss runs( GW Policy) nta-lossruns@ntacoastal.com, Unitrin 1800 North Point Drive United Specialty Ins Co For policies beginning with MAT lossruns@narisk.com, policies beginning with MTX claims@texcaz.com. Phone: 802-229-5042 3250 Grey Hawk Ct, Ste Z Attention: Loss Runs Department, _________________________________________________________________________________________, Vintage Insurance Company Phone: 863-619-6740 Box 117 76 Saint Paul Street, Suite 500 6140 Parkland Blvd., Suite 321 _______________________________________________, CIBA Insurance Services Phone: 859-425-7800, Kentucky Farm Bureau Mutual Phone: 603-224-4086 Atlanta, GA30318-4220 Phone: 614-764-1900, Executive Insurance Company Attention: Loss Runs Department, Scaffold Industry Insurance Co RRG Inc P.O. Phone: 800-324-6020, 1000 Town Center Way, Suite 300, Canonsburg, PA 15317, United States Liability Insurance Group Raleigh, NC27619-1800 Phone: 714-560-9200, Email: receptionist@krmrisk.com (Loss Runs), KY Hospital Insurance Company RRG 150 Monument Road, Suite 600 Walnut Creek, CA94597-2098 FAX: 360-825-6885 695 Atlantic Avenue Phone: 732-308-3467, Garrison Prop & Cas Ins Co Indianapolis, IN46206-1250 Hortonville, WI54944-0356 425 Sams Ave # 201 FAX: 212-358-6560 kevin.healey@aig.com Box 830 Lansing, MI48908-0440 2500 Corporate Exchange Dr., Suite 250 Phone: 478-471-9850 P.O. Box 1608 Warren, NJ07061-1615 Burlington, VT05401-4477 San Antonio, TX 78288 Sarasota, FL34236-5998 FAX: 818-846-1153 Phone: 608-836-5525, Rutgers Insurance UPDATED 06/06/2016 Phone 800 452 6911 Phone: 212-320-7447, InsuranceServices@lvhn.org per Credentialing Specialist Jennifer L Core, email: learl@gorisc.com or mai.la@aig.com or marc.richardson@aig.com, LG Insurance Company, Ltd USB Phone: 215-640-1000 P.O. 7233 E Butherus Dr. Attention: Loss Runs Department, Travelers Insurance Email:service.center@travelers.com (updated by contributor on 10/25/17), (updated Bond policies loss run contact information by anonymous on 11/26/2019), Loss Runs email for Travelers Bond policies is BONDOPS@travelers.com, Travelers Loss Runs email: arwc@travelers.com, Travelers Insurance advised that the email is Lossruns@travelers.com, as of 2.11.20 anonymous contributed-correct email for Travelers loss runs lossrunrequest@Travelers.com, ARWC@travelers.com is for assigned risk loss runs in MA. Montevideo, MN56265 ), Amanda Katulich contributed on 06/07/19 ( thank you ), Commercial auto loss runs can be sent to bauw@mercuryinsurance.com, austincommercialautouw@mercuryinsurance.com, UPDATED 06/13/22Mercurys commercial property loss run requests can be emailed to:commercialproperty@mercuryinsurance.com, Company Phone215-706-6300EmailLossruns@music-ins.com, Economy Preferred Ins Co (Metlife Commercial), metcommercial@metlife.com (888)231-1497 UPDATED ON 02/10/2020, updated on 11/13/2020 Met Life Email: 9062MetLifejuris@sedgwickcms.com, update on 01/21/2021 MetLife Commercial ismetlifelossrun@metlife.com, MFS Mutual Insurance Company Franklin Lakes, NJ07417-2600 Phone: 405-316-7229, Gibralter National Insurance Company Columbus, OH43216-2708 Charlotte, NC28201-1000 ________________________________________________, Loss Runs : AHolden@AlstarFG.com 1800 2nd Street, Suite 909E __________________________________________________, Frank Gates Irving, TX75015-2010 Frankenmuth, MI48787-0001 Phone: 817-380-1144, Twin City Fire Insurance Co Phone: 858-350-2400 Lancaster, PA17608-3777 Phone: 218-826-6773 _________________________________________________ Pearl River, NY10965-1646 6133 North River Road, Suite 650 Mechanicsburg, PA17055-0787 P.O. Burlington, VT05401-4477 ______________________________________________________, Emergency Physicians Insurance P.O. Gooding, ID83330-0236 Box 69 ______________________________________________, Discover Prop & Cas Ins Co 18630 Sutter Blvd. Phone: 732-815-1201, ___________________________________________, Illinois Casualty Company If the user finds any errors or omissions, we encourage the user to report them toCSS Insurance Services LLC, 650 Davis Street Phone: 314-819-4300, Old Republic MADISON, WI 53705 Burlington, VT05401-4946 Boston, MA02111 Louisville, KY40250-0700 Claim which has already been reported: +1-800-870-8857. Phone: 419-586-5181, MIC General Insurance Corp billing@acuity.com Phone: 617-720-1620, PMA Capital Insurance Company FAX: 816-727-2118 ____________________________________________________, Garden State Indemnity Co ____________________________________________________, 75 Sam Fonzo Drive (866) 847-4046 fax, Philadelphia-United Fire Ins How do I get a loss run report from progressive?
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