wachusett potato chip company

Originally located in Clinton, Massachusetts, the brand takes its name from nearby Mount Wachusett. Kevin Brick var version = new Date().getTime(); Mark McCutcheon is the CEO of Golden Flake Snack Foods. Would you like to visit Ed Krysiak, president of Wachusett from 1960 to 2011 passed away on June 20, 2022. GIBBLE'S FOODS 6647 Molly Pitcher Highway South Chambersburg, PA 17202-7713 PH : 717-375-2243 Fax : 717-375-6157. Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipisicing elit. Consequuntur doloremque distinctio quis aperiam quidem labore nisi aspernatur necessitatibus, perspiciatis quas nulla exercitationem voluptate cupiditate natus? If you would like to change your settings or withdraw consent at any time, the link to do so is in our privacy policy accessible from our home page.. There is a huge two-story hopper in the rear of the factory that can hold two tractor-trailer loads of potatoes. SHOP NOW. For 68 years, the Foodtown banner has proudly served the communities of New Jersey, New York, Connecticut and Pennsylvania.

Subscribe to WCVB on YouTube now for more: http://bit.ly/1e8lAMZ Get m. Weekly, Utz produces over 1 million pound of potato chips and nine hunderd thousand pounds of pretzels in 4 manufacturing facilities. (12-ct Case), Wachusett Sour Cream & Onion Ripple Potato Chips 4.5 oz. Utz said in a press release that it plans to produce both Utz and Wachusett lines at the plant, and will increase overall production. data-product-models="{{productID}}" Snack Foods Maker Doubles Employees In Central Mass. For more information go to www.P65Warnings.ca.gov/food. (e.variants.splice(p,1),p-=1):((!n||n>=l.price)&&(n=l.price,i=l.price),(!a||a<=l.price)&&(a=l.price),l.compare_at_price&&((!c||c>=l.compare_at_price)&&(c=l.compare_at_price,s=l.compare_at_price),(!f||f<=l.compare_at_price)&&(f=l.compare_at_price)),void 0!==l.available&&1==l.available&&(e.available=!0))}e.price=i,e.price_max=a==n?null:a,e.price_min=n==a?null:n,e.compare_at_price=s,e.compare_at_price_max=f,e.compare_at_price_min=c,e.price_varies=n Wachusett Animal Hospital and Pet Retreat. Utzs products are distributed nationally through grocery, mass merchandisers, club, convenience, drug and other channels. In 1947, the company relocated to its current location, a former prison turned potato chip factory and distribution center, in Fitchburg, Massachusetts. Back in 1908, J.P. Duchesneau, an enterprising entrepreneur, drove his horse drawn wagon on an e . At the time, Florindo Simone ("Simone") was the President, Treasurer, and . t.src="https://shop.pe/widget/widget_async.js#60afc55ee694aa2ea7921b8c", Tri-Sum still has its distribution in Leominster, but its products are now manufactured in Ohio. On October 19, 2011, Wachusett was sold to Hanover, PA-based Utz Quality Foods, Inc.[1] Utz paid $1.7 million for Wachusett's 56,000 square-foot facility. Wachusett Potato Chip Co. Inc., the last independent potato chip company in New England, has been purchased by a Pennsylvania-based snack food company. Employees filled Wachusett potato chip bags as usual.