army oer achieves bullets examples

Part I: (Administrative Data) Name-SSN-Rank-DOR-Branch-Specialties. U.S. Army Performance Evaluation Guide . Effectively meets and enforces the standard for. Gets Results. Accessing Resources . o maintained accountability and maintenance of equipment in excess of $250,000; resulted in zero loss and 100% functionality. To recognize his Soldiers performance, he presented 53 achievement awards and presented 2 Soldiers with the Ordnance Order of Samuel Sharpe. Performance measures, Duty descriptions, Achieves; Character, NCOER support form example, bullets, senior raters comments, DA 2166-9-1, DA 2166-9-2. . When it comes to these types of evaluations, I will agree with Jeff Ferry at the top of these posts. Rated NCO effectively achieves also maintains the required Army standards and organizational our of leader competencies furthermore attributes; effectively gathers and enforces the standard for an device and those in his/her charge; succeeds due taking related initiative the applying the leader competencies and attributes; results have a positive impact on the the, their Soldiers, the unit . ***( For pregnant NCOs who have not taken the APFT within the last 12 months due to pregnancy, temporary profiles, and/or convalescent leave. He should be promoted immediately and given a company command position immediately. [login to see], SFC Williams can you add me to the list also? If there is no unit weigh-in during the period covered by the NCOER, the rater will enter the NCOs height and weight as of the THRU date of the NCOER. Failed to supervise subordinates; relieved for ineffectiveness and replaced by junior NCO. Thanks! Avoid comments like best 1lt in the army unless youre the army cos. Advice on bullet points for new Army NCOER system? Unlimited potential. Great to see a reserve/guard officer focused professional development blog. Using proper counseling in conjunction with the -1A ensures the Soldier is well informed and knows exactly where they stand with their Rater and Senior Rater at all times. A superb leader with huge potential. Over 1,000 Rater and Senior Rater bullets for NCOERs and OERs. Can you email me please, I am a Quartermaster NCO [login to see], SFC Williams can you send me the list of bullet comments that you have for the NCOER. Thanks. Welcome to my sample NCOER bullets page. 5 Role of the Senior Rater Senior Rater "owns" the Evaluation and is responsible for timely completion Mentor/Develop your subordinates - Support Form -tool available to aid in defining / guiding goals and objectives throughout rating period, provides feedback to rated individual - not a lot of space but should be catalyst The progress or lack of progress in a weight control program will be indicated. There should be no surprises from either side of the document. NO REFERENCE to pregnancy will be made in the NCOER). Its role is extremely important, and is one. Instead, these examples are intended to get you, the Rater, to break your writers block and create unique bullets for your NCO. Comment if no APFT has been taken within 12 months of the THRU date; e.g. What are your thoughts? hb```d Ab@TIE%H]HAqs6y9y}83 46Pa@#[:;XyKd1bP8xF\-63]d8b^92|feydKK8 t~))3R,u+Z ;KIi98iFN=F27N2e8Dlp 'nvL/ lddVFNOu @9O13as&{KY1E5YeJfeok6Ims"4@W@!@Y(!*j,r0 &B Th`rY\%Y+:h!H88E12T5gi4. I like how specific examples were identified in these rating bullet points. Toggle menu. I then copy-and-pasted the instructions on the last two pages. Click on that individuals document id number on. I made few changes in my OER after reading your post. 1LT Edwards traveled to Washington D.C. with the Supply Sergeant to receive the award. Make sure you are part of the process! Army leaders recognize that organizations, built on mutual trust and confidence, accomplish missions. This can be hard because you have limited space, so focus on the facts. Evaluation reporting system (ers), implies that character is the foremost leadership requirement: Tenure as 1SG characterized by multiple failures due to lack of foresight to cross-train personnel on the unit's key functions. provides general information on using the tool. He also finished his Masters Degree and completed his Captains Career Course. To contribute examples . In his free time, he wrote and published two books, completed ILE Phase I and trained for a marathon. For example, if the officer is very fit, you can state, Captain Doe achieved a score of 345 on his latest PT test, instead of saying, Captain Doe is in good shape. As another example, saying Captain Doe recovered $500,000 of missing equipment swiftly by utilizing a new tracking system is better than, Captain Doe is responsible for high-dollar equipment. AR 623-3 provides some guidance in writing the OER, but an effective rater will have, or will learn, some advanced knowledge of writing. He will be greatly missed in our battalion and within his company. HELP! If you got 'em, they can be shared by using the form below. Its your job to manage your own Army OER and to manage your own career. Necessary cookies are absolutely essential for the website to function properly. During this short rating period, MAJ Roscoe did an exceptional job managing the S4 section. - Presence. However, you know your boss better than I do, so use your own judgement. That is a lot more effective than just saying they did a good job. This guidance here will be helpful for anyone who has to do these kind of rating and review. maintains proficient ability to breathe repeatedly without supervision and without fail. Contact Disclaimer. NCO unable to take the APFT during this period due to deployment for combat operations/ contingency operations. field grade officer oer character comments. In January 2009, he deployed his company to Washington DC in support for the 56th Presidential Inauguration and successfully operated a Traffic Control Point. Rated NCO performs above the required Army standards and organizational goals of leader competencies and attributes; this NCO and his/her Soldiers often take disciplined initiative in applying leader competencies and attributes; results have an immediate impact on the mission, their Soldiers, the unit, and the Army; this level of performance is not common, typically demonstrated by the upper third of NCOs of the same grade. For each performance evaluation, professionalism, attributes, and competencies bullets listed in PART IV of the NCOER, I have categorized each of the bullets into what I consider as . Its role is extremely important, and is one. This . This website uses cookies to improve your experience while you navigate through the website. To contribute examples, enter them below. Set stringent, achievable standards for his soldiers. Here is the section for "Achieves" from the new NCOER performance measure supplement. MOS 56A - Command and Unit Chaplain; MOS 56M - Chaplain Assistant; MOS 56X - Chaplain Candidate. describes two models and offers examples. If you marked "no" in a box, you have to explain in detail why. One of the most important counseling tools you have is your NCOER or OER Support Form, also known as the -1A. Please know that I just copied these from my own OERs (I did change my name and unit though). . NCOER Bullet Examples for Presence, Character, Intellect, Leads, Achieves, and Develops . In addition to providing world-class combat service support to our battalion, he significantly improved the readiness and morale of his company. Army Officer Evaluation Report which was adopted in November 1979, is largely based upon the concepts of management by objectives (MBO). It will help the people who visit our website and are looking for assistance. E.g: -This is the second time the NCO is on weight control program within the last 12 months[/toggle]. The Army wants specifics. Some of his key accomplishments include 5 re-enlistments, six promotions, 19 Soldiers graduated from either MOSQ or NCOES and a company Non-Val Pay of less than 1%. You can always count on him to get things done, and done right. He did an amazing job creating a technically and tactually proficient company that is motivated, trained, disciplined and capable of completing any deployment. It will really come in handy when I do my OER Support Form. Its great to see other officers to give some words of wisdom and knowledge to some of us that may know less and need some guidance. Thanks for educating me about OER and NCOER bullets. Memorandum for all reviewing authorities from: Character statement for ssg alfred m. Ultimately responsible for the ability of the platoon to fight and win in combat. New NCOER A Cover Down Site. Your boss is busy. . sergeant. Attached is an oer narrative guide and ncoer bullet guide (also posted on s1net; o developed a comprehensive training program; resulted in cross-training one . NCOER bullets for Met Standard and Did Not Meet Standard. Your email address will not be published. No one cares about your military career as much as you do. These comments will benefit someone writing an OER for someone else or for someone preparing their own OER and/or OER Support Form. identifies the various resources, training, and tools available. Now that Ive given you my advice about managing your OER, here are some sample OER bullets and OER comments. MOS. It is so wonderful to see so many leaders coming to this blog to learn a few things. Learn my best Army OER Support Form tips so you can get the best OER possible. You stay in the army, the smaller it gets. [toggle title="Bullets: Click Here to Open/Close"] achieved 100% accountability of equipment during change of command inventories and had all identified shortages on order, effectively managed his section by ensuring 100% of his Soldiers completed SSD level 1 before attending WLC, efficiently led her fire team during the company field training exercise, enabling the team to meet or exceed all mission timelines, developed a task assignment matrix to ensure subordinates clearly understood their roles while allowing them to accomplish delegated tasks, built a cohesive team to accomplish all reconnaissance and security tasks with minimal oversight; completely competent, enhanced unit readiness by ensuring his Soldiers completed annual MEDPROS training requirements, raised compliance from xx to xx%, depicted sound forbearing, managed priorities; contributed to unit success by identifying and clarifying obstacles; ranked in the top xx% of the company, managed mandatory requirements to ensure his boat detachment equipment was operational and secure, achieved all tasks in a satisfactory manner; supported the commanders safety and SHARP programs; accounted for all assigned equipment, enforced the unit safety program during ranges, motor pool operations, and training events leading to zero injuries, developed a strong prioritized work plan and anticipated change; completed all missions then assisted others to meet theirs, supervised an effective maintenance program in the platoon; maintained readiness at xx% with no past due services, achieved 100% accountability of equipment during Change of Command inventories and had all identified shortages on order, turned in over 200 lines of CL IX repair parts while reorganizing g the sections bench stock; returned over $150,00 of serviceable repair parts to the Army supply system, enforced the unit safety program during ranges, motor pool operations, and all training events; resulted in zero injuries during the rating period, can accomplish complex task with ease; designed the division drop zone and recovery plan, produces the honor graduate every time a member of the team attends school, builds team that can operate in a complex environment or the halls of an elementary school, supervised an effective maintenance program in the Platoon; maintained readiness at 98% with no past due services and average turnaround of four days on work orders, achieved positive results when confronted with major responsibilities and limited resources, maintained 100% accountability of $200,000 worth of MTOE equipment which resulted in the Battalions operational rate never falling below 98%, logged and tracked ammunition request for three BCTs with no discrepancies; properly forecasted Class V transfers from depot to Fort Hoods ASP, completed 51 of 70 tasks required to gain EOD Team Leader status in six months, maintained and serviced EOD specific tools, robotics, and vehicles worth $790K; resulted in team readiness rate of 97%, coordinated the inventory, packing, and delivery of over 75 pieces of HAZMAT, maintaining 100% accountability, managed the mandatory requirements to ensure his boat detachment equipment was operational and secure, achieved all tasks in a satisfactory manner Supported the commanders Safety and Sharp programs and accounted for all assigned equipment, depicted sound fore-bearing, managed priorities; identified and clarified obstacles which contributed to unit success; ranked in the top XX% of the company, obtained XX% of unit reenlistment goal due to (his/her) tenacious devotion towards mission accomplishment; placed XX among junior reenlistment NCOs within the brigade, developed a strong priority work plan and anticipated constant change; successfully completed all missions, then assisted additional AR Career Counselors to meet theirs, as assistant team leader, inspired his team to compete in the MPTY completion finishing winning the Brass Ensemble category, enhanced unit readiness by ensuring his Soldiers completed annual MEDPROS training requirements, raised compliance from 74 to 91 percent, successfully served in concurrent positions as Operations NCO and IMO while also leading his trumpet section and serving Bugle Roster NCOIC, always proactive; planned for timely record updates of eligible personnel for the FY__ ____ Board resulting in 100% certification of records, flawlessly executed numerous manifest/SRP operations for brigade Solders deploying for contingency operations, coached and mentored Soldiers to compete and win Soldier/NCO boards, guided Soldiers to proper resources whenever help is needed and lends support and guidance, provided over 70 Counterintelligence and Force Protection (FP) briefings and debriefings to over 300 personnel; increased awareness of FP threats, conducted HUMINT capabilities briefings so that supported units could better understand how to properly employ HUMINT, maintained accountability of all assigned equipment with zero losses or damage, certified with her Patrol Drug Detector Dog with a 90% detection proficiency and 10% false response ratio, 95% solve rate on all felony level investigations (31D); obtained highest confession rate in detachment/battalion, multifaceted NCO that is committed to the ultimate and timely accomplishment of the mission, maintained full accountability of assigned equipment; led the way on COMSEC audits, built a cohesive team that accomplished all reconnaissance and security tasks with minimal oversight; completely competent, successfully conducted three route reconnaissance missions during Warrior Forge, earned a commendable rating on his Tank/Bradley during the commanders maintenance inspection, qualified his tank/Bradley (qualification rating) on Gun Table VI, rated NCO leads his Soldiers through numerous door gunneries, each more complex than the last, rated NCO leads Soldiers through Readiness Level progression; all Soldiers RL1, maintained a 96 percent OR rate on his/her assigned aircraft; exceeding the DA standard for OR rate by 26 percent, NCO able to train his Soldiers on all mandatory training and still include time for unit morale functions, progressed to FI six months ahead of schedule; enhanced company level CE/RL progression training, all while supporting combat operations in multiple locations in OEF, provided expertise in joint airspace operations serving as the Airfield Management Element (AME), aggressively improved and shaped the Battalion Aviation Element (BAE) during JRTC rotation 15-03, conducted a PATRIOT/THAAD Capabilities Brief to the NATO Air Wing Commander enabling successful ADAM/BAE integration into Joint Air & Missile Defense Operations, provided clear and concise engagement drill commands allowing for the successful C-RAM intercept and destruction of two enemy rockets targeting deployed troops, executed flawless technical support to a JLENS surveillance operation of defended assets in the National Capital Region; provided flight profile analysis to Federal agencies, successfully led a howitzer/launcher/fire direction center/fire support section during a CTC rotation; receiving accolades from the DIVARTY and Brigade Commanders, provided clear and concise section crew drills during an Excalibur fire mission, resulting in a direct hit of the target, effectively managed his section by ensuring that 100% of his Soldiers completed SSD level 1 prior to attending WLC, showed great initiative by organizing and conducting OCIE layout and inventory without supervision, qualified his tank during Tank Table VI with a score of 782 during Company Stabilized Platform Gunnery, maintained 100% accountability of assigned equipment in excess of $4,000,000 through an NTC rotation and three FTX's, assisted with arranging and conducting company urinalysis; zero positive results during this rating period, inspects platoon Soldiers TA-50 monthly for accountability, serviceability, and cleanliness, conducted BATS and HIIDES capabilities training so that fire team could better understand how to properly employ Biometric toolset in combat, maintained accountability of all assigned equipment with zero losses or damage[/toggle], [toggle title="Bullets: Click Here to Open/Close"] failed to supervise subordinates; relieved for ineffectiveness and replaced by junior NCO, routinely failed to meet suspenses directed by his higher headquarters; failed to execute tasks and assignments on time; submitted x of x NCOERs late, failed to maintain standards; section rating decreased from excellent to satisfactory, cannot maintain team cohesion during training events; results in platoon demoralization, reported to work under the influence of alcohol and could not execute his duties, unable to adapt to change; violated EO principles by unfairly targeting female NCOs for their performance, failed to maintain proper accountability upon return from FTX; lost equipment/sensitive items valued in excess of $xxK, created an environment of conflict; made numerous negative comments about the commander to subordinate leaders, failure to adequately forecast training requirements led to shortages of ammunition and pyrotechnics during squadron training events, issued insufficient guidance and provided limited supervision to new Bradley crews during deployment preparation resulting in numerous safety violations, demonstrated a lack of leadership skill; lacks the confidence, managerial skills, and ability to make immediate decisions without supervisor's guidance, failed to supervise subordinates and follow proper maintenance procedures resulting in the loss of $xK worth of equipment, failed to manage priorities of work; missed 3 mission critical deadlines, failed to execute tasks and assignments in a timely manner, routinely failed to meet suspenses directed by his higher headquarters, unable to adapt to change; unfairly targeted female 12B NCOs for their performance, created an environment of conflict; made numerous negative comments about his Commander to subordinate leaders, inability to progress Soldiers above RL 3, failure to apply CRM resulted in loss of training time, inability to prioritize requirements, delegate tasks and apply the proper amount of supervision contributed to his platoon failing to SP on time during mission at NTC 15-6, failure to adequately forecast training requirements led to shortages of ammunition and pyrotechnics during Squadron training events, failed to maintain proper accountability upon return from FTX; lost sensitive items valued in excess of $10,000, missed numerous suspense dates to higher headquarters; failed to supervise and follow up on tasks delegated to subordinates, reported to work under the influence of alcohol and was unable to execute his duties, continues to fail certification with an 85% detection proficiency after 3 attempts and 6 months of training, section/squad failed multiple vulnerability tests resulting in the decreased security of the facility, his efficiency and effectiveness on duty did not carry over to his off duty conduct, as a result of his/her training plan the XXX kennels has no certified dogs to support the installation or ACOM; certification rate has plummeted since their arrival, failed to maintain current qualifications with platoons assigned weapon systems, failed to meet suspense requirements, submitted 3 of 7 NCOERs late, his/her inaction/action directly led to a (XX%) decrease in MWD certification rates across the ASCC, failed to complete Structured Self Development (SSD) IV requirements; making him ineligible to be considered for Sergeant Major, failed to improve Finance Ops measurements/percentage for the Brigade/Battalion; overall percentage does not meet DFAS standards, failed to maintain standards and allowed Section rating to decrease from Excellent to Satisfactory, failed to meet DOD FM certification timelines 42A CMF Organizational, failed to improve the HR Metrics percentage for the Brigade/Battalion; overall percentage does not meet Army standards, failed to ensure test materials were stored and secure in accordance with TRADOC and local policies, failed to ensure proper implementation of the new DL Phase for 42R NCOES resulting in loss of the Institute of Excellence rating during the recent TRADOC Accreditation, demonstrated a lack of initiative for both personal growth and the growth of his/her Staff, portrayed constant inability to provide purpose, direction and guidance; lacked situational awareness; Soldiers misunderstood goals and priorities, failed to accomplish quarterly retention objectives for FY XX; misinterpreted the changing operational environment; failed to initiate contingency plans, required constant supervision; spirit to achieve and win was overshadowed by ineffective use of time and resources; unit exhausted limited assets to cover shortfalls, received I Corps Commanding Generals three star award for outstanding performance during JRTC 02-02, superior planning, organization, and coordination resulted in her leading the most successful deployment and redeployment of the 7 TBX in unit history The unit received the Armys Deployment Excellence Award, failed to take charge of his platoon; was counseled numerous times to counsel and mentor subordinates, failed to keep accountability of assigned M4 during FTX; resulting in $650.00 Financial Liability Investigation of Property Loss (FLIPL), committed safety violation during explosive operations while deployed to OEF resulting in injury to subordinate Soldiers; revoked EOD badge and Team Leader certification 91 CMF Organizational, failed to understand the importance of her duties, took advantage of every situation to avoid responsibility, failed to realize the importance of performing assigned unit mission tasks on time, was negligent in meeting his responsibilities causing numerous obstacles to mission accomplishment, accomplished only three of the seven quarterly training objectives, section failed to complete mandatory training, even when allotted additional resources, unable to maintain team cohesion during training events; results in platoon demoralization, a body for the slot and nothing more.

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army oer achieves bullets examples