gympie pyramid photos

Did Ancient Oshoro Stone Circle Serve As A Portal To The Spirit World? A piece of 'bloomery' iron was found more recently on the pyramid. (Tin Can Bay has nothing to do with tin cans. The pyramid is 30.4 metres (100ft) high and has six stone terraces varying from 10 metres wide at the bottom to two metres wide towards the top, and incorporate some natural rock features. This was destroyed when the pyramid was bombarded by banana shaped aircraft, possibly from Atlantis. What is known as the Gympie Pyramid is the rounded eastern end of a sandstone ridge north of the town of Gympie that had stone terraces cut into the sides, giving it a pyramidal shape. One can also meditate on saving the pyramid, and ask meditation and ritual groups to work to preserve the pyramid. [5] Multiple scar trees can also be found on the site. Promoting peaceful spiritual interspecies communication. What is known as the Gympie Pyramid is the rounded eastern end of a sandstone ridge north of the town of Gympie that had stone terraces cut into the sides, giving it a pyramidal shape. Nitarla said they had lived on the pyramid in antiquity, which was when the pyramid was bombarded, but they had elected to stay to try to protect it. One of the people who took part agreed to be interviewed years later, and mysteriously died on the day of the interview, the large police presence at the death causing some surprise.5. The mysterious Gympie pyramid, plus Yowie encounter in the deep bush, by SunBw. Other pyramids are believed to have been seen in New South Wales. These include among other things (refer to illustrations on page 50): a carved, yellow stone head suggesting South American influence; an ancient statuette of the Indian goddess Lakshmi; a Grecian urn; an ancient Chinese bronze teapot, and an apparent stone statue of an ape-like figure, known as 'The Gympie Ape'. Green, The Gympie Pyramid Story, De Grene Enterprises 2000, Tel: 07 5482 3909. Book sales have been slow lately, so I encourage you to donate on this LINK. It is certainly an amazing adventure, but it would be much simpler and easier to kick back on a beach or take it easy in a shady resort as tourist do. There's no shortage of horror stories about the gympie gympie. The fact that it has three legs suggests it was a wine pot. I know more about this site than any others How do I know? There is also a pile of stones that look like a collapsed building. Due to other similar events, the society was forced to close and members went off into their own private research areas. For all that, many Gympie residents still dismiss it as a myth. This would account for foreign contact in the area, and seismic uplift has since emptied the lakes. The Picture in the thumb is allegedly in AMERICA. According to Gilroy, the terraced hill was the remains of a pyramid, based on the fact that a stone wall nearby was of unusual construction, there had been local legends and taboos about entering the area, and that there was cactus of South or Central American origin growing nearby. Ancient statuette of the Indian goddess Lakshmi dug up near the Gympie Pyramid. More recently, a passenger flying across central Australia saw a pyramid in the desert north of Alice Springs. The bypass construction should definitely bypass it and leave what is left of it as it is. The head has strong central or South American connotations, and it has been suggested it is of Olmec origin. Michael had no knowledge of this). It is rumored the gold in the funeral mask of Tutankhamen has been traced to Gympie. I cannot comment any further in that area. Work with a bobcat in 2007 revealed how very poor the soils in the terraces were. This form of smelting has not been used in Australia as it died out in the Middle Ages, with some exceptions in parts of Asia. The Gympie Ape - A stone ape statue possibly 3000 years old. People feel there is much more to be learnt from the Gympie Pyramid, and it should at least be properly excavated. Stone for many of the terraces has been shaped, and squared and some of the larger stones used would be extremely heavy. There is also thought to be antimony underground, which attracts lightning. There is a powerful healing vortex at the top, near the grinders, and three people, including local resident and pyramid supporter Mick Dale, have, on separate occasions, experienced considerable healing for back problems there.14. However, at the present time it can only be concluded the pyramid was built by unknown people for an unknown purpose. Truths need to be told, and listened to. According to a set of Hieroglyphs found in Gosford, there are TWO pyramids in Australia - one at Gympie (pictured) here, which has been demolished, and another one which still stands today. Australian Eucalyptus was apparently and inexplicably found in Tutankhamens tomb. This account has since been corroborated by another clairvoyant, Richard Shar, while using psychometry (reading the past) long distance from Adelaide.18 Visiting psychics report seeing an inner chamber in the pyramid containing various artefacts, and in particular, commonly report seeing a large dark crystal. Another pyramid, or a building which looked like one, is believed to have existed at what is now Tin Can Bay, on the coast from Gympie. ''Dear Humans, it's time for you to start healing. Im on a mission to discover, document, record and report information for public education and raising consciousness. One of the most frequently encountered apparitions are soldiers wearing bronze helmets and armour and holding shields. Unfortunately, academia and the government dismiss the pyramid on the grounds that it is a nineteenth-century or even more recent construction for the purpose of growing grapes, ignore evidence to the contrary and refuse to conduct an excavation that would settle the matter. This pyramid-hill in the Rockhampton district, Queensland rises 90 meters high with its four sides facing the four points of the compass. Archaeologist Greg Jefferys, who has worked on the pyramid, refers to it as a serious, famous and unexplained archaeological anomaly. . Darkie, Diane Djaki Widjung and Wit-Boooka are standing defiant at Djaki Wundu (Rocky Ridge) which the group maintains is a Kabi Kabi sacred site despite assertions by Main Roads to the contrary. It is possible to write to the local Member of Parliament, David Gibson, at 58 Channon St, Gympie QLD 4570. A fabulous day we had at Gympie and our other adventures to be sure. The Gympie Pyramid is a tourist attraction for the town of Gympie, which otherwise does not have a great deal to offer, and has brought in people from around the world. The Gympie Pyramid site is known throughout the world as a potential site of significance in a world historical context among the non-mainstream as well as for its Aboriginal context. Aboriginals taken to it in recent times declared they felt sick, and wanted to leave. We enjoyed some swimming holes and waterfalls, as well as breathtaking views over the Corral Sea and wild mountain ranges. When the pyramid was first discovered the summit is believed to have had thirteen pillars surrounding a round stone table with a hollow centre standing on the summit, and a stone gateway standing on the lower slopes of the pyramid, and other standing stones inscribed with symbols. By the time of the second observation, McPhersons Paddock had been surveyed for the purposes of gold mining leases, one of which had been taken up in 1875 by a Swiss miner with an interest in horticulture, named John William Cauper. So were boomerangs believed to be of Australian origin.29 Gympie was a gold-mining area, which would account for members of other civilisations being there. So far three iron bars have been found on the pyramid, and at least one of these fits exactly into the central piercing of the flat diamond shaped stones. (For more details, read my last book HAIRY HUMANOIDS FROM THE WILD). & Green, Brett J. There is plenty of evidence of the genocides and massacres in colonialist Australia. Either way, the railway is said to have removed the artifacts and filled up the chamber. Legend of Gympieand the Gympie Pyramid The Gympie Pyramid located in the outskirts of Gympie in Queensland, Australia is a terraced structure that some claim was built by ancient Egyptians long before Europeans came to Australia, while others say it was built by an Italian vineyard owner in the 1950s. Although it has been a blessed pilgrimage, it is not always an easy task to travel around almost constantly to meet contacts and explore the grounds, while documenting the relevant information and keeping up with sharing online; it can be quite demanding at times. Also the photos of paintings and art you mention would reveal much about the history of the site if made public. Connected? They are demanding the roadworks be moved away from the site. It will be interesting when we are finally able to put together maps of the psychic centres around Australia. The corrosion on it indicates its age, and it may possibly have come from a shipwreck. And the terraces were too high for cultivation, the more so when you consider that they become more pronounced towards the top of the pyramid. [15][3] Reverend Stan Geddes has said the church's stone was quarried in the Rocks Road Area. It's focus is. Best blessings dear friend. It is an energy centre, and also a tourist attraction for Gympie. After work was resumed following "a final decision from the Federal Environment Minister", protesters tried to block the site, but were removed by police and five people were arrested for trespassing. This is a picture I found of what the pyramid is thought to have originally looked like. That is for me to know and not those who profess to be the experts or whatever of the site. While digging tunnels, minors discovered bottomless vertical shafts, perfectly round and smooth, that went deeper than five kilometers into the ground. If anything, they were afraid of the site and left it alone. He was thoroughly 'spooked' and left the area. Who built the Gympie pyramid and when remains a mystery, as the site has been plundered and destroyed in the most part. Pyramids in the Pacific Images Ch 8 Aerial View Of Gympie Pyramid Chapter 9 of 33 Chapter 9: The Colony of Ham: Ancient Miners of Toowoomba It consists of the rounded eastern end of a sandstone ridge, and is located on the Gympie Connection Road, some 5 km (3.1 mi) north-east of the town of Gympie in Queensland, Australia.. An archaeological survey was undertaken by Michael Morwood in 1967 (for some unknown reason this report is unobtainable). In doing so he is said to have destroyed the remaining two columns and dumped them in a mineshaft. Protesters say they were there to protect the sacred Rocky Ridge site, known as Djaki Kundu. One of the most frequently encountered apparitions are soldiers wearing bronze helmets and armor and holding shields. Psychics maintain the Gympie Pyramid has links with nearby and as yet undiscovered pyramids in the Gympie area, with pyramids in central Australia and the Nullabor, and with remains in Antarctica. It quite possibly had a ritual function, particularly given the pillars on the summit, and was possibly also used as an observatory. Green, The Gympie Pyramid Story, De Greene Enterprises 2000, page 148, 4. It was considered possibly to be a statue of the Egyptian god Thoth in ape form, or the Indian god Hanuman. The terraces were believed to have been up to three metres high, but have become lower due to cattle and weathering. Neither made any mention of a pyramid shape. Thanks for your interest, your encouraging comment, donation and invitation. MYSTERY WIRE Ancient civilizations around the world built pyramids in Egypt, China, Central America, but the oldest of them all might be in Europe. As a guardian of Djaki Kundu, I am priveledged to have been given the stories of the sacred place which have been handed down the generations since time immemorial. It is not a pyramid in the Egyptian or South American sense. The ridge has been subject to many claims about its origins, from extra-terrestrials to ancient Egyptians and more recently, Aboriginal construction crews. Your email address will not be published. [7] It is currently on display at the Gympie Gold Mining and Historical Museum. The report came to the conclusion that there is "no evidence to support claims that the terraces on Rocky Ridge were part of a 'pyramid' built by ancient Egyptian, Phoenician, Extra-terrestrial, Mayan or Chinese visitors". [13], Elaine Brown says that the names and stories of the recognised traditional owners of the area are shown in historical records, and that the descendants of those people do not agree with the group currently protesting construction on the site. [14], A 2008 cultural heritage survey was conducted by Archaeo Culture Heritage Services of Brisbane (for the Department of Transport and Main Roads), to investigate the historical cultural heritage of the hill. Countless sacred sites were destroyed and sacred objects stolen. The group was attacked from many local sources and academics because it conflicted with written histories. Thank you, Thank you. The dry wall construction shown here is the same as the construction of the GP terraces. Their energy and ways to communicate are very similar to that of the North American Sasquatch that Im familiar with. But apart from Gilroy, several other authors and researchers have studied the Gympie pyramid site. The pyramid is approximately 5 km from the center of Gympie, and is located north of the town on the Tin Can Bay road. Police and Department of Transport and Main Roads officials today removed "trespassers" from the site known as the "Gympie Pyramid". The pyramid may serve the function of drawing energy down (or up) and then radiating it over the countryside. I was in Whistler last summer and might very well go through there again. Fortunately they were recorded in a diary by John Green, a great grandfather of Brett Green, a local historian who has spent much of his life researching the pyramid, and is the author of a book entitled The Gympie Pyramid Story. One ex-serviceman, Cyril Bromley, fell into one of the plants during WWII training exercises, and he ended up strapped to a hospital bed, "as mad as a cut snake." Bromley also told a story of an officer who unknowingly used a leaf as toilet paper. recordings and images of deceased people and other content that may be culturally sensitive. He says that all of the statements supporting other theories were either misquoted, deliberately falsified or fabricated. This lady said nothing but bade him welcome by gestures. Normally, destruction of a major energy center such as this would have very serious consequences for the nearby community. Thank you for these clarifications Miraji. Twenty-seven years ago, one Elder did a ceremony there and put a beer cap in it to tap the spring, and it has been dry since; but soon after he had a grave accident and has been impaired ever since. A prophecy exists to the effect that a pyramid will be found in central Australia sometime this century, and that this site will be a major spiritual centre. Gabi Gabi or Gubbi Gubbi is NOT KABI KABI written sounding or in any relation at all to Kabi mob. The pyramid is approximately 5 km from the centre of Gympie, and is located north of the town on the Tin Can Bay road. Solidarity. This was destroyed when the pyramid was bombarded by banana shaped aircraft, possibly from Atlantis. Other less known facts about Gympie add to the mystery. My true and family knowledge goes back 171 years! [3], In 1868, government geologist DOyly Aplin described the ridge as "a stratified quartz pebble drift of older date than the existing valleys in a large pocket of the creek known as McPhersons Paddock". Gympie was a gold-mining area, which would account for members of other civilizations being there. A bronze statuette depicting either the Indian goddess Lakshmi or the Tibetan goddess Tara was found in clay in a creek bed in the Gympie region. There are also theories that the construction was the work of extraterrestrials, without much evidence to support it. [1] It consists of the rounded eastern end of a sandstone ridge, and is located on the Gympie Connection Road, some 5 km (3.1 mi) north-east of the town of Gympie in Queensland, Australia. The structure has been bull-dozed and does not resemble what John Green, a local man who was an initiate into the secrets of the area Aboriginal clan, originally described in his . There are plenty of websites addressing the Gympie pyramid, many unworthy of attention and a few interesting ones. If so, this crystal would very probably be essential to the energy functions of the pyramid. If the pyramid is bulldozed and skeletons found, it will create a serious problem for the plans of the Queensland government, since it would have to regard it as a sacred site. We ended our activities due to Government eviction and legal proceedings. Kabi is pronounced Kar-Bee one word to no other sound shape or form as We the Kabi Kabi have reclaimed the forgotten mound then known as Rocky Ridge that we call by its inherited name Djaki Kundu Not gubbi gubbi as they are from other country and are no relationship nor from any Kabi Kabi language speaking Nation groups. The name is believed to be a corruption of tuncumba, the aboriginal name for dugong, possibly the indigenous name of the bay.) The "myth of the 'Gympie Pyramid" is a fraud which has been innocently repeated by many well meaning people, according to respected Gympie historian Elaine Brown. If anything, they were afraid of the site and left it alone. Psychics maintain the Gympie Pyramid has links with nearby and as yet undiscovered pyramids in the Gympie area, with pyramids in central Australia and the Nullabor, and with remains in Antarctica. By 1937, trucks and tractors were available to remove and displace the stones, but their rough re-assemblage in town show some lack of accuracy and precision, as compared to ancient monuments. The pyramid currently has large trees growing on it, which make it difficult to recognise at any distance, or to photograph. Irrespective, the Queensland government intends to bulldoze the pyramid in the near future and put a highway through the site. Thats how it appeared on maps. The battle for the "Gympie Pyramid" continues with an occupation camp, known to the protestors as Djaki Kundu, being erected at Rocky Ridge. Inscribed stones from the gateway were apparently found quite recently under the floor of one of the Gympie churches ? People about to ascend the pyramid frequently experience being 'stopped' by invisible means, and have to obtain permission before going up. Since the 1960s people have encountered white-clad female spirits, who identified themselves as guardians of the site. A prophecy exists to the effect that a pyramid will be found in central Australia sometime this century, and that this site will be a major spiritual centre. The ape is made of conglomerate iron stone and shows a squatting ape figure. The following, from the previous comment, correllates with Kabi oral history and Kabi Tribal knowledge: She gave her name as Nitarla, and said she was one of three such guardians (this name was also given to Mick Dale by another source as the name of the guardian. He ended up shooting himself. Blessings, Im curious to know why the stones were removed from the pyramid and taken to town for a church wall. Stone for many of the terraces has been shaped, and squared and some of the larger stones used would be extremely heavy. Dowsers have found the pyramid is on a major energy line, and energy rays out in four directions, like a Maltese cross. [14], Marilyn Pye also suggested the stones used in the construction of the church's retaining wall in 1938 (see above) had been removed from the pyramid. 1 Gympie Regional Gallery, 39 Nash St, +61 7 5481 0733. Another clue which is the most often cited is the walls of polygonal granite blocks that was built around an old school in Gympie, now a tennis court, and a Uniting church with the eloquent name of Surface Hill, although it is not really built on a hill. Green and Mick Dale, The Gympie Pyramid Story, DVD. [9], In 1938 a retaining wall, featuring polygonally-cut stone, was built at the Surface Hill Uniting Church by relief workers, at a cost of 3000. There would have been a major problem with watering the terraces, and there is no visible sign of any of the pipes and pumps that would be necessary. Yesterday in another mountain range, we heard several whoops and wood knocks and saw a Yowie in the distance, but photos came out blurry. It is also connected by energy lines with what may be other pyramids or energy centres in the area.13 The pyramid may serve the function of drawing energy down (or up) and then radiating it over the countryside. The area was taken over as an army base, and the story relates that the pyramid was covered with earth and used for target practice. Hi. The fact that it has three legs suggests it was a wine pot.26, A bronze Grecian urn was found in the hills north of Gympie by Brett Green.27, A piece of bloomery iron was found on the pyramid along with other fragments during the 2007 visit by Greg Jefferys suggested smelting on the pyramid. Brett J. At this point the army became worried about losing land to heritage purposes, and destroyed the pyramid. Photos show the Valley of the Pyramids in Bosnia. But the pyramid may have ways of striking back, which will be interesting to see. Thank you Cindy, truly appreciated. Early settlers naturally regarded the pyramid as an easy source of stone and it was quarried to supply new buildings, doing much damage and removing all the inscribed stones. The most often proposed theories suggest that it was constructed by Egyptians, backed by the Gosford hieroglyphs further down the coast, by Hindus as suggested by ancient Vedic scriptures and the statues allegedly found on site, by Incas as there are prickly pear cactus growing at the summit while Australia has no native species of cactus, by Chinese as it resembles observation platforms built by them, or by Pacific islanders from Tonga, as the Tongan empire reached from Indonesia to New Zealand a millennium ago and they also built stepped stone structures. The writer also found that an L-shaped dowsing rod, when held loosely in the hand, spun around freely by itself on the pyramid, usually a sign of a powerful site. S! Greg Jefferys, The Gympie Pyramid; a nice little mystery that Australian Academia like to ignore (incorporating his 1990 archaeological report). The earliest evidence of use of the site is the presence of several large grinding grooves in rocks at the top of the ridge, suggesting that the site has been used from before the first English settlers reached the continent. - The Gympie Pyramid near the town of Gympie in Queensland, Australia has long been a source of fascination for people from around the world as well as Australia, and the subject of a great many claims about its origin and true purpose. The statue was unearthed in 1966 on Mr. Dal K. Berrys Wolvi Rd property. ", "Djaki Kundu, (Rocky Ridge in English) also known as 'The Gympie Pyramid', Sutherland Shire Historical Society Bulletin,, 63 Gympie Connection Rd, Victory Heights QLD 4570, Australia, This page was last edited on 12 October 2022, at 19:10. Yet, a deeper investigation proves otherwise. It's a site that's become relatively well known, as some claim its origins predate colonial history and could be either Egyptian, South American or Chinese. [14], However, Wheeler argues that the claims of an extraordinary origin for the pyramid are unfounded, writing that the Gympie "Golden" pyramid is in fact a hill that had been terraced by early Italian immigrants for viticulture. Rex Gilroy visited several locations with ruins and odd rock formations throughout Australia. We support the tribes involved in its protection. One thing we should all agree on is that Djaki Kundun is an ancestral sacred site, it should be protected and left to the care of the Original Custodians. The Gympie Pyramid: Evidence of an Ancient Civilisation in Australia? Brett Green released a photograph of the summit, later debunked by Elaine Brown as being a photograph of Filitosa, a megalithic site in southern Corsica, France. Rocky Ridge (the English. Yawalla. Since the 1960s people have encountered white-clad female spirits, who identified themselves as guardians of the site. Today (March 4th) we did a wonderful hike in the lush tropical rainforest of Paluma Range National Park, QLD. Old photos allegedly representing the Gympie pyramid were later debunked as showing other locations. The Gympie Pyramid (Djaki Kundu local traditional name) is a low terraced hill located in the outskirts of Gympie in Queensland. Greg points out that it would also be very unlikely for would-be cultivators to go to the trouble and effort of constructing the terraces when there is better and far more suitable land nearby.8 Terraces are not usually constructed for agricultural purposes unless there is a shortage of arable land, which is certainly not the case in Gympie. Normally, destruction of a major energy centre such as this would have very serious consequences for the nearby community. On the one day I had the chance to swim in the ocean so far, I saw a few jelly fish which in the last few years have invaded the beaches in Queensland causing their closure in some seasons, and while surfing through the waves, I got hit by one which instantly felt like a burn and left me with a rash on the thigh. What Was Pax Deorum And How Important Was It? The pyramid is 30.4 meters (100ft) high and has six stone terraces varying from 10 meters wide at the bottom to two meters wide towards the top, and incorporate some natural rock features. In 2000 he published photographs of five other reptilian statues which had "gone missing". Archaeologist Greg Jefferys, who has worked on the pyramid, refers to it as a serious, famous and unexplained archaeological anomaly.1 Unfortunately, academia and the government dismiss the pyramid on the grounds that it is a nineteenth century or even more recent construction for the purpose of growing grapes, ignore evidence to the contrary and refuse to conduct an excavation which would settle the matter. He shared with me an abundance of stories and teachings, to long to list or describe here. Thanks are also due to Daphne Salt for much help with the photographs, and to Laurie de Lia for making the visit to Gympie possible. An interesting little stone lined cell has recently been found at the base of the pyramid. When I was with the mobs around Deebing Creek, I compiled a 170 page historic report focusing on southeast QLD. Its also suggested that in constructing the railway, workers found either an entrance to the pyramid, or a large underground chamber containing artefacts. The carved stones were reputedly crushed and used to fill a creek, or else taken out and dumped in deep water. Mainstream sources like wikipedia dismiss too easily the Gympie pyramid as a post-colonial construction built either by Italian or Swiss farmers in the late 1800s, as terraces to grow vines. Yet, the mystery remains and deeper research shows that there is much more to this site than covered by most previous authors. Greg Jefferys points out that it would have made a good fort given its location,12 but there is no evidence for this, and it does not 'feel' like one. It is an energy center, and also a tourist attraction for Gympie. Greg Jefferys, The Gympie Pyramid; a nice little mystery that Australian Academia like to ignore, 2006, (incorporating his 1990 report on the site.). Subscribe here: The amount of corrosion on the statuette suggests that it must be of ancient origin.25, An ancient and unusual bronze and copper Chinese teapot or wine pot was found on Fraser Island, near Tin Can Bay. If it involved a ritual function then very possibly there would have been connections with the stars. Im making a donation, and hope you can keep going on your travels and get to meet more of the people called Yowie and other names. I felt a need to correct many incorrect statements and claims made in your essay. The well-known surveyor Len Beadell is said to have found a pyramid on the Nullabor plains, and was told by the local aborigines that the pyramid was outside the dreamtime, and that it was very bad luck to talk about it. '', Click to share on Facebook (Opens in new window), Click to share on Twitter (Opens in new window), Click to share on LinkedIn (Opens in new window), Click to share on Pinterest (Opens in new window), Click to share on Tumblr (Opens in new window), Click to share on Reddit (Opens in new window), Click to share on WhatsApp (Opens in new window), Click to email a link to a friend (Opens in new window), Click to share on Telegram (Opens in new window). So were boomerangs believed to be of Australian origin. Michael English said the pyramid originally had a vortex on the top used to help spacecraft take off. Since then, the monument has been defaced and most of its original walls destroyed. The number of relics, rock inscriptions and traces of extensive ancient gold, copper and tin mining, hereabouts, convinced me that the district had once been the site of an ancient middle-east mining colony.

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gympie pyramid photos