If you are looking for something to do and make some money, consider a part-time animal shelter volunteer career! Trademarks are the property of their respective owners. However, they will still need to manage their time wisely so that they can balance their work-life with their personal life. MTNhYzAxNDEzNzViNDM0In0= If the copyright owner does not want his works to be available through our site, he only needs to inform us, Hi, i have the last patreon version of this animations (30/04/2023), how, Where to download PNB? Babies are the best thing that can happen to anyone. These jobs are perfect for sims that you dont want to put much time into, but you still want them to actually have a job, and you want it to make sense with their personality. NDBkNTM2NDNiMDUzOWU0OWM5NzYwZGU5MjQ5OTJlY2ExNzdiYzk3OTZmZDA3 NTVlMGE0MDc0NDg0NGM5MTU3NGVlMzBjNWZmMDBjNzA1MzNmZmQwZTZkYmEz This site is not endorsed by or affiliated with Electronic Arts, or its licencors. New promotion goals to add a bit of challenge to the game, Pay increase when your sims fame level goes up (Need, Work will impact a sims reputation. I had absolutely no idea what that was when I first came across this career. At the end of your residency, you can be rest assured that you will be trained as a full spectrum obstetrician and gynecologist. It adds new moodlets to the game that will appear after the first sexual intercourse - it can be a flirtatious, happy or confident, 2022-2023 AqxaroMods.com - New mods for games |, All copyrights belong to their owners. OBGYN?180/HR 7AM-7PM M T W TH FYou've made it! Your sims TikTok career level will havefivelevels: This collection of job mods offers10employment options for your sim. From The Sims 2 to the Sims 4, weve got you covered! Sims have a chance of bringing home an illness from school or work or potentially catching a Cold if they're cold or wet (not 100% . Custom Content. *ItsKatato has updated this career to be an active career mod for sims 4. Having a baby is something that everyone wants to remember. You have the option of working from home and completing tasks such as: pose for pictures, throw fan meet & greets, workout, record videos, & more. This mod allows your sim to have more than one job at a time. It bugs her that NPCs will have careers that your sims cant actually get a job in. Required fields are marked *, document.getElementById("comment").setAttribute( "id", "a03df97f5efe3d12774cdcea09a4813e" );document.getElementById("b8a9fb265f").setAttribute( "id", "comment" );Comment *. With this career mod, you can either be a film actor or a film director, depending on which track youd choose. Theyll get to choose amongthree industries: Your pet will run off to do their work, rabbit hole-style, just like a sim would. This mod adds realistic childbirth options such as natural delivery and planned C-section. This article puts together the best one weve found across several sources. This is another career by MarlynSims so of course, it includes an incredible amount of content: 35 custom chance cards, 135 chance card outcomes, and 135 buffs! If you believe Wordfence should be allowing you access to this site, please let them know using the steps below so they can investigate why this is happening. You also have the option to rename the scans, so that you can keep track of your households babies. Any use of mods (custom content or game mods) should be done with caution and with the knowledge that there may be risks. There are two branches of this career: art curator or art dealer. The maid career mod is a one-level career with no promotions. Get a boost in career levels by getting a degree inCulinary Arts. The fun part about this jobs mod is that you can decide to do the job actively or as a rabbit hole style. This career mod requires the Island Living expansion pack. The Medic Career Actually Requires A Biology Degree To Get Into It At All. This career mod requires the Discover University and Get Famous expansion packs. 31+ Absolute Best Sims 4 Trait Mods to Create More Unique Sims (Sims 4 CC Traits), The Sims 4 More Traits Mod Download & Tutorial (2022 Update! Sims 4 Sex & Sexual Mods (Download) 2023. However, with this job mod, I have a reason to play with it SO much more! Thanks to the oceanography career mod, your sim can enjoy the sea breeze. The last two skills are for the career branch your sim will lean towards to: Make sure to install theincluded Work Interactions Pie Menumod to enable certain interactions. NTY5YWEwYjMzZmU5MjZlNDMxOGMzNzdmNjk0MTI4MWYzZDA1NTNmZTBlMzdk ZDI0MWRjNzI3Y2JmMmUzMTQ4ODU3NmM2NjU1ZTg0NGUzZjllNDI5ZWQ1YmNj Adventurer Career You can choose from cardiology (which focuses on cardiac issues), pediatrics (which studies children and their development), plastic surgery (where surgeons operate on any part of the body if necessary), and dermatology (where doctors examine diseases of the skin). This custom career is 10 levels starting at Trail Dust Taster and ending at Equestrian Master, The only thing that could make this career mod better is if we had actual horses in The Sims 4. They can explore the depth of their love for the ocean, fishing, and all things aquatic in their new career as an oceanographer. The game encourages players to explore the virtual world and take responsibility for their in-game avatars. It is the perfect choice for individuals interested in the medical field, but dont want to go through the demands of becoming a doctor. This is a mod that is perfect for your character if they want to be a Cardio, Zumba, or Bodypump instructor. This psychology career for the sims 4 is super fun and gives you so many different options! Either way, if they work hard, theyll eventually get a paid position and work their way to head of antiquities. Thats sooo much work. As an obstetrics nurse, you will be providing care to expectant mothers to ensure both the mother's and baby's health. With so many options, which one will you pick for your sims? They have to make sure that their reputation is high and that they meet the different needs of their clients if they want to succeed in this business. OBGYN Obstetrics and Gynecology Career The most frequently asked questions about The Sims 4 game Sims 4 Mods ? Just hop on the computer and sign up to do one of the 6 classic kid side hustles: After completing the job, your child sim will not only earn money but skills and character values like responsibility and empathy. Y2FiZmEyNTZmN2Q5Y2QzM2Q5MmM4OTg5MDQ1YWI5MjlhNTNmM2I4MDJlZWFk This trip will cost 75 simoleons. The Sims 4 is a life-simulation game that mainly focuses on letting players control the life of their virtual characters. There are many mods that allow The Sims 4 players to experience new careers or professions in the game, but some of them are better than others. With a degree in Communication, your sim will skipfourlevels and start their career at theCollaboratorlevel. zip file and place both of them into yourSims 4 modsfolder. To succeed in your sims 4 career, youll need to develop skills like cooking, charisma, or fitness. MzhjNTY2ZGI2ZjUyODZhMzQ1YWFiZDI2N2JiNzk4NTFjZjAwOWEzNTgxNDNl Give this mod a chance too, and it is really worth a try! Let us know down in the comments, and dont hesitate to share your results with us. This is a six-level career that gives your sim the option of going from dog walker making only $10 an hour to being an owner of the boarding kennels making $500 an hour. This means that they can do all their favorite things and get paid for it It also brings with it new careers, part-time jobs, and freelance trades for you to add to your gameplay. As an art dealer, youll work at art auctions, install artwork, and even invest in artwork to later sell and make a profit! The best part is that you wont need to worry about squeezing another job into your sims busy schedule. Make your way to the top by becoming aGeneral Managerof the ever-so-popular coffee shop franchise. If you click on them, they will display the pregnant sims name and their results. Airline Career by MidniteTech. To make the career work the way it was intended, youll need to select work from home. They work their tail off, learning new skills in the process, and end up owning an entire chain of repair shops. Finding the right job or career can be a difficult decision to make. Both mod links are available on the download page. This career is semi-active, meaning that your sim can work actively from home or go to work rabbit hole-style. Comments have been enabled on my blog but do not ask for mod assistance in the comments. The Night Nurse role is for all those who need a job outside of those standard working hours. Now they can with these neighborhood jobs for children! title:'PayPal - The safer, easier way to pay online! ZGQyYmZjZmFiOTU4N2UzZTdiNjA5ZWUyNWJlM2Q2ZDBjMDk4M2RlNWZlMjdk Cold and Flu System. When it comes to career paths, there are so many options in both the real world and in the sims 4. When they come back, be sure to check their inventory! If, for example, you pick theModelcareer, your sims promotions will be: This pet career mod requires the Cats and Dogs expansion pack. Also Read: 18 Best Ravasheen Mods & CC in Sims 4. Lets see how this mod works! Today, we bring you this amazing ultrasound mod for the Sims 4! Now your sims can spend their days transporting, embalming, and planning funerals for the deceased. Using the Phone Travel Menu, your Sim will pay 75 simoleons to "Visit a Gynecologist." Your sim will start out as a market research intern barely making a living and work their way up through various positions to ultimately become the CMO or Chief Marketing Officer. I highly recommend downloading this career into your game! I can finally live out my lifelong fantasy of being a librarian with my Simself!. By the way, if you are looking for an overview of the career paths available in the base game, you may find it here. . The Sims 4 has given a new dimension to its gameplay. Their example of a therapy session focus would be like relationship issues or depression. This career mod requires the Island Living expansion pack to work. It Will Not Show Up In The Job Listings Unless Your Sim Has A Biology Degree. Email is KiaraSims4Mods@gmail.com. Y2Q4OWFmMjY3YmI2Yzk5NjQ4Y2UzNGEzZjBiZWExMWExODNhM2FmMzk5Mjk3 This site is not endorsed by or affiliated with Electronic Arts, or its licensors. This is a new career that you should definitely check out. Otherwise, if you choose to be an archivist, youll stay in SimCity but transfer over to the museum to help preserve history! To learn more about this particular career mod and download it, follow this link. You specialize in women's healthcare and have worked your tail off to do it. Your sim will then work their way through a few different managerial positions to eventually become the area manager at level 10. Sims with a degree in Biology will jump to the Registered Nurse Level. Additionally, In Order To Beyond The First Level Of The Psychiatry Branch, Your Sim Will Also Need A Psychology Degree. If youre a big storyteller when it comes to The Sims 4 then youll love this. Sims with a degree in Biology will jump to the Medical Specialist level. You will have a new phone menu, accessible only for young adults to seniors, called "OnlySims". Save my name, email, and website in this browser for the next time I comment. ODI1ZWFlOTE0YzE3ZGZiMGE1MjUzZmQ3NjI2OWJmNjA5NzNkMDZmYjA2ZjQ4 All you have to do is click on the exam and copy it. All Rights Reserved. Your sim will spend their day responding to help desk tickets from the comfort of their own home. Additional The Sim 4 career cheats. To use this, will need the base game and the Get Famous EP. bestsimsmods.com Sims 4 Obstetrics and Gynecology Career Sims 4 Obstetrics and Gynecology Career, The Sims 4 Mods, Sims 4 Game Mods, Traits, Career, Sims resource, Maxis Match, Build Mod Best Sims Mods 3k followers More information Sims 4 Obstetrics and Gynecology Career Sims 4 Mods Sims 4 Body Mods Sims 4 Tsr Sims 3 Sims 4 Challenges Sims 4 Traits 3. . It suits all personalities and gets them working in a place where they can meet new people and have fun at the same time. If you want more stay-at-home sims 4 career mods, this pack offers computer-oriented jobs. this is PNB? Moreover, it is designed to be approachable and engaging, so it suits players of any age or skill level. You can increase your sims career ranking by getting a degree inCommunication. Registered Nurse?34/HR 7AM-5PM M T W TH FYou'll specialize in women's health and reproduction, all at the side of the gynecologist, of course. Now Im not saying all of these are perfect. Youll start off as just a friendly face at parties, but youll soon work your way up to an elite party planner making the big bucks. If you have any questions or suggestions, feel free to leave us a comment below or tag us onTumblr. With this mod, you can make their pregnancies unique and unforgettable. How cool! Sims will gain Charisma skills when using this Interaction. But before that, you might also want to check out our Mega Guide: Mods and CC for The Sims 4 for more detailed information about mods and custom content. image: { Your sim can work through allfourlevels of this thrilling career path. But work hard and youll be a paid intern in no time. A menu will pop up offering the10possible jobs for your sim. This mod allows you have multiple jobs at a time. Depending on where you want your sim to work, youll need to install one of two mods: The first mod will tag a building as your sims workplace, which in this case is aDaycarevenue. Your access to this site was blocked by Wordfence, a security provider, who protects sites from malicious activity. Under phone travel, they can choose to take a trip to the gynecologist. Posted September 17, 2017. hello there I need for my gameplay career for Gynecologist, on ModTheSims is mod adding Self Employed options I tried edit it and rename career but I'm too stupid to do that, so if anyone is such smart to do that for me pls I beg for help- I play that career from home using Zorak animations on examining . src:'https://www.paypalobjects.com/en_US/i/btn/btn_donateCC_LG.gif', -----END REPORT-----. MjEzNzhmOWU3ZDRjNTZhYjJiNDZhN2EyYjdmZTc5ZWYzZWJlMmU4YmJkYTcz MarylnSims produces super high-quality career mods. They may be more interested in freelance work or social media careers. After you reach level 5, you will be asked to choose a branch. 15. YjZlZGM3OTJkMDVmYzdlNWQ1M2IzZDQwYzgzY2Y3YTJkODY3MGJhYWU3NDky ZjVmZWNjNGIzMDFjYjZlMGQ2NzY2NTc2MzdjZGNkOTU4M2ZjMmI0YWZiNDM2 Did you enjoy todays mod? This career mod does require the sims 4 outdoor retreat and spa day so keep that in mind! It lets players play around with pretty much all aspects of life, letting their imagination run wild as they discover the endless possibilities available within The Sims world . Midwife?60/HR 5AM-5PM M T W TH F SAssisting in labor just wasn't enough for you and you've furthered your education so that you can actually help deliver those babies! Thank you! Looking to channel your inner Mad Men? ZDVmN2E2Yjg3NGM1ZWY1ZjFmNjNmNjVmZmFkNzc3MGYwNDM2NDliY2E1NmRj Your email address will not be published. We bet most sims players will love this one! YzYxMWZjMWYyOTY2YzYwZDYxMDAzYmU0ZDY1ZGFkOTYzMjFlMjZjZGYxMmY4 Registered Nurse 2.Obstetrics Phone Triage 3. With the job mod for pets, you can click on your virtual fur buddy and choose thePet Careeroption. MarylnSims puts out super high-quality career mods. If you asked me when I was kid what I wanted to be when I grew up, I wouldve told you a librarian. For a more complete daycare build, make sure to have the listed packs. So, do your sims lean more toward conventional career paths? Head over to this page for easy download. These mods, published by sims-blog.de, have more than 300,000 downloads to date at ModTheSims, making them one of the most popular mods in the community. Meaning that your sims have the option to work from home where theyll be given particular tasks to complete. This career mod requires the Discover University and Get Famous expansion packs. Disclaimer: The following mods are neither endorsed nor affiliated with The Sims, Maxis, or Electronic Arts. This position is basically a part-time job since youll only be working in the evenings a few nights a week giving your sim plenty of time for other things. If you are like Jenny, she loves watching Mukbangs and was super excited about me finding this career mod. This mod presents ten levels and five paths: classical ballet, modern dance, street dance, choreographer, and instructor. MmE3ZjM3YTJlYjUxMjYzMzU3NmRkN2E3MGYyZjBiOWY4MTgwODA1MDJhMTAw Finally, To Progress Beyond Level 5 Of The Surgeon Branch, Your Sim Will . Im really blown away by this career mod. Do you want your character to be a fitness instructor? hosted_button_id:'3NAPCR55FMFTY', A lot of people want to volunteer but dont know how to find opportunities in the area they live in. So, for me, this career mod is a dream come true! The creator mentions that this mod was inspired by the new realistic childbirth mod, (which you can find on my best pregnancy mods list!) Super cool! Your duties will include educating women on their birth options and birth plans, monitor fetal growth, maternal health, and treat conditions that arise during pregnancy, perform techniques to induce labor, perform physical exams, and assist mothers with breastfeeding, self care, and postpartum care. Make your sim a part of a crime-solving team with a career inForensics.
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sims 4 gynecologist career mod