key elements of a community health assessment

A variety of planning and zoning, funding, and environmental regulatory decisions were required for the BeltLines various components to be developed. Stakeholders, however, may have insights into local conditions and potential solutions for addressing concerns raised by the proposal under consideration. Some provide a checklist of factors to consider and often focus on health determinants that might be affected by the proposal. The variation partly reflects the wide array of applications of HIA; for example, it is not necessary or feasible to use the same approaches to involve stakeholders for a local project and for a high-level state or national policy. Jagannathan R, Camasso MJ, Sambamoorthi U. The committee notes that the diversity of approaches and decision contexts imposes challenges for determining the resources required for conducting an HIA. The committee notes that any limitations, incomplete data, and uncertainty in the baseline analysis should be clearly stated. Whereas HIA aims to predict the effects of a decision before it occurs, outcome evaluation assesses whether the implementation of a decision has actual effects on health or health determinants (Parry and Kemm 2005). Any logic models or scoping tables that were completed should also be included. Such a plan is often referred to as a public-health management plan or a health-action plan (Quigley et al. The toolkit presents the key elements of HRC development. Identifying high-priority issues has been addressed in numerous contexts outside HIA, including human-health and ecologic risk assessment (see, for example, EPA 1989, 1992; NRC 1996, 2009). Health impact assessment is conducted to inform a decision-making process and is intended to be concluded and communicated in advance of the decision that is being assessed. Mapping out the timeline for the decision-making process can be helpful, and for large and complex programs and projects, identifying the agencies involved and their jurisdictions is important. Adoption of recommendations depends partly on the involvement of decision-makers in the HIA process (Elliot and Francis 2005; Davenport et al. Quigley RJ, Taylor LC. Atlanta BeltLine Redevelopment Plan. The HRET's Community Health Assessment and Implementation Pathway is an eight-step approach to guide the CHNA journey. 2009). The success of recommendations ultimately depends on the publics trust in and support of them. Health impact Assessment: Concepts, Theory, Techniques and Applications. A number of corporations and professional associations, such as the International Committee on Mining and Metals and the International Association of Oil and Gas Producers, have guidance for HIA, but relatively few completed industry-led HIAs or environmental, social, and health impact assessments are available on the Internet or on public Web sites that catalog HIA activity. It should define the vision for the health of the community through a collaborative process and should address the gamut of strengths, weaknesses, challenges, and opportunities that exist in the community to improve the health status of that community. Another issue that should be addressed in scoping is identifying alternatives to the proposed action. In general, the baseline profile focuses on health issues and health determinants that may be affected by the proposal rather than on attempting to provide a complete assessment of community health. These common components included preplanning; developing partnerships; developing vision and scope; collecting, analyzing, and interpreting data; identifying community assets; identifying priorities; developing and implementing an intervention plan; developing and implementing an evaluation plan; communicating and receiving feedback on the Needs assessments serve as incredibly powerful tools for decision making, resource allocation, and ultimately reaching programmatic goals. HIA recommendations take various forms, and some examples are provided below. Because it will often not be practical or possible to address all direct and indirect health effects that appear theoretically possible, it is important to select issues carefully. official website and that any information you provide is encrypted The opportunity to bring health information into a decision-making process that may otherwise not include this information. The associations between expected disturbances and changes in health were then analyzed in more depth to look at the alternatives proposed for the expansion and at the cumulative effects of oil exploration and extraction. The American Hospital Associations review of the IRSs final rules for CHNAs and implementation strategies can be foundhere. An HIA would identify health assets, health liabilities, and health-promoting mitigations related to the proposed development project. Assignment of significance rests on the characterization of an effect as described above, but judgments regarding what constitutes a significant impact are ultimately determined partly on the basis of social and political values. Public agencies might not disclose or might redact or otherwise limit disclosure of information. Regardless of whether effects are quantified, the assessment stage should include a characterization of each effect to the greatest extent. Improving relationships and collaboration between stakeholders. 2 Setting priorities considers pathways that appear most important from a public-health perspective and considers issues that have been raised prominently by stakeholders. One Step Forward, One Step Back: An Analysis of the IFCs Sustainability Policy, Performance Standards and Disclosure. Thank you for taking the time to confirm your preferences. This assessment of needs then informs a project's overall plan and approaches by helping you identify targeted strategies and prioritize resources. The committees may be convened for several purposes, including providing technical guidance or peer review, ensuring adequate and fair representation of diverse interests and priorities among stakeholders, communicating the results of the HIA to decision-makers, and developing recommendations that address community needs and are compatible with the specific legal requirements of the decision- making process. As for any other research method, qualitative analysis in HIA should use appropriate methods and a clear, rigorous research design. Past Projects: Paid Sick Days Legislation. It is critical for the credibility of the HIA that the measures or outcomes being promoted are grounded in full and transparent consideration of the evidence that supports and does not support the issue in question. Comprehensive HIAs are most commonly differentiated from rapid and intermediate HIAs by the scope of potential impacts and the need for collection of new primary data. However, it appears to be increasingly accepted that HIA is carried out to inform the decision rather than to evaluate the impacts after the decision is made, and there is general agreement on the procedural steps of HIA (Harris-Roxas and Harris 2011). Thomson H. HIA forecast: Cloudy with sunny spells later? A community health improvement plan (or CHIP) is a long-term, systematic effort to address public health problems based on the results of community health assessment activities and the community health improvement process. The committee notes three considerations that may be particularly important for producing effective, actionable recommendations. Cook WK, Heller J, Bhatia R, Farhang L. A Health Impact Assessment of the Healthy Families Act of 2009. Third, it informs government agencies and officials of potential changes in demand for services, such as health care, emergency response, and public safety; this can facilitate an appropriate response. Poorly selected proposals may result in HIAs that add little new information and consume considerable time and resources of the HIA team to complete and of recipients to review. Decisions are often based on incomplete information and must often be made within a specified time rather than waiting for more complete information. Box 3-1 provides an example of how screening on a proposal for a residential housing program was conducted. Screening: HIA of a Residential Housing Program. 2005). Guidance Note 4. For example, there may be concerns about risks to a proponents reputation or to the viability and public acceptance of a proposed project if a report discloses important unmitigated adverse impacts or potential impacts that are uncertain or for which strong evidence does not exist. Industrial proponents, government decision-making agencies, local health departments, and independent organizations (such as universities and nongovernment organizations) may all be in a position to implement measures recommended in the HIA. We identified 11 common assessment and planning components across 18 models and requirements, with a particular focus on health department, health system, and hospital models and requirements. Public concerns are a common trigger for a decision to screen, and the degree of concern or controversy about a proposal may be one of the factors weighed in the decision to undertake an HIA. Because decision-makers must eventually translate health-based recommendations into actionable measures (for example, by modifying legislation, drafting regulations or permit conditions, instituting new zoning requirements, or encouraging voluntary activities), regular communication between the HIA team and the decision-makers is important for the success of a proposed recommendation (EPA 2009). Moreover, because there is generally no written record of HIAs that stop at screening, still less is known about the reasons that have led to decisions not to proceed with HIA. Prospective health impact assessment: Pitfalls, problems, and possible ways forward. In that case, a robust evaluation method, such as interviews conducted with decision-makers before and after the HIA, could provide the data needed to gauge the effect on decisions. Although deviation from the criteria may occur, a valid and clearly articulated rationale for such deviation should be described when the HIA is reported. Wolf S. Fear and loathing about the public right to know: The surprising success of the emergency planning and community Right-to-Know Act. As part of the assessment phase, a set of specific indicators that can be used to describe the baseline and potential changes in health status or health determinants should be developed. Developing new cross-disciplinary and interagency collaborations. Section 1508.27). Neidell M. Information, avoidance behavior, and health: The effect of ozone on asthma hospitalizations. Assessing the Health Impacts of Road Pricing Policy Proposals. The Atlanta Development Authoritys BeltLine Redevelopment Plan (November 2005) was identified as a coherent and publicly accepted vision that had been approved by local elected officials (ADA 2005). However, many HIA reports are available from public agencies, universities, and nonprofit organizations, and the committee found few examples of HIAs led or commissioned by the private sector that were available. A logic framework was produced to guide the assessment. The results of the HIA were presented in different formats; the full report was accompanied by a summary and fact sheets. A description of the research questions, data sources, methods to be used, and any alternatives to be assessed. 2005; PHAC 2005; Harris et al. Another consideration is whether the proposal is likely to place a disproportionate burden of risk on vulnerable populations in the affected community; screening proposals on this basis helps to ensure that the HIA addresses the risk factors that underlie observed disparities in the rates of illness among various populations. This step suggests a modified version of CDC's evaluation guidelines, and may be used as a starting point to tailor an evaluation for a particular community health improvement effort, at .

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key elements of a community health assessment