aldi benton cookies

I HIGHLY RECOMMEND that they be continued!!!! I would prefer to give 100% of my $$ to a good cause than feed the pockets of the companies who come up with these have I got a deal for you! schemes. ONLY $1.69. FREE TCBY Frozen Yogurt for Moms on Mothers Day (May 14th). Save my name, email, and site URL in my browser for next time I post a comment. If your oven temperature is too low, it can cause your cookies to spread, yielding thin, tough cookies. ONLY $1.39, Bentons Fudge Stripe Shortbread Cookies ALDI has new grocery sales starting April 26 including blackberries, tomatoes, Mandarins, . There is a factory in my area that produces cookies and crackers for a variety of brands. The Benton's Peanut Butter Filled Cookies are a Girl Scout Cookie dupe for Peanut Butter Patties. For all those cookie craving moments in between, youll find us at Aldi. It seems very odd to me that they would pull them at all. At Lidl, that is. And the saddest part is the actual troop makes less than 3percent profit ( depending on the state/troop council on average a local troop will receive $0.25 per $4.00 .) During this time of corvid its nice to see them smile and looking forward to something! It is not safe for me as Ill eat the whole thing theyre so good!! Prices and labels may vary by location. which is bigger and therefore more satisfying. We recommend our users to update the browser. GS only get $.65 for their troop the rest goes to the baker and other places. Parents are not helping the children learn the girl scout skills by doing the selling. Walmarts Great Value Brand being just as good as Keebler cookies. One day it may be you they are visiting in nursing homes passing out cookies they had to work extra hard for to donate. Get your Girl Scout cookie cravings all year long at ALDI! But buy at Aldi's instead. (I am trying to convince my husband the peanut butter is secretly Jiff ) Also, because of the Peter . Please consider not sending students to ask all their teachers. Your email address will not be published. Ill still buy GS cookies from my kids friends if they ask me, but its frustrating that they charge so much now for a tiny box of cookies when I dont think that much goes to the troop. Notify me of follow-up comments by email. No need to be rude or insulting if you disagree. Love aldi just right low prices for my budget and always have good deals and sales. My sons are boy scouts and many times people said they would rather just donate money directly to the troop instead of buying the overpriced popcorn. What a travesty! It must be doing really well for them. My daughter who shys away from everyone, even close relatives, was so proud when she came home from school with 2 orders all by herself. A vast amount of food waste comes from individual consumer households. Benton's, Pecan Shortbread Cookies is manufactured by Aldi-benner Company with a suggested serving size of 2 COOKIES (32 g) and 170 calories per serving. Notify me of follow-up comments by email. Thats why you see them Infront of stores, to get ride of the extra the troop has to purchase. It's tanginess is a little off putting, but it's not a bad smell. "Yes, they're cheap, but the regular grocery stores generally sell frozen . The year has 12 month and Girl Scout cookies are only sold in what maybe 4 6 weeks. While Benton's makes several other flavors, it appears that this is the only size the cookies are sold in. That said, I love Aldi regardless and will buy cookies, cereal, anything if it tastes good, and it wont take away from my donations to any organization I deem worthy. We thought the Aldi keto friendly baking mix produced biscuits that were dry, crumbly, and tasted off. Are these cookies gluten free? I love dig bars BENTONS Products has gotten a lot better,then before..and the cost IS AWESOME.You cant go wrong..Im a very picky person and eater..I have to watch for I eat..Trust me what I say..ALDIS has came along way,from when I started shopping there when my kids were very small..and thats over 20yrs ago..I just started buying the baby back ribs..My Hubby Loves Them..I dont shop at Save a Lot. What are ya waiting for?! You should spot them in the cookie aisle among the knockoff Girl Scout cookies and imitation Oreos. Please bring back the chocolate thin fudge mints!!! Benton's Peanut Butter Cookies, which are comparable to Girl Scout Tagalongs or Girl Scout Peanut Butter Patties, are still available at Aldi. They have between 7 and 8 grams of total fat (9-10% DV), 3.5 grams of saturated fat (18% DV), 18 grams of total carbohydrates (7% DV), 10 grams of added sugars (20% DV), and 2 grams of protein. You can snag a 10-ounce package of 52 Fudge Mint cookies right now for $1.48. However, not everyone is aware that these iconic cookies are actually made by a variety of different bakeries. Troops get 65 a box and nearly everyone involved is a volunteer. Bentons Cookies has been a mainstay in the cookie industry for over 60 years. I do buy Aldi and Walmart cookies and find they are often better and alot cheaper. Go figure! Click to share on Facebook (Opens in new window), Click to share on Twitter (Opens in new window), Click to share on Pinterest (Opens in new window), Click to share on LinkedIn (Opens in new window), Click to share on Pocket (Opens in new window). Hard to believe, but there prices on a lot of things were less than Aldi, to the point where it didnt really pay to shop there anymore. Eventually, all of the gasses escape from the dough and leave little holes, which makes the cookie light and flaky. In the meantime, well happily support Girl Scout troops and buy the real deal once the next Girl Scout cookie season begins. The package also states they contain bioengineered food ingredients. The package describes the cookies as "light and crispy wafer cookies enrobed in white [or milk] fudge with a sweet pastel drizzle." You can easily look it up. . Ive seen mothers sell over thousands of boxes for the kids. I bought some today and they are pretty good. But they keep the peach flavor, which tastes like battery acid. Benton's Peanut Butter Filled Cookies can take care of that! So what are you waiting for, get out and buy your cookies you will not regret it. I immediately noticed they had more volume, ea cookie was fatter/thicker. Buy your Aldi cookies, thats fine but please know that when a little girl approaches you outside a store or when your neighbor brings their daughter to your front door, she may be going way outside her comfort zone to ask you to buy. I agree. Its all chocolaty, crunchy goodness! These cookies taste and look just like the real thing. Too many times I have seen the scouts behind the table on their tablets while the parents are selling. If youre watching out for allergens, these contain wheat, milk, soy, and coconut. Price: Varies by store Reddit users bman_152 and bugboots both said they are not fans of the Aldi brand frozen pizzas. They have a buttery inner cookie topped with gooey caramel, chewy coconut, and just the right amount of chocolate. These are a satisfying take on the addictive Girl Scout cookies known as Tagalongs (or Peanut Butter Patties, depending on where youre from), and are every bit as creamy and rich as the real deal. Theyre not the same as the Girl Scout lookalike cookies, but weve heard from several readers who are excited to see another form of chocolate mint cookie at Aldi. I do believe at some point in history this may hay been the case but no more. There has been a lot of speculation lately about the future of ALDI in the United States. Dollar General now carries a thin mint cookie under their brand name Clover Leaf. I dont have a good reason to go there now. Maybe better things like actually make something. Several readers commented that Bentons cookies at Aldi are just as good as Keebler AND Girl Scout cookies, if not better and cost a whole lot less! These Benton boxes of Girl Scout-inspired goodness offer a sweet splurge that's easy on the wallet. They look forward to me coming in with my bag of cookies everyday. Whether you want to enjoy these delicious, creamy cookies right after dinner or just for an afternoon snack, pick up a pack of Benton's Peanut Butter Filled Cookies and treat yourself with all these yummy flavors. Ive eaten a ton of Girl Scout cookies in my lifetime and Ive even sold them as a Girl Scout myself and later as a co-leader with my daughters troop and I dont think anyone would be able to tell the difference between the Aldi cookies and real Samoas in a blind taste test. We were first clued in that something was up in late 2019, when a reader asked us what happened to the Bentons Fudge Mint Cookies. Products. And Aldis has a great alternative for the other ten months of the year when these cookies arent being sold. As a Girl Scout I would be embarrassed to sell the GS cookies at the price they ask. Today, Girl Scout Cookies are still as popular as ever, with over 200 million boxes sold each year. It is unfortunate that large chain stores feel the need to compete against children who sell cookies not so much to push cookies but to teach sales, marketing, budget management, people skills, customer appreciation, goal setting and making money needed for a goal rather than just having parents pay. However, there is no evidence to support these claims. They are better than Keebler but not better than Girl Scout cookies if you are buying the mint ones nothing can beat the GS thin mints. I remember them selling pocket calendars. I think I was the first one to bring up the subject. Your email address will not be published. Girl scouts are not the first nor the only to make certain types, I dont really see how people are getting upset over this. No more today. selected Description I would have been happy to look up for you, but you didnt mention the California city you live in. Is ALDI Owned by China? Sometime in early 2022, Aldi introduced some new everyday cookies that are not merely unique. I think Aldis Peanut Butter Filled, Fudge Mint & Fudge-Striped are comparable, if not *better!! 1 / 3 Similar taste to highkey 280 58 58 comments Best Add a Comment tektite 2 yr. ago Aldi is really doubling down with the low carb stuff. I know it may sound pathetic, but those cookies were the only reason why Id stop in at Aldis at all. The cookies come in Okara Chocolate Chip or Vanilla Oatmilk flavors. I speak as a former troop leader of four years and putting 4 daughters through the program from Daisies to Cadettes. cookie, she once again incorrectly guessed the two brands, assuming the Chips Ahoy! They come in chocolate chip or snickerdoodle varieties. My husband loves these better than the GS original so much so that I buy them by the unit-box full literally! Bentons Peanut Butter Fudge Cookies nutrition information and ingredients. Once in awhile I well buy Girl scout cookies if I have the money and one or two boxes as there expensive. Keto diets, or ketogenic diets, have been popular for several years now. My husband will be so disappointed. These are kosher and are made with real cocoa. 58 FlamingAshley 2 yr. ago Aldi take my money please. So weve been open to trying some of the keto or keto friendly products that Aldi sells. I try to be a frugal shopperBuying GS cookies is NOT being frugalThe cookies at aldis are awesome. In terms of allergens, the Vanilla Oatmilk cookies contain wheat, milk, and eggs, and they might also contain soy. What are the girls learning from having their parents sell the cookies for them? I love Bentons Chocolate Chip Dunkers! SOME LUCK!!!! Love their yogurt and the refrigerated pasta like tortellini is great too. Buy your cookie at Audi FOR .95 cents instead of $5.00 Girl Scout they only get a small % of that $5.00 anyway !!! Then there are the PARENTS who achieve their kids goal by bringing in sign-up sheets to work to pressure coworkers into buying overpriced cookies with zero kid involvement. I teach almost 180 students a day and at some point in time have taught the whole school-600 students. Aldi also sells some caramel coconut fudge cookies that are perfect imitations of Girl Scout Samoas or Caramel deLites. Whether you want to enjoy these delicious, creamy cookies right after dinner or just for an afternoon snack, pick up a pack of Benton's Peanut Butter Filled Cookies and treat yourself with all these yummy flavors. I will also do a bonus review for you. As a single mom of 3 on a very tight budget, these are my go-to cookies, though I WILL buy 1-2 boxes from a Girl Scout, if approached by someone I know not a stranger sitting outside of a store. Saves your customers $2/box, gives them equal or better quality cookies, and your kid still makes more money for her troop. Have you ever seen a normally shy girl overcome that and talk to people. My sisters , daughters and now grand daughters all sold cookies ! That means that foods such as white bread, cookies, soda, donuts or pastries, and other sugary foods or foods with processed white flour are off limits. See All Recipes. Also, box prices can be higher. If you want your cookies to last even longer, you can store them in the freezer for up to eight to 12 months. Benton's Peanut Butter Filled Cookies Benton's Pecan Shortbread Cookies Benton's Chewy Chocolate Chip Cookies ONLY $1.69 It's not your Grandma's coupon site! So next time you enjoy a delicious cookie, remember all of the science that went into making it. The company does not sell its products in China. Benton's Keto Cookies Snickerdoodle & Chocolate Chip 3oz 85g (Two Bags) Brand: Benton's. 3.7 out of 5 stars 57 ratings. Required fields are marked *. I work in a care center and take these to share with the residents. I absolutely love these Caramel Coconut cookies. During the summer, I often chill these and take them to enjoy at a local outdoor theater. Reddit users bman_152 and bugboots both said they are not fans of the Aldi brand frozen pizzas. Your email address will not be published. Reminds me of Reeses Peanut butter cups. They are delicious just enough of every taste requirement and not too sweet! In fact any of their own store brand I have found to be great. . Bring back my Fudge Mints!!!! Certainly it is my theory that the same bakery is making all three: Keebler, Girl Scouts, Aldis. The pulp left after making oatmilk poses similar problems. So are the chocolate covered peanut butter and double stuffed Oreo knockoffs. (If you personally know some scouts, you can make a donation directly to a troop to make your dollars go even farther.). These are Regular Buys, so you should be able to find them at Aldi any time of year. They need to go back to selling calendars! (Click to enlarge.). Please bring them back. As of late 2019 to early 2020, Aldi no longer sells the Fudge Mint Cookies. Each local council determines what the troops will receive in profit so they will very. Better than Keebler and more in a pack. After eating half the bag of the shortbread ones, I felt like, For future advice, if you dont want to open a huge can of thin mints flavored worms, dont compare you deal store cookies to gs cookies! These cookies are made with real cocoa that you can taste in every bite. Bentons Caramel Coconut Fudge Cookies nutrition information and ingredients. Whether you're craving dark chocolate coated cookies, salted macadamia nuts, or fruit snacks, we offer a variety of high-quality, organic, and gluten-free snacks that will make everyone in your home happy. Shoppers often compare Aldi's Benton line to name-brand and Girl Scout cookies. Using keto math on the snickerdoodles, youd subtract the 2 grams of dietary fiber and 5 grams of sugar alcohols from the 8 grams of total carbohydrates, which leaves you with 1 gram of net carbs. I love their cookies! I have tried other places to find these but can not. Anybody know what is going on? Your email address will not be published. What Happened to Aldis Girl Scout Thin Mint Copycat Cookies? Otherwise I do not buy. Maybe the girl scouts can sell aldi cookies??? Why did you do this aldi?? :'(. What happened to Benton's chocolate chip cookies? These Aldi cookies aim to do something with the byproducts of oatmilk and tofu or soy milk production by upcycling them into something we can eat. Can you find out what the bioengineered ingredient is in some of the Bentons Cookies? Rebecca C. Walden is a freelance writer with Deep South roots - an Alabama native now living in north Texas. Even back then, the Girl Scouts made mere pennies on every Heres info on how to contact them:, Heres our post about the limited-time mint striped fudge cookies at Aldi, which are similar to the old Thin Mint copycats:, Id have to imagine since the thin mints are the #1 seller for girl scouts by a WIDE, I mean VERY WIDE margin, they dont care as much about the other knockoffs leeching sales off them, but they probably said get the thin mints off the shelf and we wont bother you about the rest. Or I could buy 25 boxes at $4 each ($100) and your troop would get $20 ($100 x .80). It doesnt take any thing away from GSs . If youve eaten through your stockpile of Girl Scout cookies, you have a few options at various grocery stores. We are no longer supporting IE (Internet Explorer), Thin Mint, also known as the most beloved Girl Scout cookie in America, Inspired by: Caramel DeLites (aka Samoas), Get Our Recipe for Copycat Caramel DeLites, Get Our Recipe for Lemon Shortbread Cookies, Inspired by: Peanut Butter Patties (aka Tagalongs), Get Our Recipe for Copycat Peanut Butter Patties, Inspired by: Do-si-dos (aka Peanut Butter Sandwich Cookies), Get Our Recipe for Mini Peanut Butter Sandwich Cookies, Get Our Recipe for Orange & Lemon Wafer Cookies, Get Our Recipe for Chocolate Caramel Thumbprints, This Tile Floor Cleaning Hack Uses Baking Sodaand It Works Like Magic, How to Make a Copycat Dragon Drink Refresher Recipe, Do not Sell or Share My Personal Information. You should spot them in the cookie aisle among the knockoff Girl Scout cookies and imitation Oreos. If this adversely affect their cookie sales then the Girl Scouts need to find a way to change that. That means that if you want to buy Fancypants cookies in a brick and mortar store, your best bet is probably the Aldi version. Girls frequently help other girls reach sales goals so they can afford to go on trips as well. They were tastier than Tic Tacs, had less sugar and no nasty additives. Provide some documentation to support your assertion. Hip2Save is a registered trademark of Hip Happenings, LLC. Your email address will not be published. Likewise, if your oven temperature is too high, your cookies will be dry and crispy. This Week at Aldi: The Aldi Weekly Ad for May 3, 2023, Casa Mamita Cheese or Black Bean and Corn Enchiladas, This Week at Aldi: The Aldi Weekly Ad for April 19, 2023, Open Thread: Range Master Grill Top Pizza Oven. Bentons Keto Cookies cost $2.95 for a 3-ounce package at the time of publication, which comes out to about 98 cents per ounce. I was also a girl scout many years ago and everyones parents took the forms to work. They're just like Girl Scout Tagalongs. If youre in the mood for Thin Mints, you can find name brand Keebler Grasshopper cookies at most grocery stores. Closest thing I have seen since they stop carrying fudge mint! Save my name, email, and site URL in my browser for next time I post a comment. Those EXACT Fudge Mint Cookies have reappeared in the other German grocer, Lidl. Bought some Girl Scouts Tagalongs. According to a photo posted on Instagram by fan account @aldifavoritefinds, the store has come up with another cult-favorite treat for customers in the form of Benton's Lemon Shortbread Cookies. The whole purpose was personal growth for the kids. Walden also provides freelance writing to corporate clients in finance, government, healthcare, and higher education. And a few other things to get us thru til the snow has finished melting off the roadways. Vegetarian Recipes. However, it is important to note that moisture bars, such as cheesecake [1] and lemon bars, should only be refrigerated for seven days. (Click to enlarge.). Thank you and more power BENTONs . While no one in my immediate family eats a keto diet, we do like to moderate our carb intake for health reasons. I dont speak gourmet scientific but the taste I have loved over the same Keebler offerings has been diminished, watered down. Reviewed in the United States on March 29, 2023. Im dying!!! If you didnt tell me they were keto, Im not sure I would have figured it out. Bentons Caramel Coconut Fudge Cookies are practically identical to Girl Scout Samoas or Caramel deLites cookies. So hear you can have booth if you like! Benton's Sugar Cones. Chocolate chip cookies on the left, snickerdoodles on the right. In this case, only the Thin Mint copycats are gone. I think that is a great win win especially if the person wants to write a check and get a receipt for a tax deductible donation while still supporting the child who is selling goods. ALDI employs more than 25,000 people and offers a variety of store brand products, including Bentons Cookies. Visit Insider's homepage for more stories. I tried these keto cookies. But, Girl Scout cookies are pricing themselves out of the market. Couldnt see a Gluten free label on the packages. Similarly, Are Aldi cookies Girl Scout Cookies? But how long do they last? Bentons Fudge Mint Cookies are my ABSOLUTE FAVORITE!!!! By using this site, you are agreeing to the site's terms of use. Being able to purchase a similar taste of these year round just helps us feed our cravings until Girl Scout time again. While some okara is incorporated into Asian dishes or used as livestock feed or fertilizer, large quantities of it are either burned up or dumped into landfills, both of which pose environmental problems. Its a win-win because I can satisfy my sweet tooth while also helping to support scouting activities. Go figure. These cookies are also kosher. The chain was founded by brothers Karl and Theo Albrecht in 1946. Dec 13, 2008. And we sold door to door. Then theres Fudge Mint, Aldis take on the classic Thin Mint, also known as the most beloved Girl Scout cookie in America. Bentons Peanut Butter Fudge Cookies cost $1.35 for a 9.5-ounce package at the time of publication. Sometimes stores will sell out of a certain product and there is a delay in restocking for unknown reasons, causing a temporary and localized shortage. Not at all. I believe they offer a double your money back if you do not like their store brand. Unfortunately, we dont expect them to stick around. No content on this site may be reused in any fashion without written permission. Its a program designed to help girls learn entrepreneurial skills. That said, I see a great deal of Merit in the comments that point out one can buy GS cookies during the season (or donate directly so that they get more of the money) while buying the comprable Aldi version the rest of the year. However, as has been said, they dont sell the cookies all year long, so this will be great for those summer and fall months when they arent selling and my stock is gone. Benton's Caramel Coconut Fudge Cookies cost $1.39 for an 8.5-ounce package at the time of publication. Little Brownie Bakers make them and resell to Girl Scouts..or Aldior Walmart.or wherever knock offs are sold. My understanding is that the bulk of the money goes to support the national organization, including fat executive salaries. ONLY $1.19, Bentons Pecan Shortbread Cookies Nice touch, parents, teaching your kids about free enterprise and competition. It is an awesome opportunity for her and so many others, far beyond the .80 a box they get. Whats better is theyll only cost you $1.43 per box! ALDI can help with that! The others the Tagalong copycat and the Samoa copycat are still in stores. UPC : 792220008255. I cant possibly afford to buy from all who ask and its not appropriate to buy from some and not all. Its okay to sell outside grocery stores, but please dont come knocking on a friends door ! The company is headquartered in Batavia, Illinois, and operates more than 2,000 stores across 36 states. Should you try Benton's Almond Flour Cookies found at Aldi? Automated page speed optimizations for fast site performance. Each package contains about three 7-cookie servings. Benton's Peanut Butter-Filled Cookies Facebook Aldi diehards can rejoice Delish writer Madison Flager points out that the popular, low-cost grocery store offers a number of Girl Scout Cookie copycats under the store's brand name, Benton's. I just tried these for the first time. Never wanted to be in any scouts though as I think theyre stupid. With that said, today Im looking at the Aldi caramel coconut fudge cookies. Way to go Aldis! BINGO!! Click to share on Facebook (Opens in new window), Click to share on Twitter (Opens in new window), Click to share on Pinterest (Opens in new window), Click to share on LinkedIn (Opens in new window), Click to share on Pocket (Opens in new window). These pictures of cookies dont look like girl scout cookies. Did they change recipes, bakeries? Bentons Upcycled Cookies, made by Fancypants Baking Co., use food that might otherwise be thrown away and would contribute to greenhouse gas emissions. I watch them in front of Wal-Mart and all they do is ask wanna buy some GS cookies?. They contain bioengineered food ingredients. They were still on our local store shelves at the time, so we didnt worry yet but simply kept an eye on the cookies. Its a challenge to get past the hard, crumbly nature of most keto ice creams as well, thanks to the sugar alcohols theyre sweetened with. She sees me do a lot of the work and I explain to her what I am doing when I set up her site, why we are selling cookies, how it all relates to money, giving, etc., the importance of manners and teaching her how to approach people and what to say when someone does decline.

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aldi benton cookies