Always call the day before oil delivery, prompt when coming to clean /service the furnace! This business is in an industry that may require professional licensing, bonding or registration. methanol and 1,4-dioxane did not strip out of the water in detectable amounts). I highly, I didn't get any services from this company because the air conditioner I have isn't one that they specialize in, but the communication I had with Chris regarding my issue was efficient and timely. The automatic oil delivery is great and 24/7 service is amazing too. petitioners is available in the docket for this rulemaking. documents in the last year, by the Food and Drug Administration In addition, the EPA is proposing other technical corrections and clarifications for each of the rules. Instead, for example, facilities that use water sampling to detect leaks must still comply with the recordkeeping and reporting requirements of 40 CFR 63.2520(e)(16) and 40 CFR 63.2525(r). Why Petro Why Petro. Additional information for the VCS search and determinations can be found in the memorandum, EPAHQOAR201807460069). Start Printed Page 25579 oil deliveries and our service response is always fast. For questions about this proposed action, contact Ms. Angie Carey, Sector Policies and Programs Division (E14301), Office of Air Quality Planning and Standards, U.S. Environmental Protection Agency, Research Triangle Park, North Carolina 27711; telephone number: (919) 5412187; fax number: (919) 5410516; and email address: Start Printed Page 25578 Why? Boiler serviced Corroded pipe repaired etc. We are talking more than $4.50/gallon. The Organic Liquids Distribution (Non-Gasoline) (herein called OLD) NESHAP was promulgated on February 3, 2004 (69 FR 5038) and is codified at 40 CFR part 63, subpart EEEE. Earlier that day, we were approached by a salesman for Slomin's oil, inviting us to lock in an oil delivery price of $3.50 and a service agreement, which we declined because we already have an annual contact with Petro, with a service agreement for which we are billed separately. You may send comments, identified by Docket ID No. Would only go here for all needs !!! The automatic oil delivery is great and 24/7 service is amazing too. The EPA is also proposing to add requirements for pressure-assisted flares and mass spectrometers to the Petroleum Refineries NESHAP to align this rule with other more recent chemical sector rules and eliminate the need to request site-specific alternative means of emission limitations (AMELs) for these units. Start Printed Page 25581 If you submit an electronic comment, the EPA recommends that you include your name and other contact information in the body of your comment and with any digital storage media you submit. regulatory information on with the objective of Lorco can remove a wide range of petroleum-contaminated material that is stored in 55 gallon drums. allowance from the criteria for a violation of the work practice standards for atmospheric PRD releases and emergency flaring events in 40 CFR 63.648(j)(3) and 63.670(o)(7). heating & air conditioning/hvac, plumbing, heating oil companies. $6.509 / gallon for #2 oil. The current provisions in 40 CFR 63.671 could be interpreted to suggest that gas chromatographs must be used for flare gas compositional analysis. A petitioner requested that the EPA include introductory language to clarify that the requirements apply only if the facility chooses to route emissions to a non-flare control device and chooses to comply with the 1 ppmv standard via continuous emission monitoring systems (CEMS), A petitioner contended that the reference to affected source should be revised to MCPU to be consistent with the second column of table 6 to subpart FFFF of part 63, We agree with the petitioner to revise the provision for consistency with table 6 to subpart FFFF of part 63; therefore, we are proposing to replace affected source with MCPU.. From our assessment of the timeframe needed for compliance with the revised requirements, the EPA considers a period of 60 days after the effective date of the final rule to be the most expeditious compliance period practicable. Login Here . At the end of the visit, the price was $179 -- exactly what they quoted me on the phone. Our local 24/7 customer service and support means automatic heating oil deliveries and our service response is always fast. Or, maybe I misunderstood their website, even though it says Petro provides CAC sales and service., After being an upstanding customer of Petrofor years, last winter I requested an oil delivery for my home. documents in the last year, 84 The proposed amendments to 40 CFR part 63, subparts CC, YY, EEEE, and FFFF would only minimally change the existing requirements for all entities. You do from the list of defined terms in 40 CFR 63.1103(e)(2) and 63.2550 as well as to remove the semiannually). The proposed revisions are not expected to yield air quality benefits because emissions will not be affected. the EPA will post the use of any EPA-approved method listed in part 136 of this chapter as long as the method is sensitive to concentrations as low as 10 parts per million (ppm) and the same method is used for both entrance and exit samples), be allowed for cooling water containing certain soluble HAP in lieu of using the Modified El Paso Method. The ACC/AFPM petitioned the EPA on, among other things, the storage vessel degassing provisions, ethylene cracking furnace burner repair provisions, and ethylene cracking furnace isolation valve inspections. Just got oil delivery. Location of This Business. Rude representatives refused to provide supervisors' contact info. Call now at (516) 260- 4328! I high recommend ARVADA Mechanical Corp. ", We have been serving Northern New Jersey since 1980, "It was quite a year when it came to expensive repairs! We can provide antifreeze to your Long Beach Island location with bulk or drum delivery. documents in the last year, 9 Become a customer Contact us We're here whenever you need us, 24 hours a day, 7 days a week. The EPA will not respond to comments addressing any other issues or any other provisions of the final rule not specifically addressed in this proposed rulemaking. Service 800.645.4328. The EPA is proposing to replace storage vessels with storage tanks to correct the typographical error. The for better understanding how a document is structured but Price wise, they were very reasonable laying out 4 different options which were also explained in detail. Documentation for Developing the Initial Source Category List, Final Report Pay your bills online, schedule servicing and more. Although the diagnosis of this problem took about 15 minutes, they didn't charge me. Petition for Reconsideration of the Final Rule: National Emission Standards TCEQ Refinery Emissions Event Database 2018-2021. These data would not be expected to also be included in a facility's submission to the delegated state authority and/or EPA Regional Office, so no duplication is expected. documents to your comment. If a public hearing is requested, the EPA will begin pre-registering speakers for the hearing no later than 1 business day after a request has been received. We moved out of our house and out of state. The OFR/GPO partnership is committed to presenting accurate and reliable 04/26/2023 at 8:45 am. Although listed, some information is not publicly available, What is your experience with Petro oil delivery? I called the 800 number to find out why and was told that is because I had an outstanding balance. Our fleet of vacuum trucks can provide cleaning on all types and sizes of tanks. I tried talking to the service manager who they say his name is Richard. National Technology Transfer and Advancement Act (NTTAA),, MODS: Government Publishing Office metadata,,,,,,,, Miscellaneous Organic Chemical Manufacturing. In this Issue, Documents on Was told the tech would be out to today. You may change your billing preferences at any time in the Customer Center or call After the initial source category listings, in a November 7, 1996, document (61 FR 57602), the Agency combined 21 of the 174 originally defined source categories, and other organic chemical processes which were not included in the original 174 source category list, into one source category called the Miscellaneous Organic Chemical Processes source category. They need to improve their call-center service since it seems I'm always on hold for 15 minutes or more to call for service. Punctual arrival, no-nonsense work, and good cleanup after. . My husband and I were not told in advance what the price of delivery would be, but after the delivery was completed, we received this bill for almost twice as much as we were quoted for the price of oil that very same day. They are always professional. Their parent company, Petro is rated an F on the BBB. and /mol at 25 Celsius are aniline, 2-chloroacetophenone, diethylene glycol diethyl ether, diethylene glycol dimethyl ether, dimethyl sulfate, 2,4-dinitrotoluene, 1,4-dioxane, ethylene glycol monoethyl ether acetate, ethylene glycol monomethyl ether acetate, methanol, and toluidine. ", "For over 60 years, Region Energy has been the name that your northern NJ neighbors have trusted for all of their home comfort services (heating oil, propane, air conditioning, plumbing, electrical, and generator). However, the inconsistency is irrelevant because in this rulemaking, we are proposing at, A petitioner requested that the EPA update the recordkeeping requirements for adsorbers that cannot be regenerated and for regenerative adsorbers that are regenerated offsite to reflect the monitoring requirements in the final rule (, The EPA is proposing to correct the spelling of paragraph.. The Ethylene Production source category includes any chemical manufacturing process unit in which ethylene and/or propylene are produced by separation from petroleum refining process streams or by subjecting hydrocarbons to high temperatures in the presence of steam. Voluntary Consensus Standard Results for National Emission Standards for Hazardous Air Pollutants: for Ethylene Production, Miscellaneous Organic Chemical Manufacturing, Organic Liquids Distribution (Non-Gasoline), and Petroleum Refineries, allowance, the rule is strengthened, and compliance becomes easier to assess as it is determined purely based on the count of events by emission unit and root cause. Eugenia and Tim West Milfor. Visit the Solution Center to Explore Articles. Companies below are listed in alphabetical order. I called Petro first after compiling a list of A-rated CAC vendors from Angie's List. establishing the XML-based Federal Register as an ACFR-sanctioned Heating and Air Conditioning, Statewide Environmental Services, LLC - Oil tanks, Do Not Sell or Share My Personal Information. As promulgated in 2002, and further amended on April 13, 2005 (70 FR 19266), and July 6, 2020 (85 FR 40386), the EMACT standards regulate hazardous air pollutant (HAP) emissions from ethylene production units located at major sources (as defined by CAA section 112(a)(1)). Additionally, based on the Energy Information Administration's 2021 Refinery Capacity Report, there are 129 operable petroleum refineries in the United States (U.S.) and the U.S. territories, all of which are expected to be major sources of HAP emissions. I signed up for the price cap on the oil price with Petro and now am I so glad I did. Petro Home Services sucks. Lorco collects used oil and other petroleum related wastes with our state-of-the-art collection fleet in the Long Beach Island area. Be the first one to find this review helpful. Attachment Requirements. It is not an official legal edition of the Federal Confidential Business Information (CBI) or other information whose disclosure is restricted by statute. I am on my 3rd day with no heat or hot water with pneumonia. The EPA is proposing to replace 63.1109(e)(7) with 63.1109(e)(6) to correct the typographical error. A few proposed revisions provide slightly greater flexibility and could yield minor cost savings. Ran out of heating oil in new home on a Sunday in December. Called later to let me know they were not coming. Do not submit electronically to PETRO OIL YOU ARE NON TRUSTWORTHY.. 47 Patrick Ln, Poughkeepsie, NY 12603-2959. I paid $4.89 / gallon, Petro pricing, last month, which is still insane. You wait up to an hour to talk to anyone on the phone. BBB is here to help. as defined in 40 CFR 63.641. BBB Business Profiles are subject to change at any time. The EPA may close a session 15 minutes after the last pre-registered speaker has testified if there are not additional speakers. Heating Oil, Heating & AC, Plumbing, Propane, Do Not Sell or Share My Personal Information. All I ask is that they reduce the price to what I was contracted for. . Petro's large network, resources and local customer service professionals, drivers and technicians enables us to support your home heating oil and service needs better than any other company. The EPA received a joint petition from the American Chemistry Council (ACC) and American Fuel & Petrochemical Manufacturers (AFPM) and a petition from Earthjustice (on behalf of RISE St. James, Louisiana Bucket Brigade, Louisiana Environmental Action Network, Texas Environmental Justice Advocacy Services, Air Alliance Houston, Community In-Power & Development Association, Clean Air Council, Center for Biological Diversity, Environmental Integrity Project, and Sierra Club). As noted, our analyses were performed on data we requested directly from the EPA Regional Offices, which are not readily available to the public. Our preferred method to receive CBI is for it to be transmitted electronically using email attachments, File Transfer Protocol (FTP), or other online file sharing services ( ConsumerAffairs is not a government agency. 2023, International Association of Better Business Bureaus, Inc., separately incorporated Better Business Bureau organizations in the US, Canada and Mexico and BBB Institute for Marketplace Trust, Inc. All rights reserved. The EPA interprets Executive Order 13045 as applying to those regulatory actions that concern environmental health or safety risks that the EPA has reason to believe may disproportionately affect children, per the definition of covered regulatory action in section 2202 of the Executive order. 15311538, and does not significantly or uniquely affect small governments. EPAHQOAR20220787). Available for delivery in bulk and drums, Lorco provides automatic delivery to assure continuous service for your customers in the Long Beach Island area. the current document as it appeared on Public Inspection on Preamble acronyms and abbreviations. I left them in December and went with another energy group. 3251, 3252, 3253, 3254, 3255, 3256, and 3259, with several exceptions. notification and paperless settings, and more payment options. Participation in virtual public hearing. Proposed Regulatory Text Edits for Subpart EEEE, Proposed Regulatory Text Edits for Subpart FFFF, Proposed Regulatory Text Edits for Subpart YY, and Proposed Regulatory Text Edits for Subpart CC, Thank you, you have successfully subscribed to our newsletter! 3. At the time I was dealing with my sick father and had a balance due. We're Americas #1 local home heating oil and total home comfort services provider (heating, cooling, plumbing, chimney). During the EPA's VCS search, if the title or abstract (if provided) of the VCS described technical sampling and analytical procedures that are similar to the EPA's reference method, the EPA reviewed it as a potential equivalent method. On December 1, 2015 (80 FR 75178), the EPA finalized amendments to the petroleum refinery sector rules as the result of a sector RTR. Put $0 down on the latest energy-efficient systems. I did notice that if you were more than 60 days late then they hold your oil for ransom. We disagree with the petitioners' claims that a separate standard for floating roof storage vessel degassing is not needed due to the removal of the shutdown exemption. What is the source of authority for the reconsideration action? floating roof and requiring prompt and continuous filling until the roof is refloated). force majeure The EMACT standards were promulgated on July 12, 2002 (67 FR 46258), and codified at 40 CFR part 63, subparts XX and YY. Inhibitors have been added to produce a low silicate, low phosphate coolant suitable for use in automotive and diesel engines. All backed by around-the-clock The count of events by emission unit currently excludes events for which the root cause is determined to be Our remanufactured antifreeze/coolant removes suspended and dissolved metals, combined silicates, phosphates and corrosion producing elements. When I had the old furnace would always come as soon as possible to fix! As such, we are not revising the monitoring parameters to apply more broadly, such as to scrubbers that use water as the scrubbing liquid. I called and ask not to receive anymore deliveries from the company and was told that my contract ends in January. (see Docket ID No. Therefore, the above-mentioned proposed revisions to 40 CFR 63.670(o)(7) for emergency flaring events would be automatically incorporated into the requirements for the EMACT standards, OLD NESHAP, and MON. provisions for emergency flaring events. They service themselves better than their customers. We did not estimate baseline emissions or emissions reductions for the proposed revisions. No, Petro Home Services does not offer eco-friendly accreditations. In their April 2020 petition, petitioners took issue with the inclusion of the The API/AFPM and Stoel Rives LLP (on behalf of Alyeska Pipeline Company) commented on storage vessel degassing. We agree that this requirement is impracticable and could lead to more decoking events and more emissions from decoking of ethylene cracking furnaces. this will NOT be posted on service and support that you can rely on in any weather! Lorco can also provide quality absorbent pads in 100 count bundles or 150 perforated rolls. The owner or operator is required to track the number of events by emission unit and root cause. It did not make sense since there was no problem before his arrival. Heating Oil, Propane, Air Conditioning, and Generator Services and Repairs in Plainview, NY. Both my husband and I called Petro customer service several times to discuss this discrepancy, and to request that they reconsider the price per gallon at which our delivery was calculated. I wasn't even a customer of theirs yet, but called them at 8:30am on that Sunday morning, spoke to a real person, and had oil by noon. The EPA may ask clarifying questions during the oral presentations but will not respond to the presentations at that time. This purge stream generates HAP emissions and is the subject of the MACT control requirements for which the EPA is proposing alternative standards. I am always satisfied with his work and his reasonable prices. the service person was prompt-called before arriving, professional and clean, came on time - work was completed on time - price seemed a little higher then most others but stuck with them because they have been my oil company for 20 plus yrs, I have my oil service contract with petro - they also did work for me such as : 1. replaced my central ac condenser 2. new hot water tank was also installed. Yes, Petro Home Services offers warranties. The information in this preamble is organized as follows: A. 40 CFR Part 63, Subpart CC NESHAP from Petroleum Refineries - Periodic Report Request for Administrative Reconsideration of EPAs National Emissions Letter to Petitioners Granting Reconsideration of Provisions in the Ethylene Subpart CC Petroleum Refinery Periodic Reports Reviewed for Force Majeure Redline of 40 CFR part 63, subpart EEEE, showing proposed amendments. Experience the Petro difference today! The ACC/AFPM and Earthjustice also raised other issues that are not being addressed in this rulemaking. No, Petro Home Services does not offer a senior discount. There are 201 MON facilities currently operating. Organization of this document. force majeure They came same day in a few hours. The rules allow storage vessels to be vented to the atmosphere once a storage vessel degassing concentration threshold is met ( 7412 and 7607(d)(7)(B)).
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