Optimism is essential to achievement and it is also the foundation of courage and true progress. ; a great or heroic deed: his remarkable achievements in art. Some examples of academic achievements include clubs, a high grade point average, awards and extracurricular activities. However, she should remember to put 100% into each task., Focused Sam is an incredibly focused student who doesnt easily get distracted by the goings on around her. The link was not copied. There are thousands of these descriptive words at your disposal. Leadership adjectives on your CV demonstrate that you have a strong desire to lead and motivate your team members. Adjectives can be used to describe the qualities of someone or something independently or in comparison to something else. Club participation in high school or college shows both responsibility and the ability to work alongside others. The strong association between a societys level of academic achievement and positive socioeconomic development is one reason for conducting international studies on academic achievement, such as PISA (Programme for International Student Assessment), administered by the OECD (Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development). Eliminate grammar errors and improve your writing with our free AI-powered grammar checker. Besides the relevance for an individual, academic achievement is of utmost importance for the wealth of a nation and its prosperity. Chapter 5: Which academic adjectives and phrases are best? Psychological Bulletin 138:353387. Some of the main types of adjectives are: Cardinal numbers (e.g., one, two, three) can be placed before a noun to indicate quantity (e.g., one apple). It works similarly to an appositive noun. Creative Adjectives to Describe College. Now, there's nothing technically wrong with these adjectives; however, the answer isn't the best possible for two main reasons: Competitiveness and tenacity are not the most sought-after skills for teachers. Click on a letter to browse words starting with that letter. Adventurous: offering an opportunity to experience new things. Continuous Improvement and "High Leverage" Educational Pro Critical Perspectives on Educational Innovation and Improv Crossborder and Transnational Higher Education, Cross-National Research on Continuous Improvement. Chapter 4: What are the five rules of ordering adjectives? The chapter provides further references on the topic. Inspirational. Teachers and education officials typically measure achievement using classroom performance, graduation rates, and results from standardized tests. accountable. The following adjectives signal to admissions officers that you are both a good college candidate and a capable writer. You may now wish to check your knowledge and understanding by accessing and completing our professionally made beginner, intermediate and advanced worksheets on this topic. EIGHT YEARS LATER, THE GOVERNMENT TOOK IT BACK. You can use these to describe people and objects if you want to give a poor impression of them. Cultural Diversity in Early Childhood Education. Psychological correlates of university students academic performance: A systematic review and meta-analysis. The supreme achievement of the medicine of the Nineteenth Century undoubtedly has been the development of its preventive feature. How does the noun achievement differ from other similar words? You'll encounter it in journal articles and books on academic topics, and you'll be expected to write your essays, research papers, and dissertation in academic style. 2023. She regularly passes the exams with ease and is progressing nicely., Sufficient Sams work is sufficient to pass on to the next course. 2007. Because there are particular adjectives and associated expressions which are more suitable when studying academically such as when conducting research or writing university-level assignments, weve provided some of the most common academic adjectives and expressions for you below. Yes, my grades are indicative of my academic achievement. San Diego, CA: Academic Press. 204 Words To Describe Performance John Spacey, March 03, 2020 Performance is the value created by an individual or team in a period of time. Perhaps one day I will see her on the set of Jeopardy and be proud to know I was a part of hear learning story., Outstanding Sam has been an outstanding student all year long due to her ability to focus, support others, and perform under pressure., Overachiever Sam has been an overachiever all year and I wouldnt want it any other way! Set a goal for a certain grade you'd like to achieve by next semester or school year, get into the honors program, maintain a good GPA for your scholarship, or spend a certain amount of time studying for . She will often ensure she is early to class to make the most out of her learning., Reflective Sam is a reflective student. To search words for which to find adjectives for, type at least 2 letters in the autocomplete word search box, and then select a . Articulate. Adjectives most often used with achievement (ordered by popularity) academic great educational greatest remarkable high major individual human intellectual personal outstanding scholastic important artistic highest significant scientific literary successful low notable actual real mean greater considerable higher supreme cultural technical creative Frequently asked questions about adjectives, Opinion (e.g., beautiful, valuable, indecent), Shape or age (e.g., round, square, hundred-year-old). Shell never take anything on face value, but instead uses her logic and critical thinking to come to a conclusion on her own., Read Also: 13+ Examples Of The Word Academic In A Sentence, Knowledgeable Sam is an incredibly knowledgeable student. OECD. 2012 subsumes the individual correlates of university students performance. (2023, April 11). She will spend a lot of time thinking through big-picture philosophical questions., Logical Sams logical mind makes her a strong mathematical and scientific thinker., Analytical Sam is a highly analytical student. To do all that before the age of 30 was no mean achievement. attentive. She can be given problems to solve and she will go about finding solutions based on her own critical and analytical insights., Academically minded Sam is an academically minded student. His scholastic achievements were not outstanding, although he managed to become sports champion. The words that describe these leadership skills include: reliable. The Liu-Sung dynasty (A.D. 420-478) and the Southern Ch'i dynasty (A.D. 479-501) 4 The Liang dynasty (A.D. 502-556) 5 The Ch'en dynasty (A.D. 557-588) and its ending by the Sui 6 Cultural achievements of the south Chapter VIII: THE EMPIRES OF THE SUI AND THE T'ANG. Our adjectivesadvanced worksheet with activities and answer keys has been created to check a sophisticated understanding of this chapters readers. While history can pay the tribute of preserving some anecdotes of them and their collective achievements, it must be forever silent as to many of their personal acts of heroism. What are adjectives and how do they function? Higher Education Faculty Characteristics and Trends in the Higher Education Graduate Outcomes and Destinations. Nglish: Translation of achievement for Spanish Speakers, Britannica English: Translation of achievement for Arabic Speakers, Britannica.com: Encyclopedia article about achievement. He holds a PhD in education and has published over 20 articles in scholarly journals. If I set her a task, she goes about not only completing it, but doing the extra research to make sure she impresses me with her knowledge!, Smashing Success Sam is a smashing success! "We want to see the kind of curiosity and enthusiasm that will allow you to spark a . What are the seven types of English adjective? . Certain qualities are especially impressive to admissions officers and hint at success in college, though this might vary somewhat by individual. A Natural Learner Sam is a natural student. For each word in our adjective dictionary, you'll find a list of describing words sorted by popularity. Proofread for Spelling and Grammar. 2012. calm. About The Helpful Professor Superlative adjectives are used to indicate that something has the most or least of a specific quality. Coordinate adjectives can be separated by commas or by the conjunction and.. Achievement. Merriam-Webster.com Thesaurus, Merriam-Webster, https://www.merriam-webster.com/thesaurus/achievement. Accessed 1 May. Shes also competent at social aspects of learning including groupwork and presentations. Achievements adjectives are listed in this post. Academic achievement represents performance outcomes that indicate the extent to which a person has accomplished specific goals that were the focus of activities in instructional environments, specifically in school, college, and university. The oral/aural format encourages use of amplification or cochlear implants as soon as possible to maximize use . This movie is the crowning achievement of the directors career. Performance is typically described using past tense verbs that describe the work that has been done and nouns that describe what was been produced. https://helpfulprofessor.com/author/admin/, 2. Practical. Learn a new word every day. Academic achievement of learners has attracted attention of scholars, parents, policy-makers and planners. 1. Zig Ziglar. Educational psychology. I believe Sam can do better than she has been doing so far. A proper adjective is an adjective formed from a proper noun and used to indicate origin. Athletic Achievement Award: 10th, 11th, . Your email address will not be published. Given the individual and societal importance of academic achievement, it is not surprising that academic achievement is the research focus of many scientists; for example, in psychology or educational disciplines. Social distractions are at times getting in the way of her work., Uninspired Sam is feeling increasingly uninspired in class. (esp of a schoolchild) having an aptitude for study 5. influential. Ambitious. Coordinate adjectives are two or more adjectives that modify the same noun in a sentence. To complete this reader, read each chapter carefully and then unlock and complete our materials to check your understanding. Additional describing words / adjectives that describe / adjectives of various nouns can be found in the other pages on this website. Compare your paper to billions of pages and articles with Scribbrs Turnitin-powered plagiarism checker. Traditions of Quality Improvement in Education. When can exploit be used instead of achievement? A list of adjectives, including types of adjectives and examples. Methodological Approaches for Impact Evaluation in Educati Methodologies for Conducting Education Research, Multiliteracies in Early Childhood Education. We've got you covered! I am creative, competitive, and tenacious. A quantitative and qualitative aggregation of a variety of reviews and quantitative syntheses as an overview of early research on educational outcomes. As the year goes on, I hope to work with Sam to keep up focus and develop strategies to reduce procrastination., Unsatisfactory The work submitted has been unsatisfactory this year. Focused. For example, in the sentence the man left early, the word early is an adverb because its modifying the verb left., In the clause an early dinner, the word early is an adjective because its describing the noun dinner.. In conclusion, adjectives for success are determined by what an individual deems as successful. E.g. alert. This will help both her academically and socially., Unsettled Due to a tough year, Sam has been somewhat unsettled which has negatively impacted her learning and development., Talkative Sam is a very talkative and sociable student. Use the best grammar checker available to check for common mistakes in your text. Walberg found nine factors to be central to the determination of school learning. Make sure that all of the student's educational needs identified in the evaluation stage are included in the present levels of academic achievement and functional performance section of the IEP. A grade, near perfect grade or equivalent: Using simple verbs will allow you to describe the strengths of each student in his or her report card. Chapter 3: What are the seven types of English adjective? understandable speech. All the academic honors examples below are grouped by category and listed alphabetically. Chapter 2: Which tests correctly identify English adjectives? She has satisfactorily met all the required outcomes. Aarts, B. Syntheses of research on teaching. . While her study skills are excellent, it would be good to see her working on group work skills to build more confidence in groups., Inspired Sam is an inspired learner. For When 'Lowdown Crook' Isn't Specific Enough. Outdoor Play and Learning in Early Childhood Education, Performance-based Research Assessment in Higher Education. Furthermore, these studies, for the first time, have enabled nations to compare their educational systems with other nations and to evaluate them on this basis. A nominal adjective (also called a substantive adjective) is an adjective that functions as a noun. She loves to engage in inquiry based learning projects and thinks about big picture questions., Kinesthetic As a kinesthetic learner, Sam excels at hands-on activities and using her hands to complete tasks., Musical Sams musical talent has given her added confidence this year. She will set herself a series of small goals at the beginning of the week and work toward them diligently. Adjectives typically describe, delimit, or specify quantity, as "nice" in "a nice day," "other" in "other people," or "all" in "all dogs." There are several different types of adjectives. Any opinions expressed in the examples do not represent those of Merriam-Webster or its editors. Consider bookmarking or printing these wordsand phrasesso that you can refer back to this language with ease: absolute, abstract, acceptable, accessible, active, actual, acute, additional, adequate, alternative, apparent, applicable, appropriate, available, average, basic, central, certain, clear, common, competitive, complete, complex, comprehensive, considerable, consistent, conventional, correct, crucial, detailed, different, difficult, distinct, dominant, early, effective, equal, equivalent, essential, excessive, experimental, explicit, extensive, extreme, favourable, final, fixed, following, formal, frequent, fundamental, general, high, human, ideal, identical, immediate, important, incomplete, independent, indirect, individual, influential, inherent, initial, interesting, internal, large, leading, likely, limited, logical, main, major, male, maximum, mental, minimal, minor, misleading, modern, natural, necessary, negative, normal, obvious, original, overall, parallel, partial, particular, permanent, physical, positive, possible, potential, practical, primary, prime, principal, productive, profound, prominent, radical, random, rapid, rational, real, realistic, recent, related, relevant, responsible, restricted, scientific, secondary, selective, separate, significant, similar, simple, social, special, specific, stable, standard, strict, substantial, successful, successive, sufficient, suitable, surprising, symbolic, systematic, theoretical, traditional, typical, unique, unlike, unlikely, unsuccessful, useful, valid, valuable, varied, various, visual, vital, widespread, The experiment was an absolute success., One of the basic arguments of the study is that women are smarter than men., Its a competitive market when attempting to publish language research., A distinct difference was found in the second set of results., This methodology has been an effective tool for conducting research., One fundamental requirement of the study was the use of male participants., This was not the ideal scenario for creating valid results., One leading theory is that children learn these aspects quicker than adults., It is misleading that some people reacted to the vaccination more quickly., This is one of many permanent features in this city., The opposing opinion would in fact be a more realistic argument., This significant information was not discovered during the first investigation., These patterns are somewhat unique to the first set of participants., Smiths (2010) investigations provided more valid results., Air pollution may be one of the most widespread causes of lung cancer.. The forcing of the passage of the Auja was a magnificent achievement, planned with great ability by General Hill and carried out with that skill and energy which the brigadiers, staff, and all ranks of the Division showed throughout the campaign. To improve further, I would recommend re-reading the exam questions twice so she doesnt miss key points in the questions., Disappointing Sams work has been disappointing of late. Curiosity. A participial adjective is an adjective that is identical to the participle form of a verb (typically ending in -ing, -ed, or -en). Shes got an in-built desire to learn and grow, and always comes into the classroom ready to absorb more knowledge., Critical Thinker Sam is an impressive critical thinker., Excellent Sam is an excellent student. It is typically set off by commas or dashes.
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adjectives to describe academic achievement