Television is a popular advertising medium among companies selling products and services that are consumed by mass markets because it: has the ability to reach large audiences in a relatively cost-efficient manner. Services is considered to be an inefficient way to build frequency. C. Prestige This ad is an example of a(n): D. flat rates. Consumers become involved with magazines when they read them and are more likely to find ads acceptable or even enjoyable. C. The publication must have 70 percent or more paid circulation. Finn's Hallmark News, a weekly newspaper, specifically targets philatelists and contains material relating to philately, postal history, and other related information. a. The publication must have 70 percent or more paid circulation. C. printaculars. D. They are also known as farm publications. a. social selectivity A magazine ad for DigiSafe products shows a lock with the words "Protected Zone" painted on it. They are usually printed in alternate copies of a specific magazine. A clothing retailer would use an island ad to: break through the clutter typically found in newspapers. They deal with products or services that are meant for personal use. _____ are reruns of network shows that are bought by individual stations to broadcast. Newspaper supplements Advertisers are required to use large space buys or color to counteract clutter. C. Business Business publications are important to advertisers because: they provide an efficient way of reaching the specific types of individuals who constitute their target market. D. The problem of clutter is usually solved with split runs. B. Overrunning The ad does not contain any margins and the chocolate swirl extends to the end of the page. B. C. farm publication. c. bleed pages ARE TRUE: played a prominent role in general interest magazines . a. D. trade magazines. B. they furnish accurate information about the number of magazines in circulation that are actually read. It states that copies that sold for less than half of the basic price of a magazine could not be counted as paid circulation. A. multiplying the total number of primary readers by the pass-along readers. What was the profit or loss from the sale? Which of the following statements about newspapers as an advertising medium is true? Which of the following is true of the "50 percent rule"? A. demographic E. poor reproduction quality. B. A. selectivity. It offers a fingerprint recognition program to its users. _____ are local TV stations to which a single television network supplies programming and services. Which of the following is considered a major criticism of the DAGMAR approach? The coarse paper stock used in printing most newspapers leads to: They offer several valuable specialized services to advertisers. C. general business magazines. Total circulation The brochures were subsequently handed over to the newspaper office and distributed accordingly. The ad for Faerie, a premium soap brand, contains a litmus paper which is stuck on the page and can be used by a consumer to test the acidity or alkalinity of the soap. B. B. B. open E. NNN rates. C. flat Magazines are a highly specialized medium that reach specific target audiences. D. bleed page Question 5 Answer saved Marked out of 1.00 Clear my choice Which of the following is not true? B. printacular. Economics questions and answers. \quad\text{of common stock. D. agate Which of the following is true of consumer magazines? While moving from the base to the tip of the communication effects pyramid, which of the following comes just before repurchase of a product? Creative inflexibility D. freestanding inserts They are generally purchased for both entertainment value and information. C. die-cut. D. regional editions of specialty magazines. 38.Business publications directed to wholesalers, dealers, distributors, and retailers are known as: A. special-interest consumer magazines. General business D. Creative flexibility A magazine ad for Relish Soda featured a pop-up cardboard replica of its soda cans. E. the large number of local ads they typically contain. Creative flexibility True or False? E. gatefold advertising. D. farming is considered as a community service occupation. E. Out-of-home readers receive greater satisfaction from a publication than primary in-home readers. O 0.5 of a hamburger per magazine. More companies buy advertising _____ than in any other medium. \quad\text{Current year-end}&23,475&\text{Operating income:}\\ Which of the following is true of consumer markets? accounting. D. Readership d. Distribution. E. They typically have a long life-span. A. flat B. trade Trade newspapers Critics argue that printaculars: B. classified advertising E. principal readership. Which of the following statements describes an advantage inherent in the flighting method of scheduling? E. reproduction. It must be published on a controlled-circulation basis. 10 Hamburgers (per week) B 6 4 2 0 2 4 6 8 10 12 Magazines (per wook) In the above figure, which of the following statements is TRUE? E. businesses do not have agricultural interests. The ads are set to be launched in alternate copies of a particular issue. B. the geographic flexibility of magazines. It offers relatively lower competition. These individuals would be willing to pay over $200 for a good pair of running shoes. Lack of prestige This is an example of a(n): printacular 17. Lack of permanence Price (dollars per dozen) 35 30 x 20 15 10 5 D 0 2 4 6 8 10 12 14 16 Quantity (dozens of roses per day In the above figure, a price of $35 per dozen roses would result in a so that the price of roses will Lutfen birini sein: O surplus; rise O shortage; fall O surplus; fall O shortage: rise. B. ads in magazines are intrusive and cannot be ignored. B. gatefold. E. sticker. E. Agate line, When a newspaper offers no discounts for quantity or repeated space buys, it is using a(n) _____ structure. B. C. It is not as serious an issue for magazines as for radio or TV. When Life and Look magazines were canceled in the early 1970s, their failure was the result of all of the following reasons except: 1. E. Pass-along circulation, _____ figures represent the number of individuals who receive a magazine publication through either subscription or store purchase. James regularly borrows a magazine from Lily, who subscribes to it. C. It offers relatively lower reach and frequency than other media. a. _____ are individuals who act as salespersons for a number of local stations and represent them in their dealings with national advertisers. B. multiplying the total readership by the average pass-along readership number. E. They are generally considered less effective than selective binding. Classified Advances in production. E. regional newspaper. They are generally considered to have better reproductive quality than magazines. B. selective binding D. they provide an efficient way of reaching the specific types of individuals who constitute their target market. It involves determining how the message strategy will be executed. _____ are often referred to as high-involvement media because they generally require some attention and effort on the part of the consumer to process the information that they provide. According to Standard Rate and Data Service (SRDS), magazines can be classified as: According to Standard Rate and Data Service's (SDRS's) classification of magazines, _____ magazines are bought by the general public for information and/or entertainment. However, James does not pay for the magazine and is only interested in one particular column. D. Reduced permanence and prestige Trade Which of the following advertising media has potential advantages of selectivity, reproduction quality, creative flexibility, and prestige? Experts are tested by Chegg as specialists in their subject area. Magazines and newspapers allow the presentation of detailed information that can be processed at a reader's own pace. Employment, automotive, and real estate ads are the three major categories of _____ advertising. Media buyers primarily evaluate magazines on the basis of: their ability to deliver the advertiser's message to as many people as possible in the target audience. B. Weekly The company is using this as a test run to identify which ad offers greater receptivity. B. It offers lower consumer receptivity and engagement. Which of the following is true of magazine advertising? During these months, the company specifically advertises its winter clothing line. _____ figures represent the number of individuals who receive a magazine publication through either subscription or store purchase. A. A(n) _____ test is a service offered by magazines where two or more versions of an ad are run in alternate copies of a particular issue of a publication. D. Cultural Which of the following statements about magazines as an advertising medium is true? C. magazine supplements C. Color ads are considered better suited for attracting and holding attention. D. They offer poor reproduction quality. D. their broad geographic focus. b. a gatefold Which of the following is a primary advantage of magazines? This is an example of a(n) _____ publication. Irrespective. E. retail, Mars Inc. printed 1,200 brochures with the intention of distributing them using a national newspaper. C. It tends to extend the prestige associated with the magazine to the product. All of the following statements are true, except: A) advertisers are ready to abandon traditional media, such as radio, television, magazines, and newspapers. It must be a business publication. Selective binding and ink-jet imaging make it possible for magazines to offer: D. It cannot be applied to regional and local newspapers. Which of the following is not true of visuals within magazines? This is an example of: _____ newspapers are daily publications that appeal to large regional advertisers that use specific geographic editions of these publications. A. Show how the company reported cash flows from financing activities during 2016 (the current year). E. They are also known as national newspapers. Which of the following statements about magazines as an advertising medium is true? This activity is referred to as _____ basis. D. They are considered inflexible during production. When a newspaper offers no discounts for quantity or repeated space buys, it is using a(n) _____ structure. Higher reproduction quality Although not a category of newspapers per se, _____ are valuable to advertisers that want to use a newspaper yet get four-color reproduction quality in their ads. Many business magazines are sent free to individuals who, a publisher believes, can influence a company's purchases for products and services advertised in the publication. Consumers are generally receptive to advertising in magazines because: They typically originate in small towns or suburbs. REQUIRED B. D. lower selectivity. D. the creative appeal of magazine ads. Verified answer. Newspapers targeted at various religious groups compose a large class of: C. syndicated newspaper supplements. E. special-audience newspapers. E. can eradicate the problem of clutter. D. magazines contain limited ads, thus advertising clutter is not an issue. They do not sell goods that are sold in business markets. C. their ability to deliver the advertiser's message to as many people as possible in the target audience. E. It includes tabloid-size papers two columns wide. d. work with only that agent. A. E. niche publication. They offer a potential for gaining prestige. This is an example of _____ advertising. a. a printacular C. pass-along circulation E. Large frequency. Health care publications targeted at specific streams such as dental, medical and surgical, nursing, biotechnological sciences, and hospital administration are classified as: A. This information is part of: According to the creative process outlined by Graham Wallas, which of the following stages deals with gathering background information needed to solve the problem through research and study? D. High reach _____ is a computerized production process that allows the creation of hundreds of copies of a magazine in one continuous sequence. Magazine publishers do not attempt to control the clutter problem. The flat rate system D. business publication. During her visit to a beauty salon, Lily browsed through Inner Beauty, a magazine dedicated to working women, while she was waiting at the reception. A. Which of the following is considered a primary benefit derived from using magazines as an advertising medium? D. lower lead time. It uses column widths 2-1/16 inches wide. Which of the following distinct positive features of magazines is the company trying to utilize in this scenario? Newspapers in large cities provide very little geographic selectivity to advertisers. . The New Jersey Concord is a magazine that targets the members of various law enforcement agencies in the state of New York. This scenario is an illustration of a: The test can be used as part of the process of measuring effectiveness of each ad. C. Low lead time CL Inc. runs a series of product ads in a popular magazine. c. bleed pages E. the selective binding ability of a magazine. The use of a third page that folds out to create an extra-large advertising spread in a magazine is called a(n): Generally, only sports and fitness magazines experience the problem of clutter. D. Most magazines are not concerned about the clutter problem since there is usually no other way for advertisers to reach the market they serve. A. E. Low costs, Chris O'Brian, an avid skier, takes a weeklong ski vacation every winter. In this scenario, Pluto is using _____. Which of the following is considered an internal factor that may influence the determination of media strategy? 16. The agency has just been hired to develop a promotional campaign for a company that produces exercise videos for women. A. general business You'll get a detailed solution from a subject matter expert that helps you learn core concepts. Raiment Inc. manufactures sewing machines. Advertisers create emotional advertising appeals by using: Which of the following is an advertising execution approach designed to illustrate key advantages of a product by showing it in actual use? A. E. hinder the evaluation of the overall benefits of an advertising media. The test can be used as part of the process of measuring effectiveness of each ad. Which of the following statements is true about newspaper supplements? Major retail chains E. Magazine publishers do not attempt to control the clutter problem by maintaining a reasonable balance of editorial pages to advertising. The red background behind the lock extends to the very edge of the ad page. E. They are not suitable for reaching a specific target market. B. their high absolute cost. Reach The content in an advertisement that emphasizes facts, learning, and the logic of persuasion makes use of a(n) _____ appeal. E. subtracting the pass-along readership number from the total readership count. B. National newspapers Which of the following types of readership is illustrated in this scenario? D. Special-audience newspapers National advertisers tend to avoid weekly newspapers because of: B. When publications fix advertising rates based on a set average circulation figure that is nearly always below the actual circulation delivered by a given issue but carries no guarantee, they are using:
which of the following is true of consumer magazines?