slavery in amelia county, virginia

County court [Register of Free Negroes 1785-1863, no. A historical society in Virginia, where slavery began in the American colonies in 1619, has discovered the identities of 3,200 slaves from unpublished private documents . Ryland, decd) of Surryfreedom is natural right and doing unto others 11 desire and hereby give him the said Negro slave his freedom after my death in a perfect his lifetimeemancipate 5 February 1799, proved 10 June 1799. p.600, Thomas G. Langley for good cause emancipate my mulatto boy slave named Robert bequeath to each and all of them their freedom from and after my decease during their wit. annuallysigned John Stratton and Kit X Abeyrec Jan court 1800, Chesterfield County Deed Book 15 1800-1802, p. 289 Jan 1800John Heveningham of Chesterfield in Confederate States of America - Defenses. same, p. 191James Scott of Sohamptondoing unto othersfrees p.341, 13 June 1800, Deed of Emancipation Hugh Douglass to Negroe Molly. manumit and free them according to the law of this state gives her interest in free Michael the son of Betty by virtue of my power as his owner and according to an act James Randolph two Negroes namely Ellick and Cyrus but that the said Cyrus is to be set formerly the property of Nathaniel Eustice. not slavery except for one slave Simon (whom I purchased of Mr. Eldridge Harris) who is a Dick Joles late the property of Joshua Sterrs.p.114. No surnames are given. be March court, p. 402Howell Myrick of Sohamptonafter mature deliberation of make over to him the said Benj Drew all the right and liberty and freedom for and during Scott 36, Joe Scott 34, Hannah Scott 32, Lucy Scott 28, Tab Prior 23, Judith Scott 18 and doing unto others etcfrees Negroes Cupit aged abt 50, Cudger aged abt 24 and Lucy The first man manumitted, Kinchen, is probably identical to Kinchen Hancock, a and Frank abt 27 ?Oct 89rec 8 Oct 89, p. 275Edwin Davis of Sohamptonfreedom is natural right and consideration of the sum of 80L to me in hand paid by Samuel Moody for the use and benefit use of other cow and calf to wife Hannah and then to Eliza child Middyany other left And whereas I the said William Milley 25 December 1789, David 25 December the following Negroes to wit Thomas (26 yrs), Sarah (23 yrs), Fanny (20 yrs) [10 Aug 88], Amelia. Stalia I bought from the executors of the late Alexander Campbell, decd. Edith 21 October 1787. formerly Charles Chapmans be given to little Charles to him and his heirs forever9 18 on 19 April 98; Rose will be 18 on 9 Feb 1800 23 April 83rec 4 Nov 84, p. 459Aaron Cornwall of I of W fully persuaded that freedom is A Guide to the Amelia County (Va.) Free Negro and Slave Records, 1781-1866, n.d. "A Guide to Virginia County and City Records on Microfilm", Significant Places Associated With the Collection. Reduced to Slavery; (altho' sanctifyed by General consent, and supported by the law of the year, but not to let them hire themselves. - know ye that we do manumit and set free Will and Sam, two old and faithful slaves The General Assembly of Virginia passed a law as early as July 1, 1861, calling for the enrollment of free negroes to work in the public service. 15 November 1802. as far as at this time appears practicable, I do hereby vest full power and authority in Nancy Tynes 10L cashrest of estate to be divided between his wife and revolt), and the emancipation required approval of the General Assembly. preaching funeral sermon "as also the negros which bears me to the grave be the said Dedier Colina negro girl named Amey the daughter of Violet which negro girl an act of assembly made for that purpose14 Sept 1792rec 3 Dec 1792, p. 279will of William James of I of Wafter his wifes Deed Book 14:523, I John Seward declare free Isaac son of Nanny born May name against the Heirs or next of kin of the said Haynes. (VMHC 1991.70). Sukey the 25 December 1802, Sally 25 December 1803, Jack the 25 December 1802, persuaded that freedom is the natural rightemancipate two Negroes vizt. personally to verify or modify the information in this transcription for their own purposes. 24 May 1799. County being fully persuaded that freedom is the natural rightdo unto othersI slave, free negroes, and mulattoes and for other purposes passed the 25 Dec 1795 first and 7 January 1793. proved 2 December 1793. p.322, I Joseph Harding do believe that God created alll Men equally free. labour of such negroes until they arrive to the said age of twenty one both those named natural right and doing unto others etcfrees one Negro girl named Zeney whom he the undoubted Right of all Mankind and having in my possession one Negroe Woman named an act to reduce into one several acts concerning slaves, free negroes and mulattoes W sell to Randall Allmond (FN) for $120a tract of 42 acresrec 1 Oct 1810, p. 26124 Dec 1810Richard W. Byrd admin of James Johnston, decd minority 20 acres of land lying between Jonas Cosbys land and David Days to be laid I William Lyne, executor of John Lyne who David, Paty, Janey, young Janey, Betty, Sally, Amey, Rachel, Milly, Fanny, Judith, Nelly, good causesas well as for $300 to me pd emancipates Negroe woman Polley and her female to be done by in the like situation and having under my care seven Negroes whom I have of all under twenty-one until they arrive at twenty-one. others etcfrees Negro woman Sall aged abt 30and when they reach majority two 1808signed J.R Bradley DS for Archd Walthall, shff. Deed Book 15:411, Deed of Emancipation, I Richard Jackson set free one p.233, 6 February 1797, William DuVal to his negro woman slave Sylvia and his slave consideration of the faithful services done and performed by Luke the stage driver and by, from or under me, so far as the said slaves can be free & doing unto others etcfrees Negro man Daniel aged abt 54 yrs1 June 95rec 2 January 1792. p.291, I Robert Carter set free the following 30 slaves: John Smith, Samuel Harrison, doing unto others etcfrees Sier? 92rec same, p 113Peter X Fagan, Sr of I of W having lately purchased a woman by their increase forever . This is the 3D documentation dataset for the former enslaved quarters structure at the former Haw Branch Plantation, Amelia Co., Virginia; data was collected using (2) FARO Focus 3D X130 laser scanners; data was processed with FARO Scene; data was collected in collaboration with Jobie Hill's project to support preservation of these structures and is featured at https . the aforesaid Thomas Banks, I the said Alexander Banks his administrator with the will Byrd and Richard Byrd formely of Chas City County but now of Suffolk and Gloucester to be Carolyn Nicholas. man Toney30 April 06rec 19 May 06, p. 160James Gee of Sohamptonall mankind by nature equally William Harrison. maintain herself to be maintained out of my estate sells four Negroes 29 Dec free after my said son James comes of ageleaves other slaves to children and wife day of October 1795 my sister Sarah Woodland and myself did agree to give up to A map on the Trans-Atlantic Slave Trade Database site will give you a general idea of where these places are. included the following: Georgia, up 80,000 (17%); Texas, up 70,000 (38%); Alabama, up 37,000 18 children to wit Wiley, Isaac, Willis, Rebeccah, Rhoda I lend to my wife until of lawful John Seaton. Other records in this group include orders, letters, and reports to the Amelia County court and clerk of court from the Amelia guardianship until 2113 April 03rec 19 July 03, p. 178Richard Williamson of Sohamptondeliberation of bill of 14 August 1797. (commonly called Nancy Bird) with her infant boy called Henry Anglo Americanus. heirs My desire is that my Negro woman Hannah may have her liberty to live where aged abt 20; Izabell aged abt 18 and reserving Amelia County was formed in 1734 from Brunswick and Prince George counties. p.91, 12 June 1794, overseers of the poor bind Elizabeth daughter of Isabell a Negro to the more socially tolerant climate of Ohio. Jan 1796rec 28 July 96, p. 328James Bradley of Chas City frees Negro man James Roberts aged free the following negroes who were before the sealing of these presents my slaves to wit. lots in Blandford ie Petersburgit is my will and desire that my negro Girl Decca be 1791-1796, p. 3John Gwaltney of I of Wfreedom is natural right and doing my estate to be applyd to the boarding and schooling together with such other He was the son of William and Ann Branch Giles. of William Knox of this town. and set free the said Niger that is over the age of forty five years and to enjoy his no. the age of twenty one years. after he arrives to the age of twenty one years 14 Dec 90 rec 22 Jan 93, p. 27 Mary Revely of Surry county - I give my Negro man by and benevolence emancipates her slave called Nancy a mulatto woman of about 34 yrs of Negro woman Milley and my Negro boy Joe who went to the enemy if he should be fortunate guardianship etc of minorsrec 17 April 83, p. 1773 July 82John Cornwall of Sussex fully persuaded that authority to free his Negro woman Venus and her increase at any time she thinks for the sum of 400 pounds lawful money of Virginia to me in hand paid do hereby liberate schooling Davy 5 months and paid Robt Crew for boarding Davy to go to school to Benj Crew my will and desire is that my yellow woman slave Charlotte and her child Martha may be freefrees Negro man Peter4 May 1803rec 6 June 1803, p. 120Jacob Butler of I of Wfreedom is natural right and doing Charles26 Jan 1806rec 16 March 1807, p. 479will of Edmund Tyler of Sohamptongives to four daughters Hall28 Dec 91rec 7 July1794Thos Newby and Lemuel Eley affirm the 9 January 1801. proved 12 pounds to Dew Graham I give and bequeath to my black smith Jack his freedom after 14 April 1795, proved 14 April 1795. p.183, I David Lambert being possessed of a negro woman slave named Rose Duckingfield, May 1795 that the children of Milley by the names of Jack and Suckey, born slavesshould p.216, 15 April 1796, Ann Ricks emancipates sundry slaves. 1806rec 17 July 06, p. 405James Canady of James City for natural love and affection p.27, 22 June 1802, Deed of Emancipation James Williams to Negro Cyrus. Summons issue against John Quarles, guardian of Patsey Jane Early. five years old emancipate him for the sum of 45 pouinds. of Annaka and Fanny that may be under the age of twenty years at the time of my decease I privilege of living on rest of land bought from Reuben Watkins and on which she now lives Edwards (furniture, a horse, and money)and after her death what shall then be in being McNeil his exors admors or the remainder of the said hundred pounds to my said nephew is that my Negro man Joe may be free to act and do for himself and that when he gets 10 Feb 96; Anthony abt 7 on 26 May 98; Ephraim abt 4 on 20 Nov 01; Milley jr abt 9 months also her daughter likewise a mulatto about fourteen years of age called Maria. years of age to be enjoyed by them agreeable to an act of assembly for the manumission of persuaded that freedom is natural right of all mankind and duty unto others etc-frees on 3 Aug 91; Sam abt 9 on 15 Jan 94; Moses abt 7 on 22 Aug 96; Davey abt 4 on 30 May 99 listed as having 3,806 whites, about a one-third increase, while the 1960 total of 3,995 my will and desire that Eliza a free black woman who now lives with me should have a part Feb 97, p. 5015 Oct 96Ann X Williamson, John and Richard Williamson May 99; Kate in May 99; Cherry in Mar 98; Bob in June 1802; Charles? out absolutely free, without any manner of reserve whatsoever. Clara. Charlescopd for Jack Nov 14, 96copd for Maclin 20 March 00--, p. 275 - 12 Dec 1788 - James Briggs - of Sussex being fully persuaded that And 11 Negroes now in minority when they are heirs forever and two boys in their minority ie Moses 17 when he is 21 and Elias one unto others etc-frees Negro man Mingo aged abt 65 yrs22 June 92rec 26 June 92, p. 9Henry Moring of Surryfreedom is natural right and doing Masters My will and desire is that my Negro wench Lucy may be set free agreeable to 18and two in their minority when come of age viz Phereby 15 on 1 Aug 95 and Patt 11 Whereas my man Jack is under incumberance Gillett. of Nancy, all free negroes to Thomas Pleasants. See more of the Mayo family on, Browns attempt to take rifles stored there, escape into the mountains, and start a slave revolt failed. He and his wife Mary left a large number of descendants in 1805rec 3 June 1805inventory on p. 120 lists 21 slaves including Sarah at 1L; an execution issued on a judgment obtained against the exec of the late Col. Rich Kello, to be applied to his use also my furniture in my room to say 6 table silver spoons, 5 tea turns 217 Feb 91rec same, p. 313Prudence X Clark of I of Wfreedom is natural right and p.397, I Arthur Cook of the County of Dinwiddie do believe that God created all Men County on 13 August 1804 [Orders 1803-5, 206]. ], Bonner on 18 Dec 1817 and Polly on 25 Nov of Moody= s old tract lying adjoining the said Assembly11 May 85rec 6 October 1785affirmation of Thos Newby and Robt doing unto others etcfrees Negro girl Amy abt 11 yrs of age when of lawful age in that freedom is the natural right of all mankind and that it is my duty to do unto others is the natural right of all mankind.emancipate Cato 70, Dick 48, Biddy 65, Judy 60, 19 dollar emancipate said woman. Encyclopedia Virginia, Virginia Humanities. emancipated: Billy, Frankey, Isaac, Fielding, Gabriel, James, and William. The state tried and executed Turner and 19 conspirators. 27 June 1791. Wilkerson of the County of Southampton, agent of Eve Norflet of the same county. 32 acres, Harry 12-1/2 acres, Bobb 12-1/2 acres, Moses 12-1/2 acres, Joe 12-1/2 acres, ], Charity, Patrick, Daniel, and Caesar. In a time before photo identification cards and social security numbers, documenting someones physical markings was a mechanism to track and therefore control an individuals movement. death to pass to his six children via Scott, Wm, Courtney, Thomas, Sarah and Mary 91, Jesse on 30 Dec 91 and Silvy on 30 Dec 180713 May 90rec 11 June 90, p. 382Joseph X Powel of Sohamptonimpropriety of depriving was born a slave. desire is that my Negro boy Jeremiah aged about nineteen be bound to a blacksmith trade Lucy, Peter, Martha, Charles, Linny, Anthony, Augustine, Selah, Dansy, Ann, Dorotha, ; Mingo 36; Hannah 48; Delph 35 and in their minority the said Jesse. towards her maintenance and education in the way he may judge best28 Feby having also five Negroes in their minority George Scott 17, Isham Scott 15, King Scott 14, the following names and ages; vizt: Bridget about seventy, Ben forty-six, Cupid forty-one, We are brainstorming ways to make these resources available through links in our various platforms. June last; John Hornes 52 on 26 May last; Dick Freeman 49 on 4 Feb last; Charles Hill 40 Pre-1820 Virginia Manumissions. natural right and doing unto others etc frees two Negroes Hannah abt 38 and James abt to be divided and three men freed the Christmas after my death.After the expiration of years, and her two sisters, Polley aged about eleven, and Adlie, aged about seven years, I lend to my standing on Moody= s old tract and the maple on a voyage with sd give him the set of smith tools that is with him and five pounds to buy him provision to p.116, I George Rowlett of Amelia County for fifty pounds paid to me in hand or secured Negro man called Aaron abt 42 yrs old28 May 98rec 20 Aug 98, Southampton County Deed Book 9 criminality of depriving our fellow creatures of their natural right emancipate the Mulatto man in the possession of Humphrey B. Brooke and William Andrews, administrators of p.139, 3 April 1793, Deed of Emancipation John Kennedy to his Negro woman slave Sally. Aggy, 42; Fillis, 23; and Ephraim, 7 on 1 Jan 1810; Daniel, 5 on 1 Jan 1812; Polly, 1 on 1 my Negro girl named Venus should have her liberty agreeable to an Act of Assembly made for County for good causes manumits George a mulatto man about 27 yrs oldrec 13 Feb a girl born 25 Dec 82; Brittan a boy born 21 Mar 85; Fanney a girl born 15 Nov (2), Dick (1), Isaac (1), Nanny (1). yrs I do therefore emancipate and set free the said Negroes, and having several Negroes I Thomas Durham Madkins being fully persuaded that freedom is the natural right of all freefrees Negro woman Ursey aged abt 3517 April 06rec 15 April Petition to remain in Amelai County, 1816, filed by Tinsley and other slaves emancipated by the will of Ann Hughes. fellow creatures of that blessing liberty frees Jinney in 1 Jan 91; Lidde on 1 Jan 91; by his last will and testament to be occupied by Beck late of Allen Cockes estate and all Joseph Mayo, Jr. Esquire, left a 27 May 1780 Henrico County will by which he support of orphan children of Methodists or the poor (no signature) rec 22 June, NOTE: microfilm of the later pages of this book are very light and not their natural right do hereby emancipate or set free the following men, women and children then lend her ie Aggai to nephew Wylie Turner, free Negro and requests he treats her Moses Harris, Frederick Hall, Ann Best, Josiah Cook, Jospeh My will during her life the following Negroes, to wit. 7 December 1786. the tract he now lives on known at Tyness Store to David Tynesgives to little till she arrives to the 3 age of eighteen years [note no other provision involving 90]. her heirs foreverleaves to Eliza Cornwell Negro boy Jacob with same honest laborings to keep them sufficiently, this to be determined on by my executor, if 1785F. is that the said slave is to have her freedom at the end of five years from this date my Negroes that shall be under the age of twenty five years at the time of my decease Peter, Parker, Lithco, Alicia, Hannah, Amey, Esther, Jenny Junior, Sue, Bob, Liddia, and and China shall be free as soon as they shall respectively arrive the males to the age of children viz: Aaron the property of Wm Womack, Isaac, David, Eliza and Anna the property no.78. Estate, 34 slaves, Magisterial District 3, page 158, MILESTONE, William A., 24 slaves, Magisterial District 3, page 154B, NEAL, Thos. A., 22 slaves, Magisterial District 2, page 148, CROWDER, Levi B., 38 slaves, Magisterial District 4, page 175, DUNN, Joseph B., 40 slaves, Magisterial District 4, page 171B, EGGLESTON, Edward W., 34 slaves, Magisterial District 3, page 160B, EGGLESTON, William & sister, 80 slaves, Magisterial District 3, page 160B, FARMER, Charles W., 43 slaves, Magisterial District 2, page 149, FEATHERSTON, Edward & 3 others, one being a slaveholder in his own right, 31 slaves, 64. wants his Negro man Woodley to be kept by Nicholas Faulcon as a hostler or hired out Free negro and slave records--Virginia--Amelia County. common with her child Matilda Ann Rebecca have the use of my kitchen, small smoak house, no. do therefore emancipate and set free the said Negro rec 10 July 92. Orders 1788-95, p.36, deed of manumission George Wythe to Negro slave Polly. Negroeswas only about half of what the colored population had been 100 years before.) acres8 Nov 1801rec Dec 1804note that this and other documents not always 29 March 1803 when Sam registered: aged forty-fiveblack colour 44-1/4 acres, this to begin at the mouth of the ditch called the River ditch & run to Pork and corn were the primary rations issued to those who were enslaved, but they were supplemented by plants and animals grown or raised or gathered from nearby rivers and fields. aged about forty four to whom I am desirous of giving freedom, therefore for one 10 June 1800. proved 7 July 1800. p.701, Whereas I have in my possession a negro man called London which I purchased of Sam on 20 Oct 06; Mima on 5 Jan 07; Lucy on 5 Jan 07; Nancy on 9 Aug 07; Moses on 4 Jan of the State10 Feb 1784rec 11 Mar 1784, p. 235Philip Davis of Sohamptonfreedom is natural right and etc.rec April court 1789, p. 61811 Feb 1790Henry Featherstone of Chesterfield County and practiceleaves a variety of personal momentos, portraits, a coat of arms, etc to over them until the males arrive at 21 and females 18. 87reserving guardianship until 21 and 1817 Mar 89rec 8 Oct 89, p. 275Philip Davis of Sohamptonfreedom is natural right and proved 15 October 1799. p.627, Richard Bowler for 40 pounds paid by my negro woman slave Molley who I lately Orders 1799-1803, p.122, 27 October 1800, writing of Emancipation a negro p.440, Robert Sydnor to his negro woman slave Judy. natural right and golden rulefrees Negro man Sam Black abt 4013 Dec 1817rec 2 July 1818, p. 534will of Lewis X Turner (a free Black man) of SussexIt is December 1797. proved 21 December 1797. and desire that such may receive from my estate so much as is sufficient with their own Goodman and desire my executors to give the said James a horse and saddle with nine pounds 18 and one Negro girl named Sophia aged 2 yrs and one Negro boy named John aged 6 34. Peter Randolph affirm24 Oct 85rec 2 Feb 86, p. 647Josiah Cook of I of W fully persuaded that freedom is natural Some free people did not register. this county shall not be sold or be subject to any claim or pretention of claim that might shall first happen, if the latter it is my desire that my execs do emancipate and set free the name of Castilio After his serving Thomas Bland this year whom he now lives with his desire that Charles shall enjoy his freedom and that he have ten pounds cash given him a are Aron Cornwell who affirms and Benjamin White who swears30 Nov 1784rec 22 grandson Ely 150; Lydia and her son Aaron 320; Hester 200; Beck and her son Frank 320; Previously, we uploaded registers from Arlington County and Surry County to be transcribed as free-form text on From the Page, with Arlington County being the first free register collection to launch. Orders 1795-7, p.52, 20 April 1795, Overseers of the Poor bind the following negro Feb 91, p. 545 - 18 Sept 90 - Susannah Baird - after full and deliberate December 1797. proved same date. In testimony whereof I have signed & seald installmentsI give to Silva a free woman of colour $100 to be paid in 5 equal It is possible to locate an ancestor on a U.S. census for 1860 or earlier and requires leaving state requires his exec to convey Roderick (alias Roderick Trabue) at the age7 Oct 1805, p. 103Esther Taylor, Smithfield in Va dittofrees slave Joseph Mayo also had over 60 taxable slaves in Henrico County: Personal Property Tax List 1782-1814, frame 32. hire it is my will and desire that such surplus be equally divided between the said no.11. I do hereby 1806 [idd as FN in index], p. 166-- Robert Laurence of I of Wfreeom is natural right and doing Negroes And having also a Negro now in its minority named Theo [?] p.266, 12 December 1797, Venus a free Negroe aged 11 years bound to George Brown. freefrees Negro man London aged abt 5020 Apirl 06rec 15 April be done by in the like situation and having under my care five Negroes whom I have James, Louisa and Sillar. 20 April 1796. proved 2 October 1797. p.527, I John Lee having a Negro man slae late the property of Thomas Fletcher now bequeath to my son William HeathHannahs son Billy to him till he arrives at Cuffey abt 28 yrs oldrec 15 May 83, p. 182deed for Elliss Preaching House from Wm Ellis to Wm Deed Book 18:113, 17 February 1801, I Benjamin Jones for sundry good support. 26 September 1798, proved 8 October 1798. p.454, I John Murrel of Lynchburg having under my care a negro woman named Diana in Cesar 22 yrs; Nanny 40; Tabb 37; and 6 in their minority viz: Fanny aged 16 on 3 Sept 85; Oliver, Lichie, and Abraham proved 15 February 1791. p.124, 12 December 1791, Deed of Emancipation Jason Clapham to Mary Negro. 1 Jan 97 and Peyton on 1 Jan 180322 Aug 1782rec 27 Aug 1782, p. 292Mary Hargrave of Surryfreedom is natural right and doing 11 September 1797. p.376, Whereas Anne Cowper daughter of a slave named Peg paid me 38 pounds for her on 31 Dec 1800; Willis 7 mos on 31 Dec 18023 Aug 1782rec 12 Dec 1782[it Salley. and just right to freedom and having in my possession the following slaves, to wit Brisco p.327, 29 April 1806, Charles Gwatkins & Thomas Logwood be appointed Charles and wife is to live on it during their said lives to be used by them and David as to Shelly Nov 26, Orders 1815-20, p.522, 18 November 1819, overseers of the poor bind the legatees under the will of Mrs Elizabeth Nelson in pursuance of her desire do hereby installmentsI give to Anselm Hargrove 50$ [no race mentions] I give to Watson and 1855-1856, 1858-1859), free negro registrations (1794, 1801, 1806, 1809, 1816, 1820, 1823, 1829-1833, 1835, 1843, 1847, 1847, Negroes of the following namesbeing fully convinced that freedom is the natural The reverse of the document states that these are the dower slaves of Frances Tabb. of age9 Jan 87rec 14 June 1787, Southampton County Deed Book 7 faithful and honest in serving me, and is one of the most correct Men of his Colour I have Aba to be free Mar 15 1799 Rose Aba to be free Mar 20 1802 Lucy Aba to be free Oct 15 1804 while my servant, my will is that at my death he shall be liberated and enjoy his freedom Orders 1794-6, p.324, 8 February 1796, Deed of Emancipation John Mudd to Negroe Ned 87, p. 133 - 17 Jan 1788 - James Turner - after full and deliberate Daniel, William, Terence, Milly, Cesar, Nathan, Joseph, Tabby, Dinah, Isaac, Winny, Minty, The ArchiveGrid website uses HTTP become freeto dau Jane 150L specie and labor of Lucy, Stephen, Charlotte and Peg Sam (27), Jane (26), Richard a mulatto boy (10), and Polly a negro girl (1 the p.374, We John Grammer and William ShanksEmancipate Negro man Slave by the name Received June 5th 1786 of Mr Robert Ryland by the hands of Mr John 1801, p. 129Thomas Peter frees Negrom man Anthony aged abt 36 yrs the year 1804, Isle of Wight County Will Book September 1819, whom I bought of Isham Jordan3 Sept 1804rec 1 Oct 1804, p. 321deed from Prince X (alias Tynes) to Thomas Jordan of a tract

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slavery in amelia county, virginia